How to get from Prnjavor - Škola to Megatrend by ?
From Prnjavor - Škola to Megatrend by
To get from Prnjavor - Škola to Megatrend in Novi Beograd, you’ll need to take : take the 470 from Prnjavor - Škola station to Trošarina station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the and finally take the 17 from Petrinjska station to Bulevar Maršala Tolbuhina station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 29 min. The ride fare is RSD50.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk toPrnjavor - ŠkolaID 2404100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for470Mala Ivanča - Voždovac
- 3Ride toTrošarinaID 91034 min
- 4Wait for50Banovo brdo - Ustanička
- 5Ride toPetrinjskaID 21913 min
- 6Walk toPetrinjskaID 220110 m • 2 min
- 7Wait for17Konjarnik - Zemun /Gornji grad/
- 8Ride toBulevar Maršala TolbuhinaID 37324 min
- 9Walk toMegatrendBulevar maršala Tolbuhina 8 (Klare Cetkin)480 m • 7 min
Alternative route from Prnjavor - Škola to Megatrend by via 491 and 78
To get from Prnjavor - Škola to Megatrend in Novi Beograd, take the 491 from Prnjavor - Škola station to Baštovanska station. Next, take the 78 from Baštovanska station to Blok 30 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 26 min. The ride fare is RSD50.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk toPrnjavor - ŠkolaID 2404100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for491Mladenovac AS - Voždovac
- 3Ride toBaštovanskaID 29231 min
- 4Wait for78Banjica 2 - Zemun /Novi grad/ (Izmenjana trasa)
- 5Ride toBlok 30ID 36830 min
- 6Walk toMegatrendBulevar maršala Tolbuhina 8 (Klare Cetkin)1.04 km • 14 min
Public transit directions from Prnjavor - Škola to Megatrend
Public transit stations close to Prnjavor - Škola
Prnjavor - Škola is located at Prnjavor - Škola, Novi Beograd and the nearest public transit station is Prnjavor - Škola.
Train stations close to Prnjavor - Škola:
- Klenje
Public transit stations close to Megatrend, Novi Beograd
Megatrend is located at Bulevar maršala Tolbuhina 8 (Klare Cetkin), Novi Beograd and the nearest public transit station is Karađorđev Trg.
Train stations close to Megatrend:
- Novi Beograd
- Tošin Bunar
Related Routes
- Miljakovačke Staze to Megatrend
- Miljakovačke Staze 2 to Megatrend
- Barič - Izlaz to Megatrend
- Barič - Kolonija to Megatrend
- Zelengora to Megatrend
- Železnik - R to Megatrend
- Generala Štefanika to Megatrend
- Generala Vladimira Kondića to Megatrend
- Vmc Karaburma to Megatrend
- Sopot - Kosmajski to Megatrend
- Mladenovac to Megatrend
- Padinska Skela 1 to Megatrend
- Barajevo As to Megatrend
- Barajevo - Ulaz to Megatrend
- Barajevo Ikl to Megatrend
- Lipovica to Megatrend
- Barajevo - Centar to Megatrend
- Banovo Brdo to Megatrend
- Ripanj to Megatrend
- Zdravstvena St. Leštane I Vinča to Megatrend
Alternative route from Prnjavor - Škola to Megatrend by via 491 and 78
To get from Prnjavor - Škola to Megatrend in Novi Beograd, take the 491 from Prnjavor - Škola station to Baštovanska station. Next, take the 78 from Baštovanska station to Blok 30 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 26 min. The ride fare is RSD50.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk toPrnjavor - ŠkolaID 2404100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for491Mladenovac AS - Voždovac
- 3Ride toBaštovanskaID 29231 min
- 4Wait for78Banjica 2 - Zemun /Novi grad/ (Izmenjana trasa)
- 5Ride toBlok 30ID 36830 min
- 6Walk toMegatrendBulevar maršala Tolbuhina 8 (Klare Cetkin)1.04 km • 14 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Prnjavor - Škola to Megatrend?
The fastest way takes 89 minutes, using Bus line 470, Bus line 50, Bus line 17.
What is the alternative route to get from Prnjavor - Škola to Megatrend?
The alternative route takes 86 minutes, using Bus line 491, Bus line 78.
Is there a direct between Prnjavor - Škola and Megatrend?
No, you’ll have to take in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 29 min.
Which line goes from Prnjavor - Škola to Megatrend?
The line goes from Prnjavor - Škola station near Prnjavor - Škola in Belgrade to Mala Ivanča - Voždovac station. From there you’ll have to take till Mala Ivanča - Voždovac station near Megatrend in Novi Beograd.
How long does it take to travel from Prnjavor - Škola to Megatrend by ?
The total travel time between Prnjavor - Škola in Belgrade and Megatrend in Novi Beograd by is about 1 hr 29 min.
Where do I get on the near Prnjavor - Škola to get to Megatrend?
Where do I get off the when travelling between Prnjavor - Škola and Megatrend?
Get off the at the Mala Ivanča - Voždovac stop, which is closest to Megatrend in Novi Beograd.
How much is the total fare from Prnjavor - Škola to Megatrend?
The ride from Prnjavor - Škola to Megatrend costs RSD50.00.