How to get from La Côte-Saint-André to L'Albenc by bus?
From La Côte-Saint-André to L'Albenc by bus
To get from La Côte-Saint-André to L'Albenc in Grenoble, take the T51 bus from La Côte-Saint-André, Place H. Berlioz station to Saint-Égrève, San Marino - Barrage station. Next, take the T62 bus from Saint-Égrève, San Marino - Barrage station to L'Albenc, Le Village station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 52 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationLa Côte-Saint-André
- 2Wait for busT51Grenoble, Gare Routiere
- 3Ride to bus stationSaint-Égrève, San Marino - BarrageID ST0570252 min
- 4Walk to bus stationSaint-Égrève, San Marino - BarrageID ST05702340 m • 5 min
- 5Wait for busT62Saint-Marcellin, La Gare
- 6Ride to bus stationL'Albenc, Le VillageID ST0532840 min
Public transit directions from La Côte-Saint-André to L'Albenc
Public transit stations close to La Côte-Saint-André
La Côte-Saint-André is located at La Côte-Saint-André, Grenoble and the nearest public transit station is La Côte-Saint-André, Cite Scolaire.
Bus stations close to La Côte-Saint-André:
- La Côte-Saint-André, Cite Scolaire
- La Côte-Saint-André, College St Francois
- La Côte-Saint-André, Legta
Public transit stations close to L'Albenc, Grenoble
L'Albenc is located at L'Albenc, Grenoble and the nearest public transit station is L'Albenc, Le Village.
Train stations close to L'Albenc:
- Vinay
- Poliénas
Bus stations close to L'Albenc:
- L'Albenc, Le Village
- L'Albenc, La Gare
Related Routes
- Voreppe to L'Albenc
- Charavines to L'Albenc
- La Buisse to L'Albenc
- Saint-Just-De-Claix to L'Albenc
- Saint-Pierre-De-Méaroz to L'Albenc
- Tullins to L'Albenc
- Vizille, L'Alliance to L'Albenc
- La Côte-Saint-André to Paladru
- La Côte-Saint-André to Crolles
- La Côte-Saint-André to Saint-Cassien
- La Côte-Saint-André to Saint-Marcellin
- La Côte-Saint-André to Saint-Quentin-Sur-Isère
- La Côte-Saint-André to Vinay
- La Fare-En-Champsaur to Gières
- La Fare-En-Champsaur to Le Pont-De-Claix
- La Flachère to Saint-Baldoph
- La Frette to Notre-Dame-De-Vaulx
- La Frette to Cras
- La Frette to Le Pont-De-Beauvoisin
- La Frette to Saint-Quentin-Sur-Isère
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from La Côte-Saint-André to L'Albenc?
The fastest way takes 232 minutes, using Bus line T51, Bus line T62.
Is there a direct bus between La Côte-Saint-André and L'Albenc in Grenoble?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 3 hr 52 min.
Which bus line goes from La Côte-Saint-André to L'Albenc in Grenoble?
The T51 bus line goes from Grenoble, Gare Routiere station near La Côte-Saint-André to Saint-Égrève, San Marino - Barrage station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Saint-Égrève, San Marino - Barrage station near L'Albenc in Grenoble
How long does it take to travel from La Côte-Saint-André to L'Albenc in Grenoble by bus?
The total travel time between La Côte-Saint-André and L'Albenc in Grenoble by bus is about 3 hr 52 min.
Where do I get on the bus near La Côte-Saint-André to get to L'Albenc in Grenoble?
Get on the T51 bus from the Grenoble, Gare Routiere stop near La Côte-Saint-André in Grenoble.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between La Côte-Saint-André and L'Albenc in Grenoble?
Get off the bus at the Saint-Égrève, San Marino - Barrage stop, which is closest to L'Albenc in Grenoble.