How to get from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to Ibmec by bus?
From Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to Ibmec by bus
Take one direct bus from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to Ibmec in Barra Da Tijuca: take the 343 bus from Estrada Do Itanhangá | Morro Do Banco (Sentido Barra) station to Terminal Nuta James station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 11 min. The ride fare is R$4.70.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationEstrada Do Itanhangá | Morro Do Banco (Sentido Barra)60 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus343Jardim Oceânico
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Nuta James7 min
- 4Walk toIbmecAvenida Armando Lombardi190 m • 3 min
Alternative route from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to Ibmec by bus via 878
Take one direct bus from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to Ibmec in Barra Da Tijuca: take the 878 bus from Estrada Do Itanhangá | Morro Do Banco (Sentido Barra) station to BRT Jardim Oceânico | Term. Nuta James station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 13 min. The ride fare is R$4.70.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationEstrada Do Itanhangá | Morro Do Banco (Sentido Barra)60 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus878Barra Da Tijuca
- 3Ride to bus stationBRT Jardim Oceânico | Term. Nuta James9 min
- 4Walk toIbmecAvenida Armando Lombardi190 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to Ibmec
Public transit stations close to Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco
Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco is located at Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco, Barra Da Tijuca and the nearest public transit station is Praça Senador Melo Viana.
Metro stations close to Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco:
- Jardim Oceânico
Bus stations close to Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco:
- Praça Senador Melo Viana
- Estrada Da Barra Da Tijuca, 3040-3046
- Estrada Do Itanhangá | Morro Do Banco (Sentido Barra)
Ferry stations close to Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco:
- Deck - Barra Private
Public transit stations close to Ibmec, Barra Da Tijuca
Ibmec is located at Avenida Armando Lombardi, Barra Da Tijuca and the nearest public transit station is Terminal Jardim Oceânico.
Metro stations close to Ibmec:
- Jardim Oceânico
Bus stations close to Ibmec:
- Terminal Jardim Oceânico
- Avenida Érico Veríssimo | Drogaria Venâncio
- BRT Jardim Oceânico | Term. Nuta James
Ferry stations close to Ibmec:
- Deck Principal - Ilha Da Gigóia
- Ilha Primeira
- Deck - Barra Private
Related Routes
- Via Light | Calçadão De Nova Iguaçu (Sentido Pavuna) to Ibmec
- Aerotown - Barra Da Tijuca (Embarque E Desembarque - 1001) to Ibmec
- Vila Inhomirim to Ibmec
- Estácio - Santa Cruz to Ibmec
- Rua Professor Henrique Costa | Prezunic Pechincha (Sentido Mirataia) to Ibmec
- Supermarket Arsenal to Ibmec
- Assaí Tribobó to Ibmec
- Avenida Brasil | Fazenda Botafogo (Sentido Centro) to Ibmec
- Terminal Daniel Barata (Estação Penha Circular) to Ibmec
- Upa De Realengo to Ibmec
- Viaduto De Realengo | Estação Supervia to Ibmec
- Avenida Brasil - Vila Do João (Pista Interna / Garagem Da Real) to Ibmec
- Barrashopping - Lateral | Luís Carlos Prestes to Ibmec
- Estrada Do Realengo, 1702-1804 to Ibmec
- Parque Shopping Sulacap to Ibmec
- 48 - Muzema to Ibmec
- Estrada Do Pau Da Fome / Largo Da Capela to Ibmec
- Avenida Bacaxá/ Rua Tamarana to Ibmec
- Estação Meier | Linhas Via Rua Amaro Cavalcanti to Ibmec
- Rodovia Presidente Dutra (Habib'S/Posto 13) to Ibmec
Alternative route from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to Ibmec by bus via 878
Take one direct bus from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to Ibmec in Barra Da Tijuca: take the 878 bus from Estrada Do Itanhangá | Morro Do Banco (Sentido Barra) station to BRT Jardim Oceânico | Term. Nuta James station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 13 min. The ride fare is R$4.70.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationEstrada Do Itanhangá | Morro Do Banco (Sentido Barra)60 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus878Barra Da Tijuca
- 3Ride to bus stationBRT Jardim Oceânico | Term. Nuta James9 min
- 4Walk toIbmecAvenida Armando Lombardi190 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to Ibmec?
The fastest way takes 11 minutes, using Bus line 343.
What is the alternative route to get from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to Ibmec?
The alternative route takes 13 minutes, using Bus line 878.
Is there a direct bus between Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco and Ibmec?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco in Itanhangá to Ibmec in Barra Da Tijuca in 11 min.
Which bus line goes from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to Ibmec?
The 343 bus line goes from Estrada Do Itanhangá | Morro Do Banco (Sentido Barra) station near Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco in Itanhangá to Jardim Oceânico station near Ibmec in Barra Da Tijuca.
How long does it take to travel from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to Ibmec by bus?
The total travel time between Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco in Itanhangá and Ibmec in Barra Da Tijuca by bus is about 11 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to get to Ibmec?
Get on the 343 bus from the Estrada Do Itanhangá | Morro Do Banco (Sentido Barra) stop near Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco in Itanhangá.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco and Ibmec?
Get off the bus at the Jardim Oceânico stop, which is closest to Ibmec in Barra Da Tijuca.
When is the last bus from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to Ibmec?
The last bus from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco in Itanhangá to Ibmec in Barra Da Tijuca is the Tanque - Barra da Tijuca (Via Rio das Pedras / Floresta) line. It leaves the Estrada Do Itanhangá | Morro Do Banco (Sentido Barra) stop at 4:48 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to Ibmec?
The ride from Praça Do Aleijadinho | Morro Do Banco to Ibmec costs R$4.70.