How to get from Lomme St-Philibert to Loos by bus?
From Lomme St-Philibert to Loos by bus
Take one direct bus from Lomme St-Philibert to Loos in Loos: take the CO2 bus from St. Philibert station to Nd De Grace station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 38 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationSt. Philibert60 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for busCO2Lille Chu-Eurasante
- 3Ride to bus stationNd De Grace31 min
- 4Walk toLoosPlace Jean Jaurès400 m • 6 min
From Lomme St-Philibert to Loos by bus and metro
To get from Lomme St-Philibert to Loos in Loos, you’ll need to take 2 metro lines and one bus line: take the M2 metro from Lomme St-Philibert station to Porte Des Postes station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the M1 metro and finally take the L2 bus from Chu-Eurasante station to Republique station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationLomme St-Philibert
- 2Wait for metroM2Tourcoing C.H. Dron
- 3Ride to metro stationPorte Des Postes13 min
- 4Wait for metroM1Lille Chu-Eurasante
- 5Ride to metro stationChu - Eurasanté4 min
- 6Walk to bus stationChu-Eurasante70 m • 1 min
- 7Wait for busL2Loos Les Oliveaux
- 8Ride to bus stationRepublique9 min
- 9Walk toLoosPlace Jean Jaurès240 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Lomme St-Philibert to Loos
Public transit stations close to Lomme St-Philibert
Lomme St-Philibert is located at Lomme St-Philibert, Loos and the nearest public transit station is St. Philibert.
Metro stations close to Lomme St-Philibert:
- Mitterie
- Lomme – Lambersart Arthur Notebart
Train stations close to Lomme St-Philibert:
- Pérenchies
Bus stations close to Lomme St-Philibert:
- St. Philibert
- Chateau Du Molinel
- Calvaire
Public transit stations close to Loos, Loos
Loos is located at Place Jean Jaurès, Loos and the nearest public transit station is Loos Mairie.
Metro stations close to Loos:
- Chu - Eurasanté
- Chu - Centre Oscar Lambret
Train stations close to Loos:
- Lille Centre Hospitalier Régional
- Loos Lez Lille
- Haubourdin
Bus stations close to Loos:
- Loos Mairie
- Mirabeau
- Pn De Loos
Related Routes
- Cité Scientifique Prof. Gabillard to Loos
- Mairie D'Hellemmes to Loos
- Lomme – Lambersart Arthur Notebart to Loos
- Jean Jaures to Loos
- Lp De Flandres to Loos
- Deffontaines to Loos
- Fort De Bondues to Loos
- Dom De La Vigne to Loos
- N. Segard to Loos
- La Quenouille to Loos
- Chateau D'Eau to Loos
- Comines Mairie to Loos
- College St Joseph (F) to Loos
- Palais Des Metiers to Loos
- Calvaire to Loos
- Fin De La Guerre to Loos
- Rue D'Haubourdin to Loos
- Bon Coin to Loos
- Lp Colbras to Loos
- Eglise Du Colbras to Loos
From Lomme St-Philibert to Loos by bus and metro
To get from Lomme St-Philibert to Loos in Loos, you’ll need to take 2 metro lines and one bus line: take the M2 metro from Lomme St-Philibert station to Porte Des Postes station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the M1 metro and finally take the L2 bus from Chu-Eurasante station to Republique station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationLomme St-Philibert
- 2Wait for metroM2Tourcoing C.H. Dron
- 3Ride to metro stationPorte Des Postes13 min
- 4Wait for metroM1Lille Chu-Eurasante
- 5Ride to metro stationChu - Eurasanté4 min
- 6Walk to bus stationChu-Eurasante70 m • 1 min
- 7Wait for busL2Loos Les Oliveaux
- 8Ride to bus stationRepublique9 min
- 9Walk toLoosPlace Jean Jaurès240 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Lomme St-Philibert to Loos?
The fastest way takes 38 minutes, using Bus line CO2.
What is the alternative route to get from Lomme St-Philibert to Loos?
The alternative route takes 35 minutes, using Bus line M2, Bus line M1, Bus line L2.
Is there a direct bus between Lomme St-Philibert and Loos?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Lomme St-Philibert in Lille to Loos in Loos in 38 min.
Which bus line goes from Lomme St-Philibert to Loos?
The CO2 bus line goes from St. Philibert station near Lomme St-Philibert in Lille to Lille Chu-Eurasante station near Loos in Loos.
How long does it take to travel from Lomme St-Philibert to Loos by bus?
The total travel time between Lomme St-Philibert in Lille and Loos in Loos by bus is about 38 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Lomme St-Philibert to get to Loos?
Get on the CO2 bus from the St. Philibert stop near Lomme St-Philibert in Lille.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Lomme St-Philibert and Loos?
Get off the bus at the Lille Chu-Eurasante stop, which is closest to Loos in Loos.
When is the first bus from Lomme St-Philibert to Loos?
The first bus from Lomme St-Philibert in Lille to Loos in Loos is PERENCHIES EUROPE <> LILLE CHU-EURASANTÉ. It leaves the St. Philibert stop at 9:07 AM.