How to get from Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 to Instituto Federal Catarinense by bus?
From Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 to Instituto Federal Catarinense by bus
To get from Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 to Instituto Federal Catarinense in Camboriú, take the 105/1 bus from Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 station to Quinta Avenida, 654-706 station. Next, take the 365/1 bus from Avenida Santa Catarina, 2542-2632 station to Colégio Agrícola Sul station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 27 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationQuinta Avenida, 2182-2204
- 2Wait for bus105/1Barra Sul / Rodoviária / Avenida Do Estado / Avenida Brasil / Barra Sul
- 3Ride to bus stationQuinta Avenida, 654-7063 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAvenida Santa Catarina, 2542-2632250 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for bus365/1Itajaí/Camboriú - Via Areias
- 6Ride to bus stationColégio Agrícola Sul7 min
- 7Walk toInstituto Federal CatarinenseAlameda da Capela860 m • 11 min
Alternative route from Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 to Instituto Federal Catarinense by bus via 365/1
Take one direct bus from Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 to Instituto Federal Catarinense in Camboriú: take the 365/1 bus from Avenida Santa Catarina, 2542-2632 station to Colégio Agrícola Sul station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Santa Catarina, 2542-26321.28 km • 17 min
- 2Wait for bus365/1Itajaí/Camboriú - Via Areias
- 3Ride to bus stationColégio Agrícola Sul7 min
- 4Walk toInstituto Federal CatarinenseAlameda da Capela860 m • 11 min
Public transit directions from Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
Public transit stations close to Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204
Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 is located at Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204, Camboriú and the nearest public transit station is Quinta Avenida, 889-947.
Bus stations close to Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204:
- Quinta Avenida, 889-947
- Quinta Avenida, 1454-1494
- Quinta Avenida, 850
Public transit stations close to Instituto Federal Catarinense, Camboriú
Instituto Federal Catarinense is located at Alameda da Capela, Camboriú and the nearest public transit station is Praça Da Bíblia - Norte.
Bus stations close to Instituto Federal Catarinense:
- Praça Da Bíblia - Norte
- Avenida Santa Catarina, 721-749
- Avenida Minas Gerais, 316-398
Related Routes
- Rua Itajaí, 1900-2048 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Rua Itajaí, 1430 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Rua Mineral, 4170-4272 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Rodovia Antônio Heil, 2171 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Rua Edmundo Leopoldo Merizio, 3730-3946 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Rua Mineral to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Rua Sorocaba, 420 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Atlântica, 5719-5871 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Atlântica, 5135-5215 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Atlântica, 4481-4519 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Santa Catarina, 347 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- 4a Avenida, 700 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- 4a Avenida, 990 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Atlântica, 1856-2084 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Evelon Cordeiro, 1320-1336 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Novecentos E Quatro, 359-365 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Um Mil E Quinhentos E Vinte, 123-145 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Um Mil E Quinhentos, 600-676 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Quinta Avenida, 850 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
- Osmar Souza Nunes, 147-163 to Instituto Federal Catarinense
Alternative route from Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 to Instituto Federal Catarinense by bus via 365/1
Take one direct bus from Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 to Instituto Federal Catarinense in Camboriú: take the 365/1 bus from Avenida Santa Catarina, 2542-2632 station to Colégio Agrícola Sul station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Santa Catarina, 2542-26321.28 km • 17 min
- 2Wait for bus365/1Itajaí/Camboriú - Via Areias
- 3Ride to bus stationColégio Agrícola Sul7 min
- 4Walk toInstituto Federal CatarinenseAlameda da Capela860 m • 11 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 to Instituto Federal Catarinense?
The fastest way takes 27 minutes, using Bus line 105/1, Bus line 365/1.
What is the alternative route to get from Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 to Instituto Federal Catarinense?
The alternative route takes 36 minutes, using Bus line 365/1.
Is there a direct bus between Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 and Instituto Federal Catarinense?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 27 min.
Which bus line goes from Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 to Instituto Federal Catarinense?
The 105/1 bus line goes from Barra Sul / Rodoviária / Avenida Do Estado / Avenida Brasil / Barra Sul station near Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 in Balneário Camboriú to Quinta Avenida, 654-706 station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Quinta Avenida, 654-706 station near Instituto Federal Catarinense in Camboriú.
How long does it take to travel from Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 to Instituto Federal Catarinense by bus?
The total travel time between Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 in Balneário Camboriú and Instituto Federal Catarinense in Camboriú by bus is about 27 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 to get to Instituto Federal Catarinense?
Get on the 105/1 bus from the Barra Sul / Rodoviária / Avenida Do Estado / Avenida Brasil / Barra Sul stop near Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 in Balneário Camboriú.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Quinta Avenida, 2182-2204 and Instituto Federal Catarinense?
Get off the bus at the Quinta Avenida, 654-706 stop, which is closest to Instituto Federal Catarinense in Camboriú.