How to get from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp by subway?
From L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp by subway
Take one direct subway from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp in GuarĂ¡: take the VERDE subway from 108 Sul station to Feira station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min. The ride fare is R$5.50.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to subway station108 Sul900 m • 12 min
- 2Wait for subwayVERDECeilĂ¢ndia
- 3Ride to subway stationFeira13 min
- 4Walk toIcespR1-S9500 m • 7 min
Alternative route from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp by subway via LARANJA
Take one direct subway from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp in GuarĂ¡: take the LARANJA subway from 108 Sul station to Feira station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min. The ride fare is R$5.50.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to subway station108 Sul900 m • 12 min
- 2Wait for subwayLARANJASamambaia
- 3Ride to subway stationFeira13 min
- 4Walk toIcespR1-S9500 m • 7 min
Public transit directions from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp
Public transit stations close to L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's)
L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) is located at L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's), GuarĂ¡ and the nearest public transit station is L2 Sul | SQS 409 (Maristinha).
Subway stations close to L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's):
- 110 Sul
- 112 Sul
- 114 Sul
Bus stations close to L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's):
- L2 Sul | SQS 409 (Maristinha)
- L2 Sul | SGAS 608 (HMIB)
- L2 Sul | SQS 408 (HMIB / McDonald's)
Public transit stations close to Icesp, GuarĂ¡
Icesp is located at R1-S9, GuarĂ¡ and the nearest public transit station is Av. Central l | QE 7 (Cem 1 / PĂ£o De AĂ§Ăºcar).
Subway stations close to Icesp:
- GuarĂ¡
- Feira
- Shopping
Bus stations close to Icesp:
- Av. Central l | QE 7 (Cem 1 / PĂ£o De AĂ§Ăºcar)
- Av. Central l | QE 4 (PĂ£o De AĂ§Ăºcar / CartĂ³rio / Correios)
- Av. Contorno | QE 24 (MetrĂ´ - EstaĂ§Ă£o GuarĂ¡)
Related Routes
- Av. Cedro | Acesso Kanegae / Faz. Sucupira to Icesp
- Terminal Samambaia Norte to Icesp
- 2ª Av. Noroeste | Qd. 1031 (Ubs N° 11) to Icesp
- 2ª Av. Noroeste | Qd. 833 to Icesp
- Qd. 803 | Conj. 3 «Volta« to Icesp
- Av. Contorno | Qe 38 to Icesp
- UnB | Fiocruz / Finatec to Icesp
- UnB | Centro OlĂmpico / Faculdade de EducaĂ§Ă£o FĂsica to Icesp
- L4 Norte | APCEF to Icesp
- L4 Norte | CRESSPOM to Icesp
- L4 Norte | Hospital VeterinĂ¡rio da UnB to Icesp
- Terminal Riacho Fundo I | Linhas p/ BrasĂlia to Icesp
- Df-440 | Cond. Rk to Icesp
- Av. Contorno | Terminal N. Bandeirante to Icesp
- Br 040 L ValparaĂso I/Jardim Oriente (Passarela Amarela) to Icesp
- Br 040 L Esplanada Ii/SĂ£o Bernardo/Hospital Nossa Senhora Aparecida to Icesp
- Br 040 L Cid. Jardins/SĂ£o Bernardo to Icesp
- Br-040 | Shopping Sul/AssaĂ/Costa AtacadĂ£o (Passarela Azul) to Icesp
- Br 040 L ValparaĂso I - Etapa A to Icesp
- Eixo L Sul | SQS 202/203 (FarmĂ¡cia de Alto Custo) to Icesp
Alternative route from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp by subway via LARANJA
Take one direct subway from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp in GuarĂ¡: take the LARANJA subway from 108 Sul station to Feira station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min. The ride fare is R$5.50.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to subway station108 Sul900 m • 12 min
- 2Wait for subwayLARANJASamambaia
- 3Ride to subway stationFeira13 min
- 4Walk toIcespR1-S9500 m • 7 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp?
The fastest way takes 35 minutes, using Bus line VERDE.
What is the alternative route to get from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp?
The alternative route takes 35 minutes, using Bus line LARANJA.
Is there a direct subway between L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) and Icesp?
Yes, there’s a direct subway going from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) in Brasilia Region to Icesp in GuarĂ¡ in 35 min.
Which subway line goes from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp?
The VERDE subway line goes from 108 Sul station near L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) in Brasilia Region to CeilĂ¢ndia station near Icesp in GuarĂ¡.
How long does it take to travel from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp by subway?
The total travel time between L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) in Brasilia Region and Icesp in GuarĂ¡ by subway is about 35 min.
Where do I get on the subway near L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to get to Icesp?
Get on the VERDE subway from the 108 Sul station near L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) in Brasilia Region.
Where do I get off the subway when travelling between L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) and Icesp?
Get off the subway at the CeilĂ¢ndia station, which is closest to Icesp in GuarĂ¡.
When is the first bus from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp?
The first bus from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) in Brasilia Region to Icesp in GuarĂ¡ is |CORUJĂƒO| RodoviĂ¡ria do Plano Piloto / GuarĂ¡ I - II / NĂºcleo Bandeirante / Riacho Fundo I / CandangolĂ¢ndia. It leaves the Eixo W Sul | SQS 108/109 stop at 9:38 PM.
When is the first subway from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp?
The first subway from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) in Brasilia Region to Icesp in GuarĂ¡ is Samambaia. It leaves the 108 Sul station at 2:38 AM.
How much is the subway fare from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp?
The ride from L2 Sul | SGAS 609 (Maristinha / McDonald's) to Icesp costs R$5.50.