How to get from Constitución de 1917 to IMSS Clinica 160 by bus?
From Constitución de 1917 to IMSS Clinica 160 by bus
Take one direct bus from Constitución de 1917 to IMSS Clinica 160 in Iztapalapa: take the 191 bus from Cetram Constitución de 1917 station to Avenida 11 340 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 10 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCetram Constitución de 191790 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus191Calle 11 (Metro)
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida 11 3405 min
- 4Walk toIMSS Clinica 160Tlahuac190 m • 3 min
Alternative route from Constitución de 1917 to IMSS Clinica 160 by bus via RUTA 37 and 128
To get from Constitución de 1917 to IMSS Clinica 160 in Iztapalapa, take the RUTA 37 bus from Metro Constitución station to Anillo Periférico - Av. Tláhuac station. Next, take the 128 bus from Av. Tlahuac - Metro Periférico Ote. station to Avenida Tlahuac, 5754m station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 27 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationConstitución de 1917
- 2Wait for busRUTA 37San José
- 3Ride to bus stationAnillo Periférico - Av. Tláhuac17 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAv. Tlahuac - Metro Periférico Ote.210 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus12810 Mayo
- 6Ride to bus stationAvenida Tlahuac, 5754m4 min
- 7Walk toIMSS Clinica 160Tlahuac110 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Constitución de 1917 to IMSS Clinica 160
Public transit stations close to Constitución de 1917
Constitución de 1917 is located at Constitución de 1917, Iztapalapa and the nearest public transit station is Cetram Constitución de 1917 Anden D Cuitláhuac El Rosal Iztapalapa Cdmx 09830 México.
Metro stations close to Constitución de 1917:
- Periférico Ote
- Cerro de la Estrella
Bus stations close to Constitución de 1917:
- Cetram Constitución de 1917 Anden D Cuitláhuac El Rosal Iztapalapa Cdmx 09830 México
- Metro Constitución de 1917
- Calz. Ermita Iztapalapa - Metro Constitución de 1917
Gondola stations close to Constitución de 1917:
- Cablebús Quetzalcóatl
- Cablebús Constitución de 1917
Public transit stations close to IMSS Clinica 160, Iztapalapa
IMSS Clinica 160 is located at Tlahuac, Iztapalapa and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Tláhuac - Avenida 11.
Metro stations close to IMSS Clinica 160:
- Lomas Estrella
- Calle 11
- San Andrés Tomatlán
Bus stations close to IMSS Clinica 160:
- Avenida Tláhuac - Avenida 11
- Avenida Tlahuac, 4721
- Av. Tláhuac - Metro Calle 11. Mantenimiento
Related Routes
- Miguel Ángel de Quevedo to IMSS Clinica 160
- General Anaya to IMSS Clinica 160
- Mixihuca to IMSS Clinica 160
- Garibaldi / Lagunilla to IMSS Clinica 160
- Constitución de 1917 to Atizapán De Zaragoza
- Constitución de 1917 to Azcapotzalco
- Constitución de 1917 to Benito Juárez
- Constitución de 1917 to Cuauhtémoc
- Constitución de 1917 to Magdalena Contreras
- Constitución de 1917 to Tlalpan
- Constitución de 1917 to Zumpango
- Constitución de 1917 to Tecámac
- Constitución de 1917 to Tepotzotlán
- Constitución de 1917 to Tlalnepantla
- Constitución de 1917 to Clínica 34 IMSS
- Constitución de 1917 to hospital san felipe
- Constitución de 1917 to Centro De Tanatologia Y Terapia De Duelo
- Constitución de 1917 to Centro Universitario Valle de Chalco
- Constitución de 1917 to Escuela Secundaria Tecnica N.4 Ruiz Cortinez
- Constitución de 1917 to Hospital General Regional 2 Imss
Alternative route from Constitución de 1917 to IMSS Clinica 160 by bus via RUTA 37 and 128
To get from Constitución de 1917 to IMSS Clinica 160 in Iztapalapa, take the RUTA 37 bus from Metro Constitución station to Anillo Periférico - Av. Tláhuac station. Next, take the 128 bus from Av. Tlahuac - Metro Periférico Ote. station to Avenida Tlahuac, 5754m station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 27 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationConstitución de 1917
- 2Wait for busRUTA 37San José
- 3Ride to bus stationAnillo Periférico - Av. Tláhuac17 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAv. Tlahuac - Metro Periférico Ote.210 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus12810 Mayo
- 6Ride to bus stationAvenida Tlahuac, 5754m4 min
- 7Walk toIMSS Clinica 160Tlahuac110 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Constitución de 1917 to IMSS Clinica 160?
The fastest way takes 10 minutes, using Bus line 191.
What is the alternative route to get from Constitución de 1917 to IMSS Clinica 160?
The alternative route takes 27 minutes, using Bus line RUTA 37, Bus line 128.
Is there a direct bus between Constitución de 1917 and IMSS Clinica 160 in Iztapalapa?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Constitución de 1917 to IMSS Clinica 160 in Iztapalapa in 10 min.
Which bus line goes from Constitución de 1917 to IMSS Clinica 160 in Iztapalapa?
The 191 bus line goes from Cetram Constitución de 1917 station near Constitución de 1917 to Calle 11 (Metro) station near IMSS Clinica 160 in Iztapalapa.
How long does it take to travel from Constitución de 1917 to IMSS Clinica 160 in Iztapalapa by bus?
The total travel time between Constitución de 1917 and IMSS Clinica 160 in Iztapalapa by bus is about 10 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Constitución de 1917 to get to IMSS Clinica 160 in Iztapalapa?
Get on the 191 bus from the Cetram Constitución de 1917 stop near Constitución de 1917 in Iztapalapa.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Constitución de 1917 and IMSS Clinica 160 in Iztapalapa?
Get off the bus at the Calle 11 (Metro) stop, which is closest to IMSS Clinica 160 in Iztapalapa.
When is the first bus from Constitución de 1917 to IMSS Clinica 160 in Iztapalapa?
The first bus from Constitución de 1917 to IMSS Clinica 160 in Iztapalapa is Constitución De 1917 (Metro) - Calle 11 (Metro). It leaves the Cetram Constitución de 1917 stop at 2:10 AM.