How to get from Sesvete-Izlaz to Ivanić Grad by train?
From Sesvete-Izlaz to Ivanić Grad by train
Take one direct train from Sesvete-Izlaz to Ivanić Grad in Ivanic-Grad: take the RIJEKA - VINKOVCI train from Sesvete station to Ivanić Grad station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 32 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationSesvete100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for trainRIJEKA - VINKOVCI
- 3Ride to train stationIvanić Grad29 min
Public transit directions from Sesvete-Izlaz to Ivanić Grad
Public transit stations close to Sesvete-Izlaz
Sesvete-Izlaz is located at Sesvete-Izlaz, Ivanic-Grad and the nearest public transit station is Sesvete.
Train stations close to Sesvete-Izlaz:
- Sesvete
Bus stations close to Sesvete-Izlaz:
- Sesvete-Ukrcaj
- Ninska
- Bistrička-Zagrebačka
Public transit stations close to Ivanić Grad, Ivanic-Grad
Ivanić Grad is located at Kolodvorska ulica, Ivanic-Grad and the nearest public transit station is Ivanić-Grad.
Train stations close to Ivanić Grad:
- Ivanić-Grad
- Ivanić Grad
Related Routes
- Maksimir to Ivanić Grad
- Trnava to Ivanić Grad
- Zagreb Zapadni Kolodvor to Ivanić Grad
- Vrapče to Ivanić Grad
- Laduc to Ivanić Grad
- Harmica to Ivanić Grad
- Veliko Trgovišće to Ivanić Grad
- Zabok to Ivanić Grad
- Dugo Selo to Ivanić Grad
- Velika Gorica to Ivanić Grad
- Sisak to Ivanić Grad
- Remetinec to Ivanić Grad
- Odra to Ivanić Grad
- Buzin to Ivanić Grad
- Samobor - Kaufland / Trilikum to Ivanić Grad
- Vrapče - Bolnica to Ivanić Grad
- Novaki - Igralište to Ivanić Grad
- Adamovec-Centar to Ivanić Grad
- Moravče-Benkova to Ivanić Grad
- Gajci-Lovre Sedinića to Ivanić Grad
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Sesvete-Izlaz to Ivanić Grad?
The fastest way takes 32 minutes, using Bus line RIJEKA - VINKOVCI.
Is there a direct train between Sesvete-Izlaz and Ivanić Grad?
Yes, there’s a direct train going from Sesvete-Izlaz in Zagreb to Ivanić Grad in Ivanic-Grad in 32 min.
Which train line goes from Sesvete-Izlaz to Ivanić Grad?
The RIJEKA - VINKOVCI train line goes from Sesvete station near Sesvete-Izlaz in Zagreb to Ivanić Grad station near Ivanić Grad in Ivanic-Grad.
How long does it take to travel from Sesvete-Izlaz to Ivanić Grad by train?
The total travel time between Sesvete-Izlaz in Zagreb and Ivanić Grad in Ivanic-Grad by train is about 32 min.
Where do I get on the train near Sesvete-Izlaz to get to Ivanić Grad?
Get on the RIJEKA - VINKOVCI train from the Sesvete station near Sesvete-Izlaz in Zagreb.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Sesvete-Izlaz and Ivanić Grad?
Get off the train at the Ivanić Grad station, which is closest to Ivanić Grad in Ivanic-Grad.