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How to get from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana by Micro?

From Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana by Micro

Take one direct Micro from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana in Vitacura: take the C14 Micro from Pc98-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Kennedy station to Pc100-Parada 2 / Clínica Alemana station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 7 min. The ride fare is CLP710.

Walk to Micro station
Micro - C14C14
Walk to Maternidad Clínica Alemana
Leaves from Pc98-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Kennedy

Step by Step

  • 1
    Walk to Micro station
    Walk to Micro station
    Pc98-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Kennedy
    170 m • 3 min
  • 2
    Micro - C14C14
    Wait for Micro
    Los Trapenses
  • 3
    Ride to Micro station
    Ride to Micro station
    Pc100-Parada 2 / Clínica Alemana
    3 min
  • 4
    Walk to Maternidad Clínica Alemana
    Walk to
    Maternidad Clínica Alemana
    Avenida Manquehue Norte
    60 m • 1 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

Alternative route from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana by Micro via C07

Take one direct Micro from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana in Vitacura: take the C07 Micro from Pc98-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Kennedy station to Pc100-Parada 2 / Clínica Alemana station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 8 min. The ride fare is CLP710.

Walk to Micro station
Micro - C07C07
Walk to Maternidad Clínica Alemana
Leaves from Pc98-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Kennedy

Step by Step

  • 1
    Walk to Micro station
    Walk to Micro station
    Pc98-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Kennedy
    170 m • 3 min
  • 2
    Micro - C07C07
    Wait for Micro
    La Pirámide
  • 3
    Ride to Micro station
    Ride to Micro station
    Pc100-Parada 2 / Clínica Alemana
    4 min
  • 4
    Walk to Maternidad Clínica Alemana
    Walk to
    Maternidad Clínica Alemana
    Avenida Manquehue Norte
    60 m • 1 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic
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Public transit directions from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana

The distance between Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco, Vitacura and Maternidad Clínica Alemana, Vitacura is approximately 1 km, which can typically be travelled in 7 min. Moovit will show you the directions from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana by Micro, so no matter how you choose to travel in Vitacura – you will always have plenty of easy options.

Public transit stations close to Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco

Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco is located at Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco, Vitacura and the nearest public transit station is Pc903-Cerro Colorado / Esq. Rosario Norte.

Metro stations close to Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco:

  • Manquehue
  • Dirección Los Domínicos
  • Escuela Militar

Micro stations close to Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco:

  • Pc903-Cerro Colorado / Esq. Rosario Norte
  • Pc97-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco
  • Cerro El Plomo 31

Public transit stations close to Maternidad Clínica Alemana, Vitacura

Maternidad Clínica Alemana is located at Avenida Manquehue Norte, Vitacura and the nearest public transit station is Pc102-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Las Hualtatas.

Metro stations close to Maternidad Clínica Alemana:

  • Manquehue
  • Escuela Militar
  • Hernando De Magallanes

Micro stations close to Maternidad Clínica Alemana:

  • Pc102-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Las Hualtatas
  • Pc1035-Parada 1 / Clínica Alemana
  • Pc100-Parada 2 / Clínica Alemana

Related Routes

Alternative route from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana by Micro via C07

Take one direct Micro from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana in Vitacura: take the C07 Micro from Pc98-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Kennedy station to Pc100-Parada 2 / Clínica Alemana station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 8 min. The ride fare is CLP710.

Walk to Micro station
Micro - C07C07
Walk to Maternidad Clínica Alemana
Leaves from Pc98-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Kennedy

Step by Step

  • 1
    Walk to Micro station
    Walk to Micro station
    Pc98-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Kennedy
    170 m • 3 min
  • 2
    Micro - C07C07
    Wait for Micro
    La Pirámide
  • 3
    Ride to Micro station
    Ride to Micro station
    Pc100-Parada 2 / Clínica Alemana
    4 min
  • 4
    Walk to Maternidad Clínica Alemana
    Walk to
    Maternidad Clínica Alemana
    Avenida Manquehue Norte
    60 m • 1 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

Questions & Answers

  • What is the fastest way to get from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana?

    The fastest way takes 7 minutes, using Micro line C14.

  • What is the alternative route to get from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana?

    The alternative route takes 8 minutes, using Micro line C07.

  • Is there a direct Micro between Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco and Maternidad Clínica Alemana?

    Yes, there’s a direct Micro going from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco in Santiago to Maternidad Clínica Alemana in Vitacura in 7 min.

  • Which Micro line goes from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana?

    The C14 Micro line goes from Pc98-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Kennedy station near Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco in Santiago to Los Trapenses station near Maternidad Clínica Alemana in Vitacura.

  • How long does it take to travel from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana by Micro?

    The total travel time between Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco in Santiago and Maternidad Clínica Alemana in Vitacura by Micro is about 7 min.

  • Where do I get on the Micro near Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to get to Maternidad Clínica Alemana?

    Get on the C14 Micro from the Pc98-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Kennedy stop near Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco in Santiago.

  • Where do I get off the Micro when travelling between Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco and Maternidad Clínica Alemana?

    Get off the Micro at the Los Trapenses stop, which is closest to Maternidad Clínica Alemana in Vitacura.

  • When is the first Micro from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana?

    The first Micro from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco in Santiago to Maternidad Clínica Alemana in Vitacura is (M) Escuela Militar - Los Trapenses. It leaves the Pc98-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Kennedy stop at 4:06 AM.

  • How much is the Micro fare from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana?

    The ride from Pc103-Av. Manquehue Norte / Esq. Av. Pdte. Riesco to Maternidad Clínica Alemana costs CLP710.