How to get from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center by bus?
From Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center by bus
Take one direct bus from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center in Madison: take the B bus from Northport at N Sherman station to Packers at Schlimgen station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 13 min. The ride fare is $2.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationNorthport at N ShermanID 5223560 yd • 7 min
- 2Wait for busBFitchburg-Caddis
- 3Ride to bus stationPackers at SchlimgenID 54203 min
- 4Walk toLakeland University-Madison CenterPackers Avenue200 yd • 3 min
Alternative route from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center by bus via D
Take one direct bus from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center in Madison: take the D bus from N Sherman at Tennyson station to N Sherman at Schlimgen station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 16 min. The ride fare is $2.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationN Sherman at TennysonID 523840 yd • 1 min
- 2Wait for busD2-Mckee
- 3Ride to bus stationN Sherman at SchlimgenID 57484 min
- 4Walk toLakeland University-Madison CenterPackers Avenue0.52 mi • 11 min
Public transit directions from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center
Public transit stations close to Tennyson at N Sherman
Tennyson at N Sherman is located at Tennyson at N Sherman, Madison and the nearest public transit station is N Sherman at Thackeray.
Bus stations close to Tennyson at N Sherman:
- N Sherman at Thackeray
- Tennyson at Whitman
- N Sherman at Northport
Public transit stations close to Lakeland University-Madison Center, Madison
Lakeland University-Madison Center is located at Packers Avenue, Madison and the nearest public transit station is Aberg at Ruskin.
Bus stations close to Lakeland University-Madison Center:
- Aberg at Ruskin
- Packers at International
- Aberg at Loftsgordan
Related Routes
- N Rusk at Nygard to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- S Park at Crosswalk to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- E Rusk at N Rusk to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- Koster at Bram to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- Beltline S at Whenona to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- Verona W at Beltline S to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- Dempsey at Cottage Grove to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- Dempsey at Rockwell to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- Turner at Buckeye to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- Mckenna at Park Heights to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- Mckenna at Carnwood to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- Commercial at Nakoosa to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- Nakoosa at Commercial to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- N Lake at Langdon to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- N Sherman at Roth to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- Northern Lights at Epic Staff C to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- Fitchrona at King James to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- Northport at Kennedy to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- Dominion at Galileo to Lakeland University-Madison Center
- North Star at Copernicus to Lakeland University-Madison Center
Alternative route from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center by bus via D
Take one direct bus from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center in Madison: take the D bus from N Sherman at Tennyson station to N Sherman at Schlimgen station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 16 min. The ride fare is $2.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationN Sherman at TennysonID 523840 yd • 1 min
- 2Wait for busD2-Mckee
- 3Ride to bus stationN Sherman at SchlimgenID 57484 min
- 4Walk toLakeland University-Madison CenterPackers Avenue0.52 mi • 11 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center?
The fastest way takes 13 minutes, using Bus line B.
What is the alternative route to get from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center?
The alternative route takes 16 minutes, using Bus line D.
Is there a direct bus between Tennyson at N Sherman and Lakeland University-Madison Center in Madison?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center in Madison in 13 min.
Which bus line goes from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center in Madison?
The B bus line goes from Northport at N Sherman station near Tennyson at N Sherman to Fitchburg-Caddis station near Lakeland University-Madison Center in Madison.
How long does it take to travel from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center in Madison by bus?
The total travel time between Tennyson at N Sherman and Lakeland University-Madison Center in Madison by bus is about 13 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Tennyson at N Sherman to get to Lakeland University-Madison Center in Madison?
Get on the B bus from the Northport at N Sherman stop near Tennyson at N Sherman in Madison.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Tennyson at N Sherman and Lakeland University-Madison Center in Madison?
Get off the bus at the Fitchburg-Caddis stop, which is closest to Lakeland University-Madison Center in Madison.
When is the first bus from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center in Madison?
The first bus from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center in Madison is Troy at Forster - Cahill at Caddis. It leaves the Northport at N Sherman stop at 2:20 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center?
The ride from Tennyson at N Sherman to Lakeland University-Madison Center costs $2.00.