How to get from Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa by bus?
From Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa by bus
Take one direct bus from Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa in João Pessoa: take the 118 bus from Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 station to Av. Vasco Da Gama, 781 | Rosa De Saron station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 50 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004
- 2Wait for bus118Muçumagro ↔ Paratibe ↔ Geisel ↔ Av. Cruz Das Armas ↔ Lagoa / Terminal Varadouro
- 3Ride to bus stationAv. Vasco Da Gama, 781 | Rosa De Saron40 min
- 4Walk toIfpb - Campus João PessoaAvenida 1º de Maio680 m • 9 min
Alternative route from Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa by bus via I008 and 2515
To get from Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa in João Pessoa, take the I008 bus from Pb-008, 469 station to Terminal Mangabeira - (301-2514-5206-5600) station. Next, take the 2515 bus from Terminal Mangabeira - (301-2514-5206-5600) station to Rua Francisco Manoel, 709 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 57 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPb-008, 469130 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for busI008Valentina ↔️ Nova Mangabeira Via Parque Do Sol
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Mangabeira - (301-2514-5206-5600)15 min
- 4Wait for bus2515Mangabeira IV / III (José Américo / Cristo ➡ Lagoa → Av. Epitácio Pessoa / H U)
- 5Ride to bus stationRua Francisco Manoel, 70933 min
- 6Walk toIfpb - Campus João PessoaAvenida 1º de Maio340 m • 5 min
Public transit directions from Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
Public transit stations close to Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004
Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 is located at Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004, João Pessoa and the nearest public transit station is Pb-008, 469.
Bus stations close to Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004:
- Pb-008, 469
- Rua Maria Ana Nunes, 4700
- Rua Maria Ana Nunes, 426
Public transit stations close to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa, João Pessoa
Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa is located at Avenida 1º de Maio, João Pessoa and the nearest public transit station is Rua Engenheiro Leonardo Arcoverde, 378.
Train stations close to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa:
- Alto Do Mateus
- Ilha Do Bispo
- João Pessoa
Bus stations close to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa:
- Rua Engenheiro Leonardo Arcoverde, 378
- Rua Engenheiro Leonardo Arcoverde, 397
- Av. 1º De Maio, 891
Related Routes
- Avenida Hílton Souto Maior, 5230 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Terminal Plano De Vida - Linha 5607 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Terminal Tibiri II to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Av. Campina Grande, 940 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Av. Campina Grande, 1118 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Av. João Pessoa, 969 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Av. João Pessoa, 409 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Av. João Pessoa, 31 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Rua Embaixador Milton Cabral, 127 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Rua Embaixador Milton Cabral, 70 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Rua Barão Adauto Lúcio Cardoso, 24 - Ufpb Campus Santa Rita to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Rua Barão Adauto Lúcio Cardoso, S/N - Passarela Várzea Nova to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Rua Emanuel Lisboa De Lucena, S/N - Praça Do Lot. Boa Vista to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Br-101/230 - Passarela De Tambay to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Rua Engenheiro De Carvalho, 358 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Rua Engenheiro De Carvalho, 254 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Rua Engenheiro De Carvalho, 128 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Rua Petrônio Figueiredo, 35 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Rua Petrônio Figueiredo, 319 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
- Av. João Pessoa, 968 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa
Alternative route from Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa by bus via I008 and 2515
To get from Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa in João Pessoa, take the I008 bus from Pb-008, 469 station to Terminal Mangabeira - (301-2514-5206-5600) station. Next, take the 2515 bus from Terminal Mangabeira - (301-2514-5206-5600) station to Rua Francisco Manoel, 709 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 57 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPb-008, 469130 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for busI008Valentina ↔️ Nova Mangabeira Via Parque Do Sol
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Mangabeira - (301-2514-5206-5600)15 min
- 4Wait for bus2515Mangabeira IV / III (José Américo / Cristo ➡ Lagoa → Av. Epitácio Pessoa / H U)
- 5Ride to bus stationRua Francisco Manoel, 70933 min
- 6Walk toIfpb - Campus João PessoaAvenida 1º de Maio340 m • 5 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa?
The fastest way takes 50 minutes, using Bus line 118.
What is the alternative route to get from Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa?
The alternative route takes 57 minutes, using Bus line I008, Bus line 2515.
Is there a direct bus between Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 and Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 in Joao Pessoa to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa in João Pessoa in 50 min.
Which bus line goes from Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa?
The 118 bus line goes from Muçumagro ↔ Paratibe ↔ Geisel ↔ Av. Cruz Das Armas ↔ Lagoa / Terminal Varadouro station near Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 in Joao Pessoa to Av. Vasco Da Gama, 781 | Rosa De Saron station near Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa in João Pessoa.
How long does it take to travel from Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa by bus?
The total travel time between Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 in Joao Pessoa and Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa in João Pessoa by bus is about 50 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 to get to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa?
Get on the 118 bus from the Muçumagro ↔ Paratibe ↔ Geisel ↔ Av. Cruz Das Armas ↔ Lagoa / Terminal Varadouro stop near Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 in Joao Pessoa.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 and Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa?
Get off the bus at the Av. Vasco Da Gama, 781 | Rosa De Saron stop, which is closest to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa in João Pessoa.
When is the first bus from Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa?
The first bus from Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 in Joao Pessoa to Ifpb - Campus João Pessoa in João Pessoa is Paratibe ↔ Cruz das Armas ↔ Terminal Varadouro. It leaves the Rua Inácio Canuto De Oliveira - Terminal Da 118/120/I004 stop at 5:20 AM.