How to get from Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) to Imperatriz by bus?
From Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) to Imperatriz by bus
Take one direct bus from Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) to Imperatriz in Imperatriz: take the CUMARÚ VIA SENADOR LA ROCQUE bus from Câmara Municipal De João Lisboa (B/C) station to Prefeitura Municipal De Imperatriz (B/C) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 59 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCâmara Municipal De João Lisboa (B/C)1.33 km • 17 min
- 2Wait for busCUMARÚ VIA SENADOR LA ROCQUEImperatriz
- 3Ride to bus stationPrefeitura Municipal De Imperatriz (B/C)39 min
- 4Walk toImperatriz140 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) to Imperatriz
Public transit stations close to Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C)
Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) is located at Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C), Imperatriz and the nearest public transit station is Rua Nestor Milhomem, 38 (B/C).
Bus stations close to Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C):
- Rua Nestor Milhomem, 38 (B/C)
- Rua Castelo Branco, 1200 (B/C)
- Posto De Saúde Cidade Nova (C/B)
Public transit stations close to Imperatriz, Imperatriz
Imperatriz is located at Imperatriz, Imperatriz and the nearest public transit station is Restaurante Popular (B/C).
Bus stations close to Imperatriz:
- Restaurante Popular (B/C)
- Correios, Centro
- Ufma, Centro
Related Routes
- Croi (B/C) to Imperatriz
- Residence Hotel (B/C) to Imperatriz
- Hospital São Rafael (B/C) to Imperatriz
- Avenida Dorgival Pinheiro De Sousa, 819b (B/C) to Imperatriz
- Lojas Economia (B/C) to Imperatriz
- Correios, Centro to Imperatriz
- Lili Residence (B/C) to Imperatriz
- Ufma, Centro to Imperatriz
- Rua Luís Domingues, Centro (C/B) to Imperatriz
- Rua Luís Domingues X Rua Pará (C/B) to Imperatriz
- Mercadão Atacarejo (C/B) to Imperatriz
- Rua Luís Domingues X Br-010 (C/B) to Imperatriz
- Rodoviária Velha (C/B) to Imperatriz
- Imperial Shopping (B/C) to Imperatriz
- Praça Brasil (C/B) to Imperatriz
- Escola Municipal Paulo Freire (B/C) to Imperatriz
- Entrada Do Bom Jesus (C/B) to Imperatriz
- Moura Móveis (C/B) to Imperatriz
- Rotatória Da Facimp | Marmogran (B/C) to Imperatriz
- Posto De Saúde (C/B) to Imperatriz
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) to Imperatriz?
The fastest way takes 59 minutes, using Bus line CUMARÚ VIA SENADOR LA ROCQUE.
Is there a direct bus between Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) and Imperatriz?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) in João Lisboa to Imperatriz in Imperatriz in 59 min.
Which bus line goes from Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) to Imperatriz?
The CUMARÚ VIA SENADOR LA ROCQUE bus line goes from Câmara Municipal De João Lisboa (B/C) station near Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) in João Lisboa to Imperatriz station near Imperatriz in Imperatriz.
How long does it take to travel from Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) to Imperatriz by bus?
The total travel time between Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) in João Lisboa and Imperatriz in Imperatriz by bus is about 59 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) to get to Imperatriz?
Get on the CUMARÚ VIA SENADOR LA ROCQUE bus from the Câmara Municipal De João Lisboa (B/C) stop near Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) in João Lisboa.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) and Imperatriz?
Get off the bus at the Imperatriz stop, which is closest to Imperatriz in Imperatriz.
When is the first bus from Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) to Imperatriz?
The first bus from Rua Castelo Branco, 1063 (B/C) in João Lisboa to Imperatriz in Imperatriz is Cumarú via Senador La Rocque. It leaves the Câmara Municipal De João Lisboa (B/C) stop at 5:29 AM.