How to get from Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 to Jacarezinho by bus?
From Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 to Jacarezinho by bus
Take one direct bus from Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 to Jacarezinho in Jacarezinho: take the 9040-470 bus from Rua Celestino Lopes Bahia, 520 - Upa station to Avenida Marginal, 10 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 5 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRua Celestino Lopes Bahia, 520 - Upa1.12 km • 15 min
- 2Wait for bus9040-470Ourinhos → Platina (Shopping) Via Ponte Nova
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Marginal, 1039 min
- 4Walk toJacarezinho890 m • 12 min
Public transit directions from Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 to Jacarezinho
Public transit stations close to Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211
Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 is located at Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211, Jacarezinho and the nearest public transit station is Rua Arlíndo Bétio, 21.
Bus stations close to Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211:
- Rua Arlíndo Bétio, 21
- Rua Xisto Antônio De Souza, 152-238
- Rua Francisco Crespo, 305-359
Public transit stations close to Jacarezinho, Jacarezinho
Jacarezinho is located at Jacarezinho, Jacarezinho and the nearest public transit station is Alameda Padre Magno, 907.
Bus stations close to Jacarezinho:
- Alameda Padre Magno, 907
- Antigo Terminal Rodoviário De Jacarezinho
- Avenida Getúlio Vargas, 876
Related Routes
- Terminal Urbano to Jacarezinho
- Rua Doutor Antônio Prado, 409 to Jacarezinho
- Rua Jornalista Erom Domingues, 389 to Jacarezinho
- Rua Jornalista Erom Domingues, 473-537 to Jacarezinho
- Avenida Três, 105-153 to Jacarezinho
- Rua Ulisses Guimarães, 489 to Jacarezinho
- Avenida Quatro, 107 to Jacarezinho
- Rua Pedro Toloto, 129 to Jacarezinho
- Rua Pedro Toloto, 257 to Jacarezinho
- Rua Vicente Ernesto De Lucca, 33 to Jacarezinho
- Rua José Cerqueira, 132 to Jacarezinho
- Rua Noboru Endo, 250-372 to Jacarezinho
- Rua Noboru Endo, 634-712 to Jacarezinho
- Rua Argemiro Batista Das Neves, 333 to Jacarezinho
- Rua Argemiro Batista Das Neves, 557 to Jacarezinho
- Rua Antenor Bertanha, 174-252 to Jacarezinho
- Rua Servidor Alécio De Souza Bitencourt, 60 to Jacarezinho
- Rua Hermínio Joaquim Dos Remédios, 350 to Jacarezinho
- Rodovia SP 270 (Raposo Tavares) to Jacarezinho
- Rua Duque De Caxias, 1224 to Jacarezinho
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 to Jacarezinho?
The fastest way takes 65 minutes, using Bus line 9040-470.
Is there a direct bus between Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 and Jacarezinho?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 in Ourinhos to Jacarezinho in Jacarezinho in 1 hr 5 min.
Which bus line goes from Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 to Jacarezinho?
The 9040-470 bus line goes from Rua Celestino Lopes Bahia, 520 - Upa station near Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 in Ourinhos to Ourinhos → Platina (Shopping) Via Ponte Nova station near Jacarezinho in Jacarezinho.
How long does it take to travel from Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 to Jacarezinho by bus?
The total travel time between Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 in Ourinhos and Jacarezinho in Jacarezinho by bus is about 1 hr 5 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 to get to Jacarezinho?
Get on the 9040-470 bus from the Rua Celestino Lopes Bahia, 520 - Upa stop near Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 in Ourinhos.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 and Jacarezinho?
Get off the bus at the Ourinhos → Platina (Shopping) Via Ponte Nova stop, which is closest to Jacarezinho in Jacarezinho.
When is the last bus from Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 to Jacarezinho?
The last bus from Rua Feirante Benedito Delcol, 201-211 in Ourinhos to Jacarezinho in Jacarezinho is the Santo Antônio da Platina / Ourinhos line. It leaves the Rua Celestino Lopes Bahia, 520 - Upa stop at 4:08 PM.