How to get from Larrabasterra to Lemoa by bus?
From Larrabasterra to Lemoa by bus
To get from Larrabasterra to Lemoa in Lemoa, take the L1 from Larrabasterra station to San Mames station. Next, take the A3927 bus from Bilbao Intermodal (2877) station to Intzuntza (Gasolindegia/Gasolinera) (2686) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 25 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from stationLarrabasterra
- 2Wait forL1Etxebarri
- 3Ride toSan Mames29 min
- 4Walk to bus stationBilbao Intermodal (2877)ID 48020154240 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for busA3927Altzusta (2926)
- 6Ride to bus stationIntzuntza (Gasolindegia/Gasolinera) (2686)ID 4805500229 min
- 7Walk toLemoaTarragona-Bilbao350 m • 5 min
From Larrabasterra to Lemoa by and bus
To get from Larrabasterra to Lemoa in Lemoa, take the L1 from Larrabasterra station to Abando station. Next, take the A3911 bus from Abando (Geltokia/Estación) (4132) station to Intzuntza (Gasolindegia/Gasolinera) (2686) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from stationLarrabasterra
- 2Wait forL1Etxebarri
- 3Ride toAbando33 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAbando (Geltokia/Estación) (4132)ID 48020199190 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for busA3911Gurutziaga (2854)
- 6Ride to bus stationIntzuntza (Gasolindegia/Gasolinera) (2686)ID 4805500242 min
- 7Walk toLemoaTarragona-Bilbao350 m • 5 min
Public transit directions from Larrabasterra to Lemoa
Public transit stations close to Larrabasterra
Larrabasterra is located at Larrabasterra, Lemoa and the nearest public transit station is Indians.
Metro stations close to Larrabasterra:
- Sopela
- Urduliz
- Berango
Bus stations close to Larrabasterra:
- Indians
- Eliza / Iglesia (3100)
- Eliza / Iglesia (3161)
Public transit stations close to Lemoa, Lemoa
Lemoa is located at Tarragona-Bilbao, Lemoa and the nearest public transit station is Estaziñoa (2687).
Train stations close to Lemoa:
- Amorebieta Geralekua
- Usansolo-Galdakao
- Amorebieta Geltokia
Bus stations close to Lemoa:
- Estaziñoa (2687)
- Tallerreta (2636)
- Tallerreta (2688)
Related Routes
- Traslaviña to Lemoa
- Ambulatorio Txurdinaga to Lemoa
- Areeta to Lemoa
- Gobela to Lemoa
- Erandiondo (153) to Lemoa
- Abando (Geltokia/Estación) (171) to Lemoa
- Zubiaurre (2911) to Lemoa
- Gezala (2939) to Lemoa
- Garakoi (2940) to Lemoa
- Gezala (3001) to Lemoa
- Zelaia (3004) to Lemoa
- Prado (Igerilekuak/Piscinas) (3095) to Lemoa
- Sertutxa (3101) to Lemoa
- Urdulizko Ospitalea (3164) to Lemoa
- Prado (Igerilekuak/Piscinas) (3168) to Lemoa
- Errenteria (3400) to Lemoa
- Herri Bide 11 (3437) to Lemoa
- Zubia/Puente (Geltokia/Estación) (3449) to Lemoa
- Kexaa (3520) to Lemoa
- Inzier (3521) to Lemoa
From Larrabasterra to Lemoa by and bus
To get from Larrabasterra to Lemoa in Lemoa, take the L1 from Larrabasterra station to Abando station. Next, take the A3911 bus from Abando (Geltokia/Estación) (4132) station to Intzuntza (Gasolindegia/Gasolinera) (2686) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from stationLarrabasterra
- 2Wait forL1Etxebarri
- 3Ride toAbando33 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAbando (Geltokia/Estación) (4132)ID 48020199190 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for busA3911Gurutziaga (2854)
- 6Ride to bus stationIntzuntza (Gasolindegia/Gasolinera) (2686)ID 4805500242 min
- 7Walk toLemoaTarragona-Bilbao350 m • 5 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Larrabasterra to Lemoa?
The fastest way takes 85 minutes, using Bus line L1, Bus line A3927.
What is the alternative route to get from Larrabasterra to Lemoa?
The alternative route takes 97 minutes, using Bus line L1, Bus line A3911.
Is there a direct between Larrabasterra and Lemoa?
No, you’ll have to take one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 25 min.
Which line goes from Larrabasterra to Lemoa?
The line goes from Etxebarri station near Larrabasterra in Sopelana to San Mames station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till San Mames station near Lemoa in Lemoa.
How long does it take to travel from Larrabasterra to Lemoa by bus?
The total travel time between Larrabasterra in Sopelana and Lemoa in Lemoa by bus is about 1 hr 25 min.
Where do I get on the near Larrabasterra to get to Lemoa?
Where do I get off the when travelling between Larrabasterra and Lemoa?
Get off the at the San Mames stop, which is closest to Lemoa in Lemoa.