How to get from Aldeno to Mezzano by bus?
From Aldeno to Mezzano by bus
To get from Aldeno to Mezzano in Trento, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the B302 bus from Aldeno station to Trento. Autostazione station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the B104 bus and finally take the B122 bus from Predazzo. Autostazione station to Fiera Di Primiero station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 5 hr 59 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAldeno
- 2Wait for busB302Trento. Autostazione
- 3Ride to bus stationTrento. AutostazioneID 000120 min
- 4Wait for busB104Penia. Str. Pian Trevisan
- 5Ride to bus stationPredazzo. AutostazioneID 1220106 min
- 6Wait for busB122Fiera Di Primiero
- 7Ride to bus stationFiera Di PrimieroID 514088 min
- 8Walk toMezzano1.92 km • 25 min
Public transit directions from Aldeno to Mezzano
Public transit stations close to Aldeno
Aldeno is located at Aldeno, Trento and the nearest public transit station is Aldeno Via Roma.
Bus stations close to Aldeno:
- Aldeno Via Roma
- Aldeno Via Del Perer
- Aldeno-Cimitero
Public transit stations close to Mezzano, Trento
Mezzano is located at Mezzano, Trento and the nearest public transit station is Mezzano Albergo Salgetti.
Bus stations close to Mezzano:
- Mezzano Albergo Salgetti
- Mezzano. Salgetti
- Sorive
Related Routes
- Caldaro Sulla Strada Del Vino to Mezzano
- Canal San Bovo to Mezzano
- Canale D' Agordo to Mezzano
- Daiano to Mezzano
- Dimaro to Mezzano
- Fai Della Paganella to Mezzano
- Lavis to Mezzano
- Predazzo to Mezzano
- Cencenighe Agordino to Mezzano
- Sedico to Mezzano
- Zoldo Alto to Mezzano
- Aldeno to Bassano Del Grappa
- Aldeno to Canale D' Agordo
- Aldeno to Denno
- Aldeno to Falcade
- Aldeno to Fiavè
- Aldeno to Levico Terme
- Aldeno to Nogaredo
- Aldeno to Pinzolo
- Aldeno to Ponte Di Legno
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Aldeno to Mezzano?
The fastest way takes 359 minutes, using Bus line B302, Bus line B104, Bus line B122.
Is there a direct bus between Aldeno and Mezzano in Trento?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 5 hr 59 min.
Which bus line goes from Aldeno to Mezzano in Trento?
The B302 bus line goes from Trento. Autostazione station near Aldeno to Trento. Autostazione station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Trento. Autostazione station near Mezzano in Trento
How long does it take to travel from Aldeno to Mezzano in Trento by bus?
The total travel time between Aldeno and Mezzano in Trento by bus is about 5 hr 59 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Aldeno to get to Mezzano in Trento?
Get on the B302 bus from the Trento. Autostazione stop near Aldeno in Trento.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Aldeno and Mezzano in Trento?
Get off the bus at the Trento. Autostazione stop, which is closest to Mezzano in Trento.