How to get from Στ. Κωτιαδη to Kalithèa by bus?
From Στ. Κωτιαδη to Kalithèa by bus
Take one direct bus from Στ. Κωτιαδη to Kalithèa in Rhodes: take the 40 bus from Δενδρινου 1 station to Πηγες Καλλιθεας station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationΔενδρινου 1900 m • 12 min
- 2Wait for bus40Ροδος - Φαληρακι
- 3Ride to bus stationΠηγες Καλλιθεας21 min
- 4Walk toKalithèa490 m • 7 min
Public transit directions from Στ. Κωτιαδη to Kalithèa
Public transit stations close to Στ. Κωτιαδη
Στ. Κωτιαδη is located at Στ. Κωτιαδη, Rhodes and the nearest public transit station is Εκκλησια Αναληψεως.
Bus stations close to Στ. Κωτιαδη:
- Εκκλησια Αναληψεως
- Στ. Κωτιαδη 2
- Εθν. Αντιστασεως
Public transit stations close to Kalithèa, Rhodes
Kalithèa is located at Kalithèa, Rhodes and the nearest public transit station is Πηγες Καλλιθεας.
Bus stations close to Kalithèa:
- Πηγες Καλλιθεας
- Hotel Kalithea Mare
Related Routes
- Euromedica to Kalithèa
- Αδτε to Kalithèa
- Χ.Μανωλη Ε. to Kalithèa
- Λονδινου to Kalithèa
- Παρκο Ροδινιου to Kalithèa
- Ικα to Kalithèa
- Κτελ Ροδου to Kalithèa
- Grand Hotel to Kalithèa
- Κων. Υδραιου to Kalithèa
- Αγ. Αναστασια to Kalithèa
- Κολωνα - Παλια Πολη to Kalithèa
- Παρκο Σασιωτων Αγωνιστων to Kalithèa
- Θερμαι to Kalithèa
- Παρκο Ορφεα to Kalithèa
- 1ο Δημοτικο Σχολειο to Kalithèa
- Ταξιαρχης to Kalithèa
- Αυστραλιας to Kalithèa
- Σαν Φραγκισκο to Kalithèa
- Ορφεας to Kalithèa
- Θ. Σοφουλη - Καμειρου to Kalithèa
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Στ. Κωτιαδη to Kalithèa?
The fastest way takes 40 minutes, using Bus line 40.
Is there a direct bus between Στ. Κωτιαδη and Kalithèa?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Στ. Κωτιαδη in Ανάληψη (Ρόδος (Πόλη)) to Kalithèa in Rhodes in 40 min.
Which bus line goes from Στ. Κωτιαδη to Kalithèa?
The 40 bus line goes from Δενδρινου 1 station near Στ. Κωτιαδη in Ανάληψη (Ρόδος (Πόλη)) to Ροδος - Φαληρακι station near Kalithèa in Rhodes.
How long does it take to travel from Στ. Κωτιαδη to Kalithèa by bus?
The total travel time between Στ. Κωτιαδη in Ανάληψη (Ρόδος (Πόλη)) and Kalithèa in Rhodes by bus is about 40 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Στ. Κωτιαδη to get to Kalithèa?
Get on the 40 bus from the Δενδρινου 1 stop near Στ. Κωτιαδη in Ανάληψη (Ρόδος (Πόλη)).
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Στ. Κωτιαδη and Kalithèa?
Get off the bus at the Ροδος - Φαληρακι stop, which is closest to Kalithèa in Rhodes.
When is the first bus from Στ. Κωτιαδη to Kalithèa?
The first bus from Στ. Κωτιαδη in Ανάληψη (Ρόδος (Πόλη)) to Kalithèa in Rhodes is ΡΟΔΟΣ - ΦΑΛΗΡΑΚΙ. It leaves the Δενδρινου 1 stop at 6:06 PM.