How to get from Santa Fe, 170 to Llano Chico by bus?
From Santa Fe, 170 to Llano Chico by bus
To get from Santa Fe, 170 to Llano Chico in Calderon (Carapungo), take the MERCADO CARAPUNGO - OYACOTO bus from Punin, 665 station to El Arenal, 180 station. Next, take the NO46 bus from Panamericana Norte, 1 station to Calixto Muzo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 57 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPunin, 665740 m • 10 min
- 2Wait for busMERCADO CARAPUNGO - OYACOTOJulio Ramos
- 3Ride to bus stationEl Arenal, 18013 min
- 4Walk to bus stationPanamericana Norte, 1260 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for busNO4617 De Septiembre
- 6Ride to bus stationCalixto Muzo8 min
- 7Walk toLlano Chico1.56 km • 20 min
Alternative route from Santa Fe, 170 to Llano Chico by bus via LA CAPILLA - MERCADO CARAPUNGO
Take one direct bus from Santa Fe, 170 to Llano Chico in Calderon (Carapungo): take the LA CAPILLA - MERCADO CARAPUNGO bus from Santa Fe, 170 station to Duchicela, 225 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 49 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationSanta Fe, 170
- 2Wait for busLA CAPILLA - MERCADO CARAPUNGOAmalia Eriguen
- 3Ride to bus stationDuchicela, 2252 min
- 4Walk toLlano Chico3.62 km • 46 min
Public transit directions from Santa Fe, 170 to Llano Chico
Public transit stations close to Santa Fe, 170
Santa Fe, 170 is located at Santa Fe, 170, Calderon (Carapungo) and the nearest public transit station is Duchicela.
Bus stations close to Santa Fe, 170:
- Duchicela
- 9 De Agosto
- Duchicela, 125
Public transit stations close to Llano Chico, Calderon (Carapungo)
Llano Chico is located at Llano Chico, Calderon (Carapungo) and the nearest public transit station is General Gabriel García Moreno.
Bus stations close to Llano Chico:
- General Gabriel García Moreno
- Gabriel García Moreno
Related Routes
- E 14 A to Llano Chico
- Terminal Marín Central to Llano Chico
- America to Llano Chico
- Av Simon Bolivar to Llano Chico
- Gran Colombia to Llano Chico
- La Florida to Llano Chico
- Bellavista to Llano Chico
- De Los Nogales to Llano Chico
- 6 De Diciembre to Llano Chico
- Carapungo to Llano Chico
- Jaime Roldos to Llano Chico
- Panamericana Nte to Llano Chico
- Simón Bolivar to Llano Chico
- Estación Estadio to Llano Chico
- Estación La Y to Llano Chico
- El Labrador to Llano Chico
- Terminal El Recreo to Llano Chico
- Puente De Guajalo to Llano Chico
- Terminal Norte "Rio Coca" to Llano Chico
- San Roque (N-S) to Llano Chico
Alternative route from Santa Fe, 170 to Llano Chico by bus via LA CAPILLA - MERCADO CARAPUNGO
Take one direct bus from Santa Fe, 170 to Llano Chico in Calderon (Carapungo): take the LA CAPILLA - MERCADO CARAPUNGO bus from Santa Fe, 170 station to Duchicela, 225 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 49 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationSanta Fe, 170
- 2Wait for busLA CAPILLA - MERCADO CARAPUNGOAmalia Eriguen
- 3Ride to bus stationDuchicela, 2252 min
- 4Walk toLlano Chico3.62 km • 46 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Santa Fe, 170 to Llano Chico?
The fastest way takes 57 minutes, using Bus line MERCADO CARAPUNGO - OYACOTO, Bus line NO46.
What is the alternative route to get from Santa Fe, 170 to Llano Chico?
The alternative route takes 49 minutes, using Bus line LA CAPILLA - MERCADO CARAPUNGO.
Is there a direct bus between Santa Fe, 170 and Llano Chico?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 57 min.
Which bus line goes from Santa Fe, 170 to Llano Chico?
The MERCADO CARAPUNGO - OYACOTO bus line goes from Punin, 665 station near Santa Fe, 170 in Quito to Julio Ramos station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Julio Ramos station near Llano Chico in Calderon (Carapungo).
How long does it take to travel from Santa Fe, 170 to Llano Chico by bus?
The total travel time between Santa Fe, 170 in Quito and Llano Chico in Calderon (Carapungo) by bus is about 57 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Santa Fe, 170 to get to Llano Chico?
Get on the MERCADO CARAPUNGO - OYACOTO bus from the Punin, 665 stop near Santa Fe, 170 in Quito.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Santa Fe, 170 and Llano Chico?
Get off the bus at the Julio Ramos stop, which is closest to Llano Chico in Calderon (Carapungo).
When is the last bus from Santa Fe, 170 to Llano Chico?
The last bus from Santa Fe, 170 in Quito to Llano Chico in Calderon (Carapungo) is the La Capilla - Mercado Carapungo line. It leaves the Santa Fe, 170 stop at 2:10 AM.