How to get from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 to Iesp by bus?
From Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 to Iesp by bus
Take one direct bus from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 to Iesp in Cabedelo: take the 5100 bus from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 station to Br-230 - Faculdade Iesp (Sentido Hospital De Trauma) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 1 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210
- 2Wait for bus5100Circular (Valentina ➡ Mangabeira ➡ Manaíra Shopping ➡ Epitácio ➡ Cruz Das Armas)
- 3Ride to bus stationBr-230 - Faculdade Iesp (Sentido Hospital De Trauma)55 min
- 4Walk toIespRua Marcos Bezerra de Alencar370 m • 5 min
Alternative route from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 to Iesp by bus via 5120 and 5101
To get from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 to Iesp in Cabedelo, take the 5120 bus from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcante, 1370 station to Avenida Presidente Epitácio Pessoa, 3217 station. Next, take the 5101 bus from Rua Doutor Nunes Filho, 69-119 station to Rodovia Br Duzentos E Trinta, 71 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 45 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcante, 137080 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus5120Valentina ➡ A&C / Unipê / Ufpb ➡ Epitácio ➡ Lagoa ➡ Cruz Das Armas ➡ Geisel
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Presidente Epitácio Pessoa, 321727 min
- 4Walk to bus stationRua Doutor Nunes Filho, 69-119180 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus5101Cabedelo - Br-230 / Direto ↔ Av. Epitácio Pessoa ↔ Lagoa / Terminal Varadouro
- 6Ride to bus stationRodovia Br Duzentos E Trinta, 716 min
- 7Walk toIespRua Marcos Bezerra de Alencar510 m • 7 min
Public transit directions from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 to Iesp
Public transit stations close to Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210
Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 is located at Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210, Cabedelo and the nearest public transit station is Rua Flodoaldo Peixoto Filho, 2196.
Bus stations close to Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210:
- Rua Flodoaldo Peixoto Filho, 2196
- Rua Doutor Cícero Leite, 2196
- Rua Flodoaldo Peixoto Filho, 1938
Public transit stations close to Iesp, Cabedelo
Iesp is located at Rua Marcos Bezerra de Alencar, Cabedelo and the nearest public transit station is Br-230 - Faculdade Iesp (Sentido Hospital De Trauma).
Train stations close to Iesp:
- Renascer
- Mandacaru
Bus stations close to Iesp:
- Br-230 - Faculdade Iesp (Sentido Hospital De Trauma)
- Br-230 Rodovia Governador Pedro Gondim, Km 14,7 Oeste - Faculdade Iesp
- Rodovia Br Duzentos E Trinta, 71
Related Routes
- Avenida Hílton Souto Maior, 5230 to Iesp
- Terminal Plano De Vida - Linha 5607 to Iesp
- Terminal Tibiri II to Iesp
- Av. Campina Grande, 940 to Iesp
- Av. Campina Grande, 1118 to Iesp
- Av. João Pessoa, 969 to Iesp
- Av. João Pessoa, 409 to Iesp
- Av. João Pessoa, 31 to Iesp
- Rua Embaixador Milton Cabral, 127 to Iesp
- Rua Embaixador Milton Cabral, 70 to Iesp
- Rua Barão Adauto Lúcio Cardoso, 24 - Ufpb Campus Santa Rita to Iesp
- Rua Barão Adauto Lúcio Cardoso, S/N - Passarela Várzea Nova to Iesp
- Rua Emanuel Lisboa De Lucena, S/N - Praça Do Lot. Boa Vista to Iesp
- Br-101/230 - Passarela De Tambay to Iesp
- Rua Engenheiro De Carvalho, 358 to Iesp
- Rua Engenheiro De Carvalho, 254 to Iesp
- Rua Engenheiro De Carvalho, 128 to Iesp
- Rua Petrônio Figueiredo, 35 to Iesp
- Rua Petrônio Figueiredo, 319 to Iesp
- Av. João Pessoa, 968 to Iesp
Alternative route from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 to Iesp by bus via 5120 and 5101
To get from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 to Iesp in Cabedelo, take the 5120 bus from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcante, 1370 station to Avenida Presidente Epitácio Pessoa, 3217 station. Next, take the 5101 bus from Rua Doutor Nunes Filho, 69-119 station to Rodovia Br Duzentos E Trinta, 71 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 45 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcante, 137080 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus5120Valentina ➡ A&C / Unipê / Ufpb ➡ Epitácio ➡ Lagoa ➡ Cruz Das Armas ➡ Geisel
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Presidente Epitácio Pessoa, 321727 min
- 4Walk to bus stationRua Doutor Nunes Filho, 69-119180 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus5101Cabedelo - Br-230 / Direto ↔ Av. Epitácio Pessoa ↔ Lagoa / Terminal Varadouro
- 6Ride to bus stationRodovia Br Duzentos E Trinta, 716 min
- 7Walk toIespRua Marcos Bezerra de Alencar510 m • 7 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 to Iesp?
The fastest way takes 61 minutes, using Bus line 5100.
What is the alternative route to get from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 to Iesp?
The alternative route takes 45 minutes, using Bus line 5120, Bus line 5101.
Is there a direct bus between Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 and Iesp?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 in Joao Pessoa to Iesp in Cabedelo in 1 hr 1 min.
Which bus line goes from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 to Iesp?
The 5100 bus line goes from Circular (Valentina ➡ Mangabeira ➡ Manaíra Shopping ➡ Epitácio ➡ Cruz Das Armas) station near Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 in Joao Pessoa to Br-230 - Faculdade Iesp (Sentido Hospital De Trauma) station near Iesp in Cabedelo.
How long does it take to travel from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 to Iesp by bus?
The total travel time between Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 in Joao Pessoa and Iesp in Cabedelo by bus is about 1 hr 1 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 to get to Iesp?
Get on the 5100 bus from the Circular (Valentina ➡ Mangabeira ➡ Manaíra Shopping ➡ Epitácio ➡ Cruz Das Armas) stop near Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 in Joao Pessoa.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 and Iesp?
Get off the bus at the Br-230 - Faculdade Iesp (Sentido Hospital De Trauma) stop, which is closest to Iesp in Cabedelo.
When is the first bus from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 to Iesp?
The first bus from Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 in Joao Pessoa to Iesp in Cabedelo is CIRCULAR (Geisel → Mangabeira → Manaíra Shopping → Av. Epitácio Pessoa → Cruz das Armas). It leaves the Rua Adalgisa Carneiro Cavalcanti, 1210 stop at 5:04 AM.