How to get from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Libourne by train?
From Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Libourne by train
Take one direct train from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Libourne in Bordeaux: take the L31 train from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean station to Gare De Libourne station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 29 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationGare Bordeaux Saint-Jean
- 2Wait for trainL31865306
- 3Ride to train stationGare De Libourne25 min
- 4Walk toLibourne140 m • 2 min
Alternative route from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Libourne by train via F41+
Take one direct train from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Libourne in Bordeaux: take the F41+ train from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean station to Gare De Libourne station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationGare Bordeaux Saint-Jean
- 2Wait for trainF41+866210
- 3Ride to train stationGare De Libourne33 min
- 4Walk toLibourne140 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Libourne
Public transit stations close to Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean
Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean is located at Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean, Bordeaux and the nearest public transit station is Gare Saint-Jean.
Train stations close to Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean:
- Bordeaux Saint-Jean
Bus stations close to Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean:
- Gare Saint-Jean
- Gare St Jean
- Gare St Jean (Rue Domercq)
Public transit stations close to Libourne, Bordeaux
Libourne is located at Libourne, Bordeaux and the nearest public transit station is Belotte.
Train stations close to Libourne:
- Gare De Libourne
- Libourne
Bus stations close to Libourne:
- Belotte
- Gares
- Gare Sncf
Related Routes
- Ambares-Et-Lagrave to Libourne
- Floirac to Libourne
- Gradignan to Libourne
- Captieux to Libourne
- Daignac to Libourne
- Fargues-Saint-Hilaire to Libourne
- Les Billaux to Libourne
- Minzac to Libourne
- Pleine-Selve to Libourne
- Sadirac to Libourne
- Saint-Aubin-De-Blaye to Libourne
- Saint-Estèphe to Libourne
- Saint-Émilion to Libourne
- Saint-Seurin-De-Cadourne to Libourne
- Saint-Yzan-De-Soudiac to Libourne
- Route De Saint-Émilion to Libourne
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Bassens
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Bouliac
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Talence
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Braud-Et-Saint-Louis
Alternative route from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Libourne by train via F41+
Take one direct train from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Libourne in Bordeaux: take the F41+ train from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean station to Gare De Libourne station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationGare Bordeaux Saint-Jean
- 2Wait for trainF41+866210
- 3Ride to train stationGare De Libourne33 min
- 4Walk toLibourne140 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Libourne?
The fastest way takes 29 minutes, using Bus line L31.
What is the alternative route to get from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Libourne?
The alternative route takes 37 minutes, using Bus line F41+.
Is there a direct train between Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean and Libourne in Bordeaux?
Yes, there is a direct train going from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Libourne in Bordeaux in 29 min.
Which train line goes from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Libourne in Bordeaux?
The L31 train line goes from 865306 station near Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Gare De Libourne station near Libourne in Bordeaux.
How long does it take to travel from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Libourne in Bordeaux by train?
The total travel time between Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean and Libourne in Bordeaux by train is about 29 min.
Where do I get on the train near Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to get to Libourne in Bordeaux?
Get on the L31 train from the 865306 station near Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean in Bordeaux.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean and Libourne in Bordeaux?
Get off the train at the Gare De Libourne station, which is closest to Libourne in Bordeaux.
When is the first train from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Libourne in Bordeaux?
The first train from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Libourne in Bordeaux is 13. Angoulême - Bordeaux. It leaves the Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean station at 6:50 AM.