How to get from Roccasecca to Itri by train?
From Roccasecca to Itri by train
To get from Roccasecca to Itri in Rome and Lazio, you’ll need to take 3 train lines: take the FL6 train from Roccasecca station to Roma Termini station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the FL7 train from Formia-Gaeta station to Itri station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 57 min. The ride fare is €16.50.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationRoccasecca
- 2Wait for trainFL6Roma Termini
- 3Ride to train stationRoma Termini129 min
- 4Wait for trainRNapoli Centrale
- 5Ride to train stationFormia-GaetaID S0864093 min
- 6Wait for trainFL7Roma Termini
- 7Ride to train stationItri5 min
Public transit directions from Roccasecca to Itri
Public transit stations close to Roccasecca
Roccasecca is located at Roccasecca, Rome and Lazio and the nearest public transit station is Roccasecca FS (Via Volturno, Altezza Uscita Sottopasso Stazione Fs).
Bus stations close to Roccasecca:
- Roccasecca FS (Via Volturno, Altezza Uscita Sottopasso Stazione Fs)
- Roccasecca | Melfa
Public transit stations close to Itri, Rome and Lazio
Itri is located at Itri, Rome and Lazio and the nearest public transit station is Gaeta | Via Appia (Cava).
Train stations close to Itri:
- Itri
Bus stations close to Itri:
- Gaeta | Via Appia (Cava)
- Itri | Stazione FS
Related Routes
- Guidonia Montecelio to Itri
- Atina to Itri
- Palestrina to Itri
- Cave to Itri
- Ladispoli to Itri
- Latina to Itri
- Marta to Itri
- Capena to Itri
- Alatri to Itri
- Pontinia to Itri
- Prossedi to Itri
- Terelle to Itri
- Terracina to Itri
- Tivoli to Itri
- Rocca Di Papa to Itri
- Roma to Itri
- San Giorgio A Liri to Itri
- San Giovanni Incarico to Itri
- Sant' Apollinare to Itri
- Santa Marinella to Itri
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Roccasecca to Itri?
The fastest way takes 297 minutes, using Bus line FL6, Bus line R, Bus line FL7.
Is there a direct train between Roccasecca and Itri in Rome and Lazio?
No, you’ll have to take 3 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 4 hr 57 min.
Which train line goes from Roccasecca to Itri in Rome and Lazio?
The FL6 train line goes from Roma Termini station near Roccasecca to Roma Termini station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Roma Termini station near Itri in Rome and Lazio
How long does it take to travel from Roccasecca to Itri in Rome and Lazio by train?
The total travel time between Roccasecca and Itri in Rome and Lazio by train is about 4 hr 57 min.
Where do I get on the train near Roccasecca to get to Itri in Rome and Lazio?
Get on the FL6 train from the Roma Termini station near Roccasecca in Rome and Lazio.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Roccasecca and Itri in Rome and Lazio?
Get off the train at the Roma Termini station, which is closest to Itri in Rome and Lazio.
How much is the train fare from Roccasecca to Itri?
The ride from Roccasecca to Itri costs €16.50.