How to get from Paldiski to Kiviõli by bus?
From Paldiski to Kiviõli by bus
To get from Paldiski to Kiviõli in Estonia, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 145 bus from Sadama Tänav station to Vabaduse Väljak station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 18V bus and finally take the 99 bus from Aseri station to Kiviõli station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 5 hr 14 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationPaldiski
- 2Wait for bus145Balti Jaam
- 3Ride to bus stationVabaduse VäljakID 12003-367 min
- 4Wait for bus18VAseri
- 5Ride to bus stationAseriID 4400058-1168 min
- 6Wait for bus99Metsamajandi
- 7Ride to bus stationKiviõliID 4400878-143 min
Public transit directions from Paldiski to Kiviõli
Public transit stations close to Paldiski
Paldiski is located at Paldiski, Estonia and the nearest public transit station is Nikolai Kirik.
Train stations close to Paldiski:
- Paldiski
Bus stations close to Paldiski:
- Nikolai Kirik
- Rae
- Peetri Kindlus
Public transit stations close to Kiviõli, Estonia
Kiviõli is located at Kiviõli, Estonia and the nearest public transit station is Soo.
Train stations close to Kiviõli:
- Kiviõli
- Püssi
Bus stations close to Kiviõli:
- Soo
- Kiviõli
- Karjääri
Related Routes
- Kohtla-Järve to Kiviõli
- Narva-Jõesuu to Kiviõli
- Paide to Kiviõli
- Tallinn to Kiviõli
- Paldiski to Haaslava
- Paldiski to Kunda
- Paldiski to Meremäe
- Paldiski to Mäetaguse
- Paldiski to Mikitamäe
- Paldiski to Narva-Jõesuu
- Paldiski to Paide
- Paldiski to Raasiku
- Paldiski to Saku
- Paldiski to Sillamäe
- Põltsamaa to Häädemeeste
- Põltsamaa to Jõhvi
- Põltsamaa to Keila
- Põltsamaa to Kohila
- Põltsamaa to Mustvee
- Põltsamaa to Orissaare
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Paldiski to Kiviõli?
The fastest way takes 314 minutes, using Bus line 145, Bus line 18V, Bus line 99.
Is there a direct bus between Paldiski and Kiviõli in Estonia?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 5 hr 14 min.
Which bus line goes from Paldiski to Kiviõli in Estonia?
The 145 bus line goes from Balti Jaam station near Paldiski to Vabaduse Väljak station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Vabaduse Väljak station near Kiviõli in Estonia
How long does it take to travel from Paldiski to Kiviõli in Estonia by bus?
The total travel time between Paldiski and Kiviõli in Estonia by bus is about 5 hr 14 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Paldiski to get to Kiviõli in Estonia?
Get on the 145 bus from the Balti Jaam stop near Paldiski in Estonia.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Paldiski and Kiviõli in Estonia?
Get off the bus at the Vabaduse Väljak stop, which is closest to Kiviõli in Estonia.