How to get from Bridgewater, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj by bus?
From Bridgewater, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj by bus
To get from Bridgewater, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj in New York - New Jersey, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 114 bus from Union Ave at Adamsville Rd# station to Port Authority Bus Terminal station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 319 bus and finally take the 559 bus from Toms River Park & Ride station to Mathistown Rd at High Ridge Rd station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 5 hr 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationUnion Ave at Adamsville Rd#ID 2838150 yd • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus114114x New York Express
- 3Ride to bus stationPort Authority Bus Terminal110 min
- 4Wait for bus319Atlantic City Via Toms Rvr
- 5Ride to bus stationToms River Park & RideID 2660695 min
- 6Wait for bus559Atlantic City
- 7Ride to bus stationMathistown Rd at High Ridge RdID 2647177 min
Public transit directions from Bridgewater, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
Public transit stations close to Bridgewater, Nj
Bridgewater, Nj is located at Bridgewater, Nj, New York - New Jersey and the nearest public transit station is Union Ave at Adamsville Rd#.
Train stations close to Bridgewater, Nj:
- Somerville
- Raritan
- Bridgewater
Bus stations close to Bridgewater, Nj:
- Union Ave at Adamsville Rd#
- Union Ave at Monroe St
- Union Ave at Morgan Ln
Public transit stations close to Little Egg Harbor, Nj, New York - New Jersey
Little Egg Harbor, Nj is located at Little Egg Harbor, Nj, New York - New Jersey and the nearest public transit station is Mathistown Rd at Mystic Shores Blvd.
Bus stations close to Little Egg Harbor, Nj:
- Mathistown Rd at Mystic Shores Blvd
- Mathistown Rd at High Ridge Rd
- Mathistown Rd 100' E Of Center St
Related Routes
- Windsor to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
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- Bayonne, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Belmar, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Atlantic City, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Avalon, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Barnegat, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Brielle, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- East Rutherford, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Elizabeth, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Dover, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Haworth, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Hammonton, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Garfield, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Jersey City, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Keyport, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Hillsborough, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Holmdel, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Montville, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
- Lawrence, Ny to Little Egg Harbor, Nj
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Bridgewater, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj?
The fastest way takes 337 minutes, using Bus line 114, Bus line 319, Bus line 559.
Is there a direct bus between Bridgewater, Nj and Little Egg Harbor, Nj in New York - New Jersey?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 5 hr 37 min.
Which bus line goes from Bridgewater, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj in New York - New Jersey?
The 114 bus line goes from Union Ave at Adamsville Rd# station near Bridgewater, Nj to 114x New York Express station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till 114x New York Express station near Little Egg Harbor, Nj in New York - New Jersey
How long does it take to travel from Bridgewater, Nj to Little Egg Harbor, Nj in New York - New Jersey by bus?
The total travel time between Bridgewater, Nj and Little Egg Harbor, Nj in New York - New Jersey by bus is about 5 hr 37 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Bridgewater, Nj to get to Little Egg Harbor, Nj in New York - New Jersey?
Get on the 114 bus from the Union Ave at Adamsville Rd# stop near Bridgewater, Nj in New York - New Jersey.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Bridgewater, Nj and Little Egg Harbor, Nj in New York - New Jersey?
Get off the bus at the 114x New York Express stop, which is closest to Little Egg Harbor, Nj in New York - New Jersey.