How to get from Châbons to La Combe-De-Lancey by train?
From Châbons to La Combe-De-Lancey by train
To get from Châbons to La Combe-De-Lancey in Grenoble, take the C6 train from Châbons station to Grenoble station. Next, take the C1 train from Grenoble station to Lancey station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 28 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationChâbons
- 2Wait for trainC6885417
- 3Ride to train stationGrenoble44 min
- 4Wait for trainC1883767
- 5Ride to train stationLancey18 min
- 6Walk toLa Combe-De-Lancey3.99 km • 51 min
Public transit directions from Châbons to La Combe-De-Lancey
Public transit stations close to Châbons
Châbons is located at Châbons, Grenoble and the nearest public transit station is Châbons, La Gare.
Bus stations close to Châbons:
- Châbons, La Gare
- Châbons, Centre
- Châbons, Mat Le Tulipier (Privee)
Public transit stations close to La Combe-De-Lancey, Grenoble
La Combe-De-Lancey is located at La Combe-De-Lancey, Grenoble and the nearest public transit station is Lancey.
Train stations close to La Combe-De-Lancey:
- Lancey
- Brignoud
Related Routes
- Crolles to La Combe-De-Lancey
- Le Cheylas to La Combe-De-Lancey
- Le Touvet to La Combe-De-Lancey
- Saint-Andéol to La Combe-De-Lancey
- Saint-Étienne-De-Crossey to La Combe-De-Lancey
- Vif to La Combe-De-Lancey
- Châbons to La Côte-Saint-André
- Châbons to Theys
- Clelles to Saint-Égrève
- Clelles to Blandin
- Cornillon-En-Trièves to Seyssinet-Pariset
- Corps to Le Pont-De-Claix
- Corps to Saint-Bueil
- Corps to Voiron
- Corrençon-En-Vercors to Cognin-Les-Gorges
- Corrençon-En-Vercors to Saint-Martin-De-Clelles
- Corrençon-En-Vercors to Villard-Saint-Christophe
- Corrençon-En-Vercors to Vinay
- Coublevie to Biviers
- Coublevie to Chantelouve
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Châbons to La Combe-De-Lancey?
The fastest way takes 208 minutes, using Bus line C6, Bus line C1.
Is there a direct train between Châbons and La Combe-De-Lancey in Grenoble?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 3 hr 28 min.
Which train line goes from Châbons to La Combe-De-Lancey in Grenoble?
The C6 train line goes from 885417 station near Châbons to Grenoble station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Grenoble station near La Combe-De-Lancey in Grenoble
How long does it take to travel from Châbons to La Combe-De-Lancey in Grenoble by train?
The total travel time between Châbons and La Combe-De-Lancey in Grenoble by train is about 3 hr 28 min.
Where do I get on the train near Châbons to get to La Combe-De-Lancey in Grenoble?
Get on the C6 train from the 885417 station near Châbons in Grenoble.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Châbons and La Combe-De-Lancey in Grenoble?
Get off the train at the Grenoble station, which is closest to La Combe-De-Lancey in Grenoble.