How to get from Praça Do Amoca to Lab Secretariado by bus?
From Praça Do Amoca to Lab Secretariado by bus
To get from Praça Do Amoca to Lab Secretariado in Boa Vista, take the 112 bus from Praça Do Amoca station to Terminal Centro station. Next, take the 308 bus from Terminal Centro station to Avenida Venezuela, 3623-3827 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationPraça Do Amoca
- 2Wait for bus112Equatorial
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Centro15 min
- 4Wait for bus308Said Salomão
- 5Ride to bus stationAvenida Venezuela, 3623-382714 min
- 6Walk toLab SecretariadoTravessa Pequim310 m • 4 min
Alternative route from Praça Do Amoca to Lab Secretariado by bus via 112 and 104
To get from Praça Do Amoca to Lab Secretariado in Boa Vista, take the 112 bus from Praça Do Amoca station to Terminal Centro station. Next, take the 104 bus from Terminal Centro station to Sesi Roraima C/B station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationPraça Do Amoca
- 2Wait for bus112Equatorial
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Centro15 min
- 4Wait for bus104Bairro União
- 5Ride to bus stationSesi Roraima C/B11 min
- 6Walk toLab SecretariadoTravessa Pequim550 m • 7 min
Public transit directions from Praça Do Amoca to Lab Secretariado
Public transit stations close to Praça Do Amoca
Praça Do Amoca is located at Praça Do Amoca, Boa Vista and the nearest public transit station is Av. Ville Roy, 2751-2849.
Bus stations close to Praça Do Amoca:
- Av. Ville Roy, 2751-2849
- Edifício Varandas Do Rio Branco
- Acesso Praça Do Mirandinha
Public transit stations close to Lab Secretariado, Boa Vista
Lab Secretariado is located at Travessa Pequim, Boa Vista and the nearest public transit station is Rua Reinaldo Neves, 217 B/C.
Bus stations close to Lab Secretariado:
- Rua Reinaldo Neves, 217 B/C
- Hospital Dos Rins C/B
- Acesso Rua Vasco Da Gama B/C
Related Routes
- Acesso Praça Mané Garrincha to Lab Secretariado
- Rua General Penha Brasil, 952 to Lab Secretariado
- Av. Brilho Do Sol, 1192-1324 to Lab Secretariado
- Boa Vista Shopping to Lab Secretariado
- Prefeitura De Boa Vista to Lab Secretariado
- Praça Do Amoca to Laboratório De Técnicas Alimentares
- Praça Do Amoca to Laboratório Mac
- Praça Do Amoca to Anatomia Animal
- Praça Do Amoca to Coordenação Dos Cursos
- Acesso Praça Do Mirandinha to Laboratório De Técnicas Alimentares
- Acesso Praça Do Mirandinha to Laboratório Mac
- Acesso Praça Do Mirandinha to Anatomia Animal
- Acesso Praça Do Mirandinha to Coordenação Dos Cursos
- Av. Ville Roy, 3372 to Laboratório De Técnicas Alimentares
- Av. Ville Roy, 3372 to Laboratório Mac
- Av. Ville Roy, 3372 to Anatomia Animal
- Av. Ville Roy, 3372 to Coordenação Dos Cursos
- Av. Ville Roy, 3642 to Laboratório De Técnicas Alimentares
- Av. Ville Roy, 3642 to Laboratório Mac
- Av. Ville Roy, 3642 to Anatomia Animal
Alternative route from Praça Do Amoca to Lab Secretariado by bus via 112 and 104
To get from Praça Do Amoca to Lab Secretariado in Boa Vista, take the 112 bus from Praça Do Amoca station to Terminal Centro station. Next, take the 104 bus from Terminal Centro station to Sesi Roraima C/B station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationPraça Do Amoca
- 2Wait for bus112Equatorial
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Centro15 min
- 4Wait for bus104Bairro União
- 5Ride to bus stationSesi Roraima C/B11 min
- 6Walk toLab SecretariadoTravessa Pequim550 m • 7 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Praça Do Amoca to Lab Secretariado?
The fastest way takes 37 minutes, using Bus line 112, Bus line 308.
What is the alternative route to get from Praça Do Amoca to Lab Secretariado?
The alternative route takes 37 minutes, using Bus line 112, Bus line 104.
Is there a direct bus between Praça Do Amoca and Lab Secretariado in Boa Vista?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 37 min.
Which bus line goes from Praça Do Amoca to Lab Secretariado in Boa Vista?
The 112 bus line goes from Equatorial station near Praça Do Amoca to Terminal Centro station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Terminal Centro station near Lab Secretariado in Boa Vista
How long does it take to travel from Praça Do Amoca to Lab Secretariado in Boa Vista by bus?
The total travel time between Praça Do Amoca and Lab Secretariado in Boa Vista by bus is about 37 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Praça Do Amoca to get to Lab Secretariado in Boa Vista?
Get on the 112 bus from the Equatorial stop near Praça Do Amoca in Boa Vista.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Praça Do Amoca and Lab Secretariado in Boa Vista?
Get off the bus at the Terminal Centro stop, which is closest to Lab Secretariado in Boa Vista.