How to get from Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Iftm by bus?
From Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Iftm by bus
Take one direct bus from Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Iftm in Paracatu: take the 01 bus from Avenida Olegário Maciel, 1069 | Autoescola Promove station to Rua A, 31 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 43 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Olegário Maciel, 1069 | Autoescola Promove440 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for bus01Alvorada ➞ Paracatuzinho
- 3Ride to bus stationRua A, 3114 min
- 4Walk toIftm1.79 km • 23 min
Alternative route from Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Iftm by bus via 03
Take one direct bus from Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Iftm in Paracatu: take the 03 bus from Avenida Olegário Maciel, 1300 Em Frente Ao Terminal Rodoviário station to Rua Adrilhes Ulhôa, 1350 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 46 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Olegário Maciel, 1300 Em Frente Ao Terminal Rodoviário330 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for bus03Novo Horizonte ➞ Chapadinha
- 3Ride to bus stationRua Adrilhes Ulhôa, 135017 min
- 4Walk toIftm1.89 km • 24 min
Public transit directions from Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Iftm
Public transit stations close to Rua Matias Mundim, 200
Rua Matias Mundim, 200 is located at Rua Matias Mundim, 200, Paracatu and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Olegário Maciel, 1300 Em Frente Ao Terminal Rodoviário.
Bus stations close to Rua Matias Mundim, 200:
- Avenida Olegário Maciel, 1300 Em Frente Ao Terminal Rodoviário
- Terminal Rodoviário De Paracatu
- Rua Gastão Pereira Gonçalves, 60 | Funerária São João
Public transit stations close to Iftm, Paracatu
Iftm is located at Iftm, Paracatu and the nearest public transit station is Rua José Teixeira Oliveira, 375 | Igreja Santuário Dos Milagres.
Bus stations close to Iftm:
- Rua José Teixeira Oliveira, 375 | Igreja Santuário Dos Milagres
- Rua José Teixeira Oliveira, 461 | Escola Estadual Delano Brochado Adjuto
- Iftm Campus Paracatu
Related Routes
- Rua Durval Batista De Oliveira, 55 | Lava Jato Vila Mariana to Iftm
- Rua Durval Batista De Oliveira, 235 | Bar Do Gaúcho to Iftm
- Rua Ademar Da Silva Neiva, 181 | Ferro Velho Socorro Almada to Iftm
- Rua Adelina Silva, 127 to Iftm
- Praça Do Santana, 87 | Largo Do Santana to Iftm
- Rua Geraldo Serrano, 318 | Escola Estadual Doutor Sérgio Ulhôa to Iftm
- Rua Doutor Sérgio Ulhoa, 160 | Igreja Presbiteriana Central to Iftm
- Avenida Deputado Quintino Vargas, 212 | Pizzantti Calçados to Iftm
- Avenida Olegário Maciel, 200 | Praça Firmina Santana to Iftm
- Avenida Olegário Maciel, 650 | Hospital Municipal to Iftm
- Rua Boa Vista, 1262 Ao Lado Do Terminal Rodoviário to Iftm
- Rua Antônio Corrêa Vieira Cordeiro, 20 | Tubolar to Iftm
- Avenida Israel Pinheiro, 321 | Panificadora Big Pão to Iftm
- Avenida Israel Pinheiro, 169 | Lanchonete Avenida to Iftm
- Rua Dom Serafim, 2 | Garagem Da Prefeitura to Iftm
- Rua Dom Serafim, 346 | Só Molduras to Iftm
- Rua Dom Serafim, 522 | Colégio Dom Serafim to Iftm
- Praça Juscelino Kubitschek, 371 | Igreja Matriz De Santo Antônio to Iftm
- Rua Joaquim Murtinho, 134 | Supermercado Paracatu to Iftm
- Rua Joaquim Murtinho, 238 | Eletrozema to Iftm
Alternative route from Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Iftm by bus via 03
Take one direct bus from Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Iftm in Paracatu: take the 03 bus from Avenida Olegário Maciel, 1300 Em Frente Ao Terminal Rodoviário station to Rua Adrilhes Ulhôa, 1350 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 46 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Olegário Maciel, 1300 Em Frente Ao Terminal Rodoviário330 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for bus03Novo Horizonte ➞ Chapadinha
- 3Ride to bus stationRua Adrilhes Ulhôa, 135017 min
- 4Walk toIftm1.89 km • 24 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Iftm?
The fastest way takes 43 minutes, using Bus line 01.
What is the alternative route to get from Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Iftm?
The alternative route takes 46 minutes, using Bus line 03.
Is there a direct bus between Rua Matias Mundim, 200 and Iftm in Paracatu?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Iftm in Paracatu in 43 min.
Which bus line goes from Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Iftm in Paracatu?
The 01 bus line goes from Avenida Olegário Maciel, 1069 | Autoescola Promove station near Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Alvorada ➞ Paracatuzinho station near Iftm in Paracatu.
How long does it take to travel from Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Iftm in Paracatu by bus?
The total travel time between Rua Matias Mundim, 200 and Iftm in Paracatu by bus is about 43 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to get to Iftm in Paracatu?
Get on the 01 bus from the Avenida Olegário Maciel, 1069 | Autoescola Promove stop near Rua Matias Mundim, 200 in Paracatu.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Rua Matias Mundim, 200 and Iftm in Paracatu?
Get off the bus at the Alvorada ➞ Paracatuzinho stop, which is closest to Iftm in Paracatu.
When is the last bus from Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Iftm in Paracatu?
The last bus from Rua Matias Mundim, 200 to Iftm in Paracatu is the Novo Horizonte / Chapadinha line. It leaves the Avenida Olegário Maciel, 1300 Em Frente Ao Terminal Rodoviário stop at 3:47 AM.