How to get from Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce by bus?
From Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce by bus
To get from Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce in Juazeiro Do Norte, take the 01.1 CENTRO / NOVO JUAZEIRO VIA CONJUNTO PADRE CÍCERO bus from Rua Onofre Antônio Landim, 881 station to Avenida Castelo Branco | Estádio Romeirão - Romeirão station. Next, take the 08 CENTRO / CIDADE UNIVERSITÁRIA / VIA RUA SÃO PAULO bus from Avenida Presidente Castelo Branco, 4276 - Pirajá station to Avenida Tenente Raimundo Rocha | Ifce - Cidade Universitária station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 49 min. The ride fare is R$6.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRua Onofre Antônio Landim, 881610 m • 8 min
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Castelo Branco | Estádio Romeirão - Romeirão16 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAvenida Presidente Castelo Branco, 4276 - Pirajá180 m • 3 min
- 6Ride to bus stationAvenida Tenente Raimundo Rocha | Ifce - Cidade Universitária17 min
- 7Walk toInstituto Federal Do Ceará - IfceEntrada IFCE Campus Juazeiro do Norte110 m • 2 min
Alternative route from Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce by bus via 01.1 CENTRO / NOVO JUAZEIRO VIA CONJUNTO PADRE CÍCERO and 02 CENTRO / TIRADENTES
To get from Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce in Juazeiro Do Norte, take the 01.1 CENTRO / NOVO JUAZEIRO VIA CONJUNTO PADRE CÍCERO bus from Rua Onofre Antônio Landim, 881 station to Avenida Castelo Branco | Posto Br - Limoeiro station. Next, take the 02 CENTRO / TIRADENTES bus from Avenida Castelo Branco, 2192 - Limoeiro station to Rua Professora Ivany Feitosa De Oliveira, 1256 - Tiradentes station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 3 min. The ride fare is R$6.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRua Onofre Antônio Landim, 881610 m • 8 min
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Castelo Branco | Posto Br - Limoeiro11 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAvenida Castelo Branco, 2192 - Limoeiro60 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus02 CENTRO / TIRADENTESTiradentes
- 6Ride to bus stationRua Professora Ivany Feitosa De Oliveira, 1256 - Tiradentes5 min
- 7Walk toInstituto Federal Do Ceará - IfceEntrada IFCE Campus Juazeiro do Norte1.39 km • 18 min
Public transit directions from Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
Public transit stations close to Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco
Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco is located at Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco, Juazeiro Do Norte and the nearest public transit station is Rua Manuel Piraca De Souza, 446 - Brejo Seco.
Bus stations close to Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco:
- Rua Manuel Piraca De Souza, 446 - Brejo Seco
- Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 361 - Brejo Seco
- Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 750 - Brejo Seco
Public transit stations close to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce, Juazeiro Do Norte
Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce is located at Entrada IFCE Campus Juazeiro do Norte, Juazeiro Do Norte and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Plácido Aderaldo Castelo | Hospital Samarino - Planalto.
Bus stations close to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce:
- Avenida Plácido Aderaldo Castelo | Hospital Samarino - Planalto
- Avenida Plácido Aderaldo Castelo | Hotel Verdes Vales - Planalto
- Rua Professora Ivany Feitosa De Oliveira, 1256 - Tiradentes
Related Routes
- Rua São Pedro | Lojas Esplanada - Centro to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Rua São Pedro, 129 - Centro to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Rua Doutor Floro Bartolomeu, 1152 - São Miguel to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Rua Doutor Floro Bartolomeu, 786 - São Miguel to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Rua Do Cruzeiro | Restaurante Popular - São Miguel to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Terminal São Miguel to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Rua São Bento, 776 - Pio XII to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Rua Do Limoeiro, 522 - Pio XII to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Rua Do Limoeiro, 882 - Franciscanos to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Rua Do Limoeiro, 1034 - Franciscanos to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Rua Do Limoeiro, 1320 - Franciscanos to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Rua Do Limoeiro, 1512 - Pirajá to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Rua Do Limoeiro | Praça Do Sol - Pirajá to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Rua Do Limoeiro | Colégio Maria Amélia - Limoeiro to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Avenida Castelo Branco, 1543 - Limoeiro to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Avenida Castelo Branco, 1407 - Pirajá to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Avenida Castelo Branco | Estádio Romeirão - Romeirão to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Avenida Castelo Branco | Cere - Romeirão to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Rua José Andrade De Lavor | Receita Federal - Romeirão to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
- Rua José Andrade De Lavor | Sesi - Romeirão to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce
Alternative route from Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce by bus via 01.1 CENTRO / NOVO JUAZEIRO VIA CONJUNTO PADRE CÍCERO and 02 CENTRO / TIRADENTES
To get from Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce in Juazeiro Do Norte, take the 01.1 CENTRO / NOVO JUAZEIRO VIA CONJUNTO PADRE CÍCERO bus from Rua Onofre Antônio Landim, 881 station to Avenida Castelo Branco | Posto Br - Limoeiro station. Next, take the 02 CENTRO / TIRADENTES bus from Avenida Castelo Branco, 2192 - Limoeiro station to Rua Professora Ivany Feitosa De Oliveira, 1256 - Tiradentes station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 3 min. The ride fare is R$6.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRua Onofre Antônio Landim, 881610 m • 8 min
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Castelo Branco | Posto Br - Limoeiro11 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAvenida Castelo Branco, 2192 - Limoeiro60 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus02 CENTRO / TIRADENTESTiradentes
- 6Ride to bus stationRua Professora Ivany Feitosa De Oliveira, 1256 - Tiradentes5 min
- 7Walk toInstituto Federal Do Ceará - IfceEntrada IFCE Campus Juazeiro do Norte1.39 km • 18 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce?
The fastest way takes 49 minutes, using Bus line 01.1 CENTRO / NOVO JUAZEIRO VIA CONJUNTO PADRE CÍCERO, Bus line 08 CENTRO / CIDADE UNIVERSITÁRIA / VIA RUA SÃO PAULO.
What is the alternative route to get from Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce?
The alternative route takes 63 minutes, using Bus line 01.1 CENTRO / NOVO JUAZEIRO VIA CONJUNTO PADRE CÍCERO, Bus line 02 CENTRO / TIRADENTES.
Is there a direct bus between Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco and Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 49 min.
Which bus line goes from Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce?
The 01.1 CENTRO / NOVO JUAZEIRO VIA CONJUNTO PADRE CÍCERO bus line goes from Rua Onofre Antônio Landim, 881 station near Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco in Juazeiro do Norte Region to Centro station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Centro station near Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce in Juazeiro Do Norte.
How long does it take to travel from Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce by bus?
The total travel time between Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco in Juazeiro do Norte Region and Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce in Juazeiro Do Norte by bus is about 49 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco to get to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce?
Get on the 01.1 CENTRO / NOVO JUAZEIRO VIA CONJUNTO PADRE CÍCERO bus from the Rua Onofre Antônio Landim, 881 stop near Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco in Juazeiro do Norte Region.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco and Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce?
Get off the bus at the Centro stop, which is closest to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce in Juazeiro Do Norte.
How much is the bus fare from Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce?
The ride from Rua Manoel Piraca De Souza, 958 - Brejo Seco to Instituto Federal Do Ceará - Ifce costs R$6.00.