How to get from Autobusni Kolodvor to Korčula by ferry?
From Autobusni Kolodvor to Korčula by ferry
Take one direct ferry from Autobusni Kolodvor to Korčula in Split: take the 9608 ferry from Split - 27 station to Korčula station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 39 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to ferry stationSplit - 27600 m • 8 min
- 2Wait for ferry9608Korčula
- 3Ride to ferry stationKorčula150 min
Public transit directions from Autobusni Kolodvor to Korčula
Public transit stations close to Autobusni Kolodvor
Autobusni Kolodvor is located at Autobusni Kolodvor, Split and the nearest public transit station is Obala Kneza Branimira 7a.
Bus stations close to Autobusni Kolodvor:
- Obala Kneza Branimira 7a
- Manus III
- Sv. Frane
Ferry stations close to Autobusni Kolodvor:
- Split (2)
- Split (13)
- Split (21)
Public transit stations close to Korčula, Split
Korčula is located at Korčula, Split and the nearest public transit station is Korčula.
Ferry stations close to Korčula:
- Korčula
Related Routes
- Blaca to Korčula
- Bol to Korčula
- Hvar to Korčula
- Jelsa to Korčula
- Kaštela to Korčula
- Lastovo to Korčula
- Podstrana to Korčula
- Solin to Korčula
- Split to Korčula
- Stari Grad to Korčula
- Supetar to Korčula
- Trogir to Korčula
- Vis to Korčula
- Šolta to Korčula
- Tržnica to Korčula
- Brodarica 1 to Korčula
- Sukoišan to Korčula
- Autobusni Kolodvor to Blaca
- Autobusni Kolodvor to Bol
- Autobusni Kolodvor to Hvar
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Autobusni Kolodvor to Korčula?
The fastest way takes 159 minutes, using Bus line 9608.
Is there a direct ferry between Autobusni Kolodvor and Korčula in Split?
Yes, there is a direct ferry going from Autobusni Kolodvor to Korčula in Split in 2 hr 39 min.
Which ferry line goes from Autobusni Kolodvor to Korčula in Split?
The 9608 ferry line goes from Split - 27 station near Autobusni Kolodvor to Korčula station near Korčula in Split.
How long does it take to travel from Autobusni Kolodvor to Korčula in Split by ferry?
The total travel time between Autobusni Kolodvor and Korčula in Split by ferry is about 2 hr 39 min.
Where do I get on the ferry near Autobusni Kolodvor to get to Korčula in Split?
Get on the 9608 ferry from the Split - 27 station near Autobusni Kolodvor in Split.
Where do I get off the ferry when travelling between Autobusni Kolodvor and Korčula in Split?
Get off the ferry at the Korčula station, which is closest to Korčula in Split.
When is the first ferry from Autobusni Kolodvor to Korčula in Split?
The first ferry from Autobusni Kolodvor to Korčula in Split is Split - Milna (Brač) - Hvar - Korčula - Pomena (Mljet) - Dubrovnik. It leaves the Split (2) station at 8:40 AM.