How to get from Βρυσων to Kalamaki Crete Greece by bus?
From Βρυσων to Kalamaki Crete Greece by bus
To get from Βρυσων to Kalamaki Crete Greece in Chania, take the 18 bus from Μεϊντανη station to Τς Εθνικη Τραπεζα station. Next, take the 21 bus from Χατζημιχαλη Γιανναρη station to (Τερμα) Πανοραμα station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 9 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationΜεϊντανη740 m • 10 min
- 2Wait for bus18Χανια - Κουνουπιδιανα - Χανια
- 3Ride to bus stationΤς Εθνικη Τραπεζα8 min
- 4Walk to bus stationΧατζημιχαλη Γιανναρη210 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus21Πανοραμα - Χανια - Πανοραμα
- 6Ride to bus station(Τερμα) Πανοραμα26 min
- 7Walk toKalamaki Crete Greece330 m • 5 min
Alternative route from Βρυσων to Kalamaki Crete Greece by bus via 11 and 21
To get from Βρυσων to Kalamaki Crete Greece in Chania, take the 11 bus from Δικαστηρια station to Χατζημιχαλη Γιανναρη station. Next, take the 21 bus from Χατζημιχαλη Γιανναρη station to (Τερμα) Πανοραμα station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 54 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationΔικαστηρια1.12 km • 15 min
- 2Wait for bus11Χανια - Χαλεπα - Χανια
- 3Ride to bus stationΧατζημιχαλη Γιανναρη4 min
- 4Wait for bus21Πανοραμα - Χανια - Πανοραμα
- 5Ride to bus station(Τερμα) Πανοραμα26 min
- 6Walk toKalamaki Crete Greece330 m • 5 min
Public transit directions from Βρυσων to Kalamaki Crete Greece
Public transit stations close to Βρυσων
Βρυσων is located at Βρυσων, Chania and the nearest public transit station is Αγιος Χαραλαμπος.
Bus stations close to Βρυσων:
- Αγιος Χαραλαμπος
- Καντανολεοντος
- Βλαστου
Public transit stations close to Kalamaki Crete Greece, Chania
Kalamaki Crete Greece is located at Kalamaki Crete Greece, Chania and the nearest public transit station is Αγιου Φανουριου.
Bus stations close to Kalamaki Crete Greece:
- Αγιου Φανουριου
- Καλαμακι
- Αγιος Δημητριος
Related Routes
- Σειμενη Και Καλογερακη to Kalamaki Crete Greece
- Χρυση Ακτη - Jumbo to Kalamaki Crete Greece
- Bmw to Kalamaki Crete Greece
- Αγια Μαρινα to Kalamaki Crete Greece
- Κορναρου to Kalamaki Crete Greece
- Φιλιας Των Λαων to Kalamaki Crete Greece
- Μαρκου Μποτσαρη to Kalamaki Crete Greece
- Σταθμος Αστικου Κτελ to Kalamaki Crete Greece
- Μακεδονιας to Kalamaki Crete Greece
- Βρυσων to Hellenic Mediterranean University Department Of Chania
- Αγιος Χαραλαμπος to Hellenic Mediterranean University Department Of Chania
- Αγιος Χαραλαμπος to Agioi Apostoli
- Βλαστου to Hellenic Mediterranean University Department Of Chania
- Βλαστου to Νέα Κυδωνία
- Αγια Αννα to Hellenic Mediterranean University Department Of Chania
- Τσοντου Βαρδα to Hellenic Mediterranean University Department Of Chania
- Τσοντου Βαρδα to Agioi Apostoli
- Τσοντου Βαρδα to Agioi Apostoloi Crete Greece
- (Τερμα) Σελινου to Hellenic Mediterranean University Department Of Chania
- (Τερμα) Σελινου to Agioi Apostoli
Alternative route from Βρυσων to Kalamaki Crete Greece by bus via 11 and 21
To get from Βρυσων to Kalamaki Crete Greece in Chania, take the 11 bus from Δικαστηρια station to Χατζημιχαλη Γιανναρη station. Next, take the 21 bus from Χατζημιχαλη Γιανναρη station to (Τερμα) Πανοραμα station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 54 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationΔικαστηρια1.12 km • 15 min
- 2Wait for bus11Χανια - Χαλεπα - Χανια
- 3Ride to bus stationΧατζημιχαλη Γιανναρη4 min
- 4Wait for bus21Πανοραμα - Χανια - Πανοραμα
- 5Ride to bus station(Τερμα) Πανοραμα26 min
- 6Walk toKalamaki Crete Greece330 m • 5 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Βρυσων to Kalamaki Crete Greece?
The fastest way takes 69 minutes, using Bus line 18, Bus line 21.
What is the alternative route to get from Βρυσων to Kalamaki Crete Greece?
The alternative route takes 54 minutes, using Bus line 11, Bus line 21.
Is there a direct bus between Βρυσων and Kalamaki Crete Greece?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 9 min.
Which bus line goes from Βρυσων to Kalamaki Crete Greece?
The 18 bus line goes from Μεϊντανη station near Βρυσων in Λενταριανά to Χανια - Κουνουπιδιανα - Χανια station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Χανια - Κουνουπιδιανα - Χανια station near Kalamaki Crete Greece in Chania.
How long does it take to travel from Βρυσων to Kalamaki Crete Greece by bus?
The total travel time between Βρυσων in Λενταριανά and Kalamaki Crete Greece in Chania by bus is about 1 hr 9 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Βρυσων to get to Kalamaki Crete Greece?
Get on the 18 bus from the Μεϊντανη stop near Βρυσων in Λενταριανά.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Βρυσων and Kalamaki Crete Greece?
Get off the bus at the Χανια - Κουνουπιδιανα - Χανια stop, which is closest to Kalamaki Crete Greece in Chania.