How to get from Setia Jaya to Klia2 Terminal by train?
From Setia Jaya to Klia2 Terminal by train
To get from Setia Jaya to Klia2 Terminal in Sepang, take the 2 train from Setia Jaya station to KL Sentral station. Next, take the 6 train from KL Sentral station to KLIA T2 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 19 min. The ride fare is MYR57.30.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationSetia Jaya
- 2Wait for train22318 - Tanjung Malim
- 3Ride to train stationKL Sentral28 min
- 4Wait for train6KLIA T1 & KLIA T2
- 5Ride to train stationKLIA T233 min
From Setia Jaya to Klia2 Terminal by bus and train
To get from Setia Jaya to Klia2 Terminal in Sepang, take the 751 bus from Mentari Court 2 (Pj605) station to Nu Sentral (Kl1079) station. Next, take the 6 train from KL Sentral station to KLIA T2 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 31 min. The ride fare is MYR56.90.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationMentari Court 2 (Pj605)530 m • 7 min
- 2Wait for bus751Hab Pasar Seni
- 3Ride to bus stationNu Sentral (Kl1079)30 min
- 4Walk to train stationKL Sentral10 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for train6KLIA T1 & KLIA T2
- 6Ride to train stationKLIA T233 min
Public transit directions from Setia Jaya to Klia2 Terminal
Public transit stations close to Setia Jaya
Setia Jaya is located at Setia Jaya, Sepang and the nearest public transit station is Sungei Way Free Trade Zone (Selatan) (Pj744).
MRT & LRT stations close to Setia Jaya:
- Glenmarie
- Taman Paramount
Train stations close to Setia Jaya:
- Kg Dato Harun
- Subang Jaya
- Seri Setia
Bus stations close to Setia Jaya:
- Sungei Way Free Trade Zone (Selatan) (Pj744)
- Kontena Nasional (Utara)
- Sungei Way Free Trade Zone (Selatan) (Pj611)
Public transit stations close to Klia2 Terminal, Sepang
Klia2 Terminal is located at terminal, Sepang and the nearest public transit station is KLIA T2, Transportation Hub Level 1.
Train stations close to Klia2 Terminal:
Bus stations close to Klia2 Terminal:
- KLIA T2, Transportation Hub Level 1
Related Routes
- LRT Awan Besar (Kl2324) to Klia2 Terminal
- Central Market (Selatan) (Kl109) to Klia2 Terminal
- Skypod Residences (Sj447) to Klia2 Terminal
- Pv15 Platinum Lake Condominium (Opp) (Kl1520) to Klia2 Terminal
- LRT Pusat Bandar Puchong (Sj735) to Klia2 Terminal
- MRT Kwasa Sentral, Pintu A (Sa1020) to Klia2 Terminal
- MRT Mutiara Damansara, Pintu C (Pj814) to Klia2 Terminal
- MRT Mutiara Damansara, Pintu B (Pj809) to Klia2 Terminal
- MRT Semantan, Pintu B (Kl1174) to Klia2 Terminal
- MRT Sungai Buloh (Sa995) to Klia2 Terminal
- PWTC to Klia2 Terminal
- Masjid Jamek to Klia2 Terminal
- Plaza Rakyat to Klia2 Terminal
- Chan Sow Lin to Klia2 Terminal
- Pandan Jaya to Klia2 Terminal
- Ampang to Klia2 Terminal
- Puchong Prima to Klia2 Terminal
- Pusat Bandar Puchong to Klia2 Terminal
- IOI Puchong Jaya to Klia2 Terminal
- Kinrara B.K.5 to Klia2 Terminal
From Setia Jaya to Klia2 Terminal by bus and train
To get from Setia Jaya to Klia2 Terminal in Sepang, take the 751 bus from Mentari Court 2 (Pj605) station to Nu Sentral (Kl1079) station. Next, take the 6 train from KL Sentral station to KLIA T2 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 31 min. The ride fare is MYR56.90.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationMentari Court 2 (Pj605)530 m • 7 min
- 2Wait for bus751Hab Pasar Seni
- 3Ride to bus stationNu Sentral (Kl1079)30 min
- 4Walk to train stationKL Sentral10 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for train6KLIA T1 & KLIA T2
- 6Ride to train stationKLIA T233 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Setia Jaya to Klia2 Terminal?
The fastest way takes 79 minutes, using Bus line 2, Bus line 6.
What is the alternative route to get from Setia Jaya to Klia2 Terminal?
The alternative route takes 91 minutes, using Bus line 751, Bus line 6.
Is there a direct train between Setia Jaya and Klia2 Terminal?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 19 min.
Which train line goes from Setia Jaya to Klia2 Terminal?
The 2 train line goes from 2318 - Tanjung Malim station near Setia Jaya in Petaling to KL Sentral station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till KL Sentral station near Klia2 Terminal in Sepang.
How long does it take to travel from Setia Jaya to Klia2 Terminal by train?
The total travel time between Setia Jaya in Petaling and Klia2 Terminal in Sepang by train is about 1 hr 19 min.
Where do I get on the train near Setia Jaya to get to Klia2 Terminal?
Get on the 2 train from the 2318 - Tanjung Malim station near Setia Jaya in Petaling.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Setia Jaya and Klia2 Terminal?
Get off the train at the KL Sentral station, which is closest to Klia2 Terminal in Sepang.
How much is the train fare from Setia Jaya to Klia2 Terminal?
The ride from Setia Jaya to Klia2 Terminal costs MYR57.30.