How to get from Maplewood to Long Branch, NJ by light rail and train?
From Maplewood to Long Branch, NJ by light rail and train
To get from Maplewood to Long Branch, NJ in Long Branch, Nj, you’ll need to take 2 train lines and one light rail line: take the GB train from Maplewood station to Newark Broad St station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the NLR light rail and finally take the NJCL train from Newark Penn Station station to Long Branch station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 15 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationMaplewood
- 2Wait for trainGB#0414| Hoboken
- 3Ride to train stationNewark Broad St14 min
- 4Walk to light rail stationBroad Street Light Rail StationID 30775370 yd • 5 min
- 5Wait for light railNLRNlr Penn Station
- 6Ride to light rail stationNewark Penn Station9 min
- 7Wait for trainNJCL#3227| Long Branch
- 8Ride to train stationLong Branch77 min
- 9Walk toLong Branch, NJ480 yd • 6 min
From Maplewood to Long Branch, NJ by bus and train
To get from Maplewood to Long Branch, NJ in Long Branch, Nj, you’ll need to take 2 train lines and one bus line: take the GB train from Maplewood station to Newark Broad St station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 29 bus and finally take the NJCL train from Newark Penn Station station to Long Branch station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 15 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationMaplewood
- 2Wait for trainGB#0414| Hoboken
- 3Ride to train stationNewark Broad St14 min
- 4Walk to bus stationUniversity Ave at Orange StID 19047350 yd • 5 min
- 5Wait for bus2929x Newark Penn Sta - Express
- 6Ride to bus stationNewark Penn StationID 318908 min
- 7Walk to train stationNewark Penn Station160 yd • 2 min
- 8Wait for trainNJCL#3227| Long Branch
- 9Ride to train stationLong Branch77 min
- 10Walk toLong Branch, NJ480 yd • 6 min
Public transit directions from Maplewood to Long Branch, NJ
Public transit stations close to Maplewood
Maplewood is located at Maplewood, Long Branch, Nj and the nearest public transit station is South Orange.
Train stations close to Maplewood:
- South Orange
- Short Hills
- Millburn
Public transit stations close to Long Branch, NJ, Long Branch, Nj
Long Branch, NJ is located at Long Branch, NJ, Long Branch, Nj and the nearest public transit station is Long Branch Rail Station.
Train stations close to Long Branch, NJ:
- Elberon
- Long Branch
Bus stations close to Long Branch, NJ:
- Long Branch Rail Station
- Long Branch Rail Station (Southbound)
- Pavilion Ave at 2nd Ave#
Related Routes
- 47-50 Sts-Rockefeller Ctr to Long Branch, NJ
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- Queens Plaza to Long Branch, NJ
- Cleveland St to Long Branch, NJ
- 23 St to Long Branch, NJ
- Whitehall St-South Ferry to Long Branch, NJ
- 53 St to Long Branch, NJ
- 238 St to Long Branch, NJ
- 231 St to Long Branch, NJ
- Hoboken to Long Branch, NJ
- Newport to Long Branch, NJ
- Exchange Place to Long Branch, NJ
- Journal Square to Long Branch, NJ
- Kew Gardens to Long Branch, NJ
- Laurelton to Long Branch, NJ
- Mastic Shirley to Long Branch, NJ
- Oyster Bay to Long Branch, NJ
- East Norwalk to Long Branch, NJ
- White Plains to Long Branch, NJ
From Maplewood to Long Branch, NJ by bus and train
To get from Maplewood to Long Branch, NJ in Long Branch, Nj, you’ll need to take 2 train lines and one bus line: take the GB train from Maplewood station to Newark Broad St station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 29 bus and finally take the NJCL train from Newark Penn Station station to Long Branch station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 15 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationMaplewood
- 2Wait for trainGB#0414| Hoboken
- 3Ride to train stationNewark Broad St14 min
- 4Walk to bus stationUniversity Ave at Orange StID 19047350 yd • 5 min
- 5Wait for bus2929x Newark Penn Sta - Express
- 6Ride to bus stationNewark Penn StationID 318908 min
- 7Walk to train stationNewark Penn Station160 yd • 2 min
- 8Wait for trainNJCL#3227| Long Branch
- 9Ride to train stationLong Branch77 min
- 10Walk toLong Branch, NJ480 yd • 6 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Maplewood to Long Branch, NJ?
The fastest way takes 135 minutes, using Bus line GB, Bus line NLR, Bus line NJCL.
What is the alternative route to get from Maplewood to Long Branch, NJ?
The alternative route takes 135 minutes, using Bus line GB, Bus line 29, Bus line NJCL.
Is there a direct train between Maplewood and Long Branch, NJ?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines and one light rail line in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 15 min.
Which train line goes from Maplewood to Long Branch, NJ?
The GB train line goes from #0414| Hoboken station near Maplewood in Maplewood, Nj to Newark Broad St station. From there you’ll have to take one train line and one light rail line till Newark Broad St station near Long Branch, NJ in Long Branch, Nj.
How long does it take to travel from Maplewood to Long Branch, NJ by train and light rail?
The total travel time between Maplewood in Maplewood, Nj and Long Branch, NJ in Long Branch, Nj by train and light rail is about 2 hr 15 min.
Where do I get on the train near Maplewood to get to Long Branch, NJ?
Get on the GB train from the #0414| Hoboken station near Maplewood in Maplewood, Nj.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Maplewood and Long Branch, NJ?
Get off the train at the Newark Broad St station, which is closest to Long Branch, NJ in Long Branch, Nj.