How to get from [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] to Lugones by bus and train?
From [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] to Lugones by bus and train
To get from [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] to Lugones in Siero, take the L5 bus from [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] station to [Campos, Los] Pueblo Nuevo [Cta 01075] station. Next, take the C3 train from Los Campos station to Lugones/Llugones station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 44 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus station[Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662]
- 2Wait for busL5L5 - Avilés
- 3Ride to bus station[Campos, Los] Pueblo Nuevo [Cta 01075]7 min
- 4Walk to train stationLos Campos220 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for trainC3Oviedo/Uviéu
- 6Ride to train stationLugones/Llugones26 min
- 7Walk toLugonesCalle Alejandro Casona110 m • 2 min
From [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] to Lugones by train
Take one direct train from [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] to Lugones in Siero: take the C3 train from Villalegre station to Lugones/Llugones station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 49 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationVillalegre1.48 km • 19 min
- 2Wait for trainC3Oviedo/Uviéu
- 3Ride to train stationLugones/Llugones28 min
- 4Walk toLugonesCalle Alejandro Casona110 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] to Lugones
Public transit stations close to [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662]
[Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] is located at [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662], Siero and the nearest public transit station is [Overo] Pantano 2 [Cta 01068].
Train stations close to [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662]:
- Trasona/Tresona
- Villalegre
- Los Campos
Bus stations close to [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662]:
- [Overo] Pantano 2 [Cta 01068]
- [Overo] Pantano 2 [Cta 01067]
- [Santa Cruz] Pantano [Cta 04359]
Public transit stations close to Lugones, Siero
Lugones is located at Calle Alejandro Casona, Siero and the nearest public transit station is [Lugones/Llugones] Estación Renfe Lugones [Cta 02471].
Train stations close to Lugones:
- La Corredoria
- Lugones
- Lugones/Llugones
Bus stations close to Lugones:
- [Lugones/Llugones] Estación Renfe Lugones [Cta 02471]
- [Lugones/Llugones] Didier [Cta 16831]
- [Lugones/Llugones] Conde De Santa Bárbara 12 [Cta 02470]
Related Routes
- [Oviedo/Uviéu] Teodoro López Cuesta [Cta 21395] to Lugones
- [Vioño] Vioño As-238 Km8 [Cta 21416] to Lugones
- [Vioño] Vioño As-238 Km8 [Cta 21417] to Lugones
- [Pedrera, La] La Pedrera - La Rabila [Cta 04212] to Lugones
- [Villaviciosa] Estación De Alsa De Villaviciosa. [Cta 05094] to Lugones
- [Arenas|Arenas, Las] Cpeb De Las Arenas [Cta 08778] to Lugones
- [Oviedo/Uviéu] Campomanes 26 [Cta 21393] to Lugones
- [Salas] Centro De Salud (Salas) [Cta 16266] to Lugones
- [Avilés] Estación Bus Avilés [Cta 00161] to Lugones
- [Avilés] Parque Del Muelle [Cta 00205] to Lugones
- [Avilés] Parque Del Muelle [Cta 00206] to Lugones
- [Avilés] Llano Ponte [Cta 00207] to Lugones
- [Lluanco/Luanco] Estación Bus Luanco [Cta 00299] to Lugones
- [Llangréu/Langreo] Ciañu - Iglesia [Cta 00377] to Lugones
- [Llangréu/Langreo] Villa-Riaño - Entrada [Cta 00403] to Lugones
- [Llangréu/Langreo] La Felguera - Pablo Picasso [Cta 00413] to Lugones
- [Llangréu/Langreo] La Felguera - Norte 6 [Cta 00415] to Lugones
- [Llangréu/Langreo] La Felguera - Estación Autobuses [Cta 00417] to Lugones
- [Llangréu/Langreo] La Felguera - Ganzábal [Cta 00419] to Lugones
- [Llangréu/Langreo] Sama - Plaza La Salve [Cta 00425] to Lugones
From [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] to Lugones by train
Take one direct train from [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] to Lugones in Siero: take the C3 train from Villalegre station to Lugones/Llugones station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 49 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationVillalegre1.48 km • 19 min
- 2Wait for trainC3Oviedo/Uviéu
- 3Ride to train stationLugones/Llugones28 min
- 4Walk toLugonesCalle Alejandro Casona110 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] to Lugones?
The fastest way takes 44 minutes, using Bus line L5, Bus line C3.
What is the alternative route to get from [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] to Lugones?
The alternative route takes 49 minutes, using Bus line C3.
Is there a direct bus between [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] and Lugones?
No, you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 44 min.
Which bus line goes from [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] to Lugones?
The L5 bus line goes from L5 - Avilés station near [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] in Asturias to [Campos, Los] Pueblo Nuevo [Cta 01075] station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till [Campos, Los] Pueblo Nuevo [Cta 01075] station near Lugones in Siero.
How long does it take to travel from [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] to Lugones by bus and train?
The total travel time between [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] in Asturias and Lugones in Siero by bus and train is about 44 min.
Where do I get on the bus near [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] to get to Lugones?
Get on the L5 bus from the L5 - Avilés stop near [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] in Asturias.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between [Overo] Los Balagares (Campo De Golf) [Cta 08662] and Lugones?
Get off the bus at the [Campos, Los] Pueblo Nuevo [Cta 01075] station, which is closest to Lugones in Siero.