How to get from Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 to Itapocu by bus?
From Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 to Itapocu by bus
To get from Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 to Itapocu in Itapocu, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 19-0 SÃO FRANCISCO DO SUL / JOINVILLE - RODOVIÁRIA bus from Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 station to Rodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 792-2 bus and finally take the 792-0 BALNEÁRIO BARRA DO SUL /JOINVILLE VIA CORVETA bus from Rua Ibiapina, 1-169 station to Br-101, 2930 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 39 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAvenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430
- 3Ride to bus stationRodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira38 min
- 4Walk to bus stationRodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira, 99520 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus792-2Balneário Barra Do Sul
- 6Ride to bus stationRua Ibiapina, 1-16920 min
- 7Wait for bus792-0 BALNEÁRIO BARRA DO SUL /JOINVILLE VIA CORVETAJoinville (Correio Centro)
- 8Ride to bus stationBr-101, 293041 min
Alternative route from Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 to Itapocu by bus via 19-0 SÃO FRANCISCO DO SUL / JOINVILLE - RODOVIÁRIA, 863-0 and 792-0 BALNEÁRIO BARRA DO SUL /JOINVILLE VIA CORVETA
To get from Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 to Itapocu in Itapocu, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 19-0 SÃO FRANCISCO DO SUL / JOINVILLE - RODOVIÁRIA bus from Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 station to Rodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 863-0 bus and finally take the 792-0 BALNEÁRIO BARRA DO SUL /JOINVILLE VIA CORVETA bus from Estrada Geral Barra Do Itapocu, 107 station to Br-101, 2930 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 39 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAvenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430
- 3Ride to bus stationRodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira38 min
- 4Walk to bus stationRodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira, 99520 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus863-0Barra Velha
- 6Ride to bus stationEstrada Geral Barra Do Itapocu, 10757 min
- 7Wait for bus792-0 BALNEÁRIO BARRA DO SUL /JOINVILLE VIA CORVETAJoinville (Correio Centro)
- 8Ride to bus stationBr-101, 29305 min
Public transit directions from Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 to Itapocu
Public transit stations close to Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430
Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 is located at Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430, Itapocu and the nearest public transit station is Rodovia Senador Luiz Henrique De Silveira.
Bus stations close to Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430:
- Rodovia Senador Luiz Henrique De Silveira
- Rua Vinte E Cinco De Dezembro 55
- Eeb Claurinice Vieira Caldeira (Sentido Cohab)
Public transit stations close to Itapocu, Itapocu
Itapocu is located at Itapocu, Itapocu and the nearest public transit station is Avenida João Carlos Rosa 1045.
Bus stations close to Itapocu:
- Avenida João Carlos Rosa 1045
- Avenida João Carlos Rosa 743
- Rua Onofre Rosa 1546
Related Routes
- Br-280, 953 to Itapocu
- Vila Antenor (Sentido Joinville) to Itapocu
- Linguado (Sentido Joinville) to Itapocu
- Km 18 to Itapocu
- Restaurante Don Vigolo to Itapocu
- Esquina Rua Antônio Budal to Itapocu
- Posto Sinuelo (Km 24) to Itapocu
- Rua Prefeito Higino Aguiar 1205 to Itapocu
- Rua Prefeito Higino Aguiar 932 to Itapocu
- Rua Prefeito Higino Aguiar 579 to Itapocu
- Rua Prefeito Higino Aguiar 562 to Itapocu
- Avenida Getúlio Vargas 54 to Itapocu
- Rua Bento Cãndido De França to Itapocu
- Rodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira, to Itapocu
- Rodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira 1944 to Itapocu
- Rodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira 2075 to Itapocu
- Rodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira,2900 to Itapocu
- Rodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira,3845 to Itapocu
- Rodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira,3040 to Itapocu
- Rodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira,2765 to Itapocu
Alternative route from Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 to Itapocu by bus via 19-0 SÃO FRANCISCO DO SUL / JOINVILLE - RODOVIÁRIA, 863-0 and 792-0 BALNEÁRIO BARRA DO SUL /JOINVILLE VIA CORVETA
To get from Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 to Itapocu in Itapocu, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 19-0 SÃO FRANCISCO DO SUL / JOINVILLE - RODOVIÁRIA bus from Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 station to Rodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 863-0 bus and finally take the 792-0 BALNEÁRIO BARRA DO SUL /JOINVILLE VIA CORVETA bus from Estrada Geral Barra Do Itapocu, 107 station to Br-101, 2930 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 39 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAvenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430
- 3Ride to bus stationRodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira38 min
- 4Walk to bus stationRodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira, 99520 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus863-0Barra Velha
- 6Ride to bus stationEstrada Geral Barra Do Itapocu, 10757 min
- 7Wait for bus792-0 BALNEÁRIO BARRA DO SUL /JOINVILLE VIA CORVETAJoinville (Correio Centro)
- 8Ride to bus stationBr-101, 29305 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 to Itapocu?
The fastest way takes 159 minutes, using Bus line 19-0 SÃO FRANCISCO DO SUL / JOINVILLE - RODOVIÁRIA, Bus line 792-2, Bus line 792-0 BALNEÁRIO BARRA DO SUL /JOINVILLE VIA CORVETA.
What is the alternative route to get from Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 to Itapocu?
The alternative route takes 159 minutes, using Bus line 19-0 SÃO FRANCISCO DO SUL / JOINVILLE - RODOVIÁRIA, Bus line 863-0, Bus line 792-0 BALNEÁRIO BARRA DO SUL /JOINVILLE VIA CORVETA.
Is there a direct bus between Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 and Itapocu?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 39 min.
Which bus line goes from Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 to Itapocu?
The 19-0 SÃO FRANCISCO DO SUL / JOINVILLE - RODOVIÁRIA bus line goes from Joinville station near Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 in São Francisco Do Sul to Rodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Rodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira station near Itapocu in Itapocu.
How long does it take to travel from Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 to Itapocu by bus?
The total travel time between Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 in São Francisco Do Sul and Itapocu in Itapocu by bus is about 2 hr 39 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 to get to Itapocu?
Get on the 19-0 SÃO FRANCISCO DO SUL / JOINVILLE - RODOVIÁRIA bus from the Joinville stop near Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 in São Francisco Do Sul.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Avenida Doutor Nereu Ramos 2430 and Itapocu?
Get off the bus at the Rodovia Senador Luiz Henrique Da Silveira stop, which is closest to Itapocu in Itapocu.