How to get from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Médica Campestre by bus?
From Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Médica Campestre by bus
Take one direct bus from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Médica Campestre in León: take the X-58C1 bus from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo station to Blvd. Juan Alonso De Torres 1796 A - Del Moral station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 16 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationBoulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo
- 2Wait for busX-58C1Terminal San Jerónimo – Terminal San Jerónimo
- 3Ride to bus stationBlvd. Juan Alonso De Torres 1796 A - Del Moral6 min
- 4Walk toMédica CampestreCalle Lunik670 m • 9 min
Alternative route from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Médica Campestre by bus via A-62
Take one direct bus from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Médica Campestre in León: take the A-62 bus from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo station to Blvd. Juan Alonso De Torres 1796 A - Del Moral station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 17 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationBoulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo
- 2Wait for busA-62Terminal San Jeronimo-Itsem
- 3Ride to bus stationBlvd. Juan Alonso De Torres 1796 A - Del Moral7 min
- 4Walk toMédica CampestreCalle Lunik670 m • 9 min
Public transit directions from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Médica Campestre
Public transit stations close to Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo
Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo is located at Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo, León and the nearest public transit station is Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1803b - Industrial Hidalgo.
Bus stations close to Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo:
- Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1803b - Industrial Hidalgo
- Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo, 1733
- Del Avio - San Jerónimo
Public transit stations close to Médica Campestre, León
Médica Campestre is located at Calle Lunik, León and the nearest public transit station is Bulevar Campestre 119 - Jardines Del Moral.
Bus stations close to Médica Campestre:
- Bulevar Campestre 119 - Jardines Del Moral
- Bulevar Campestre - Panorama
- Boulevard Adolfo Lopez Mateos Oriente - Jardines Del Moral
Related Routes
- Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Hospital Psiquiatrico San Pedro del Monte
- Boulevard Juan Alonso De Torres Poniente 302 - San Jerónimo to Dela Salle Bajio
- Boulevard Juan Alonso De Torres Poniente 302 - San Jerónimo to Tecnológico De Monterrey - Campus León
- Gema 103 - María Dolores to Dela Salle Bajio
- Gema 103 - María Dolores to Tecnológico De Monterrey - Campus León
- Madreselva 422 - Jardines De San Pedro to Dela Salle Bajio
- Madreselva 422 - Jardines De San Pedro to Tecnológico De Monterrey - Campus León
- Boulevard Hilario Medina 701 - La Killian to Dela Salle Bajio
- Boulevard Hilario Medina 701 - La Killian to Tecnológico De Monterrey - Campus León
- Hilario Medina 4102 - Real Providencia to Dela Salle Bajio
- Hilario Medina 4102 - Real Providencia to Tecnológico De Monterrey - Campus León
- Hilario Medina 4008 - Real Providencia to Dela Salle Bajio
- Hilario Medina 4008 - Real Providencia to Tecnológico De Monterrey - Campus León
- Hilario Medina 1004 - Zona Centro Comercial to Dela Salle Bajio
- Hilario Medina 1004 - Zona Centro Comercial to Tecnológico De Monterrey - Campus León
- Blvd. Universidad Cristiana - San Pablo to Dela Salle Bajio
- Blvd. Universidad Cristiana - San Pablo to Tecnológico De Monterrey - Campus León
- Avenida Espanita 303 - Eyupol to Dela Salle Bajio
- Avenida Espanita 303 - Eyupol to Tecnológico De Monterrey - Campus León
- Candelaria 1318 - El Coecillo to Dela Salle Bajio
Alternative route from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Médica Campestre by bus via A-62
Take one direct bus from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Médica Campestre in León: take the A-62 bus from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo station to Blvd. Juan Alonso De Torres 1796 A - Del Moral station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 17 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationBoulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo
- 2Wait for busA-62Terminal San Jeronimo-Itsem
- 3Ride to bus stationBlvd. Juan Alonso De Torres 1796 A - Del Moral7 min
- 4Walk toMédica CampestreCalle Lunik670 m • 9 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Médica Campestre?
The fastest way takes 16 minutes, using Bus line X-58C1.
What is the alternative route to get from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Médica Campestre?
The alternative route takes 17 minutes, using Bus line A-62.
Is there a direct bus between Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo and Médica Campestre in León?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Médica Campestre in León in 16 min.
Which bus line goes from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Médica Campestre in León?
The X-58C1 bus line goes from Terminal San Jerónimo – Terminal San Jerónimo station near Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Blvd. Juan Alonso De Torres 1796 A - Del Moral station near Médica Campestre in León.
How long does it take to travel from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Médica Campestre in León by bus?
The total travel time between Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo and Médica Campestre in León by bus is about 16 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to get to Médica Campestre in León?
Get on the X-58C1 bus from the Terminal San Jerónimo – Terminal San Jerónimo stop near Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo in León.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo and Médica Campestre in León?
Get off the bus at the Blvd. Juan Alonso De Torres 1796 A - Del Moral stop, which is closest to Médica Campestre in León.
When is the first bus from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Médica Campestre in León?
The first bus from Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo to Médica Campestre in León is Terminal San Jerónimo – Terminal San Jerónimo. It leaves the Boulevard Miguel Hidalgo 1818 - San Jerónimo stop at 2:02 AM.