How to get from Fama to Mindelo by bus?
From Fama to Mindelo by bus
Take one direct bus from Fama to Mindelo in São Vicente: take the C9 bus from Fama station to Praça Dr. Regala station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 15 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationFama
- 2Wait for busC9Praça Dr. Regala - Cemitério - Atrás Cemitério
- 3Ride to bus stationPraça Dr. Regala8 min
- 4Walk toMindelo400 m • 6 min
Alternative route from Fama to Mindelo by bus via C8
Take one direct bus from Fama to Mindelo in São Vicente: take the C8 bus from Parada De Ónibus station to Praça Dr. Regala station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 14 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationParada De Ónibus330 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for busC8Praça Dr. Regala - Campinho
- 3Ride to bus stationPraça Dr. Regala4 min
- 4Walk toMindelo400 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Fama to Mindelo
Public transit stations close to Fama
Fama is located at Fama, São Vicente and the nearest public transit station is Parada De Ónibus.
Bus stations close to Fama:
- Parada De Ónibus
- Escola De Monte Sossego
- Cemitério
Ferry stations close to Fama:
- Mindelo Ferry Terminal
Public transit stations close to Mindelo, São Vicente
Mindelo is located at Mindelo, São Vicente and the nearest public transit station is Parada De Ónibus.
Bus stations close to Mindelo:
- Parada De Ónibus
- Rua Senador Veracruz, 75
- Praça Dr. Regala
Ferry stations close to Mindelo:
- Mindelo Ferry Terminal
Related Routes
- Porto De Sal Rei to Mindelo
- Porto Novo Ferry Terminal to Mindelo
- Mindelo Ferry Terminal to Mindelo
- Porto Tarrafal to Mindelo
- Palmeira Terminal to Mindelo
- Parada De Ónibus to Mindelo
- Mercado Da Ribeirinha to Mindelo
- Escola De Monte Sossego to Mindelo
- Cemitério to Mindelo
- Jardim Infantil to Mindelo
- Estádio to Mindelo
- Escola Técnica João Varela to Mindelo
- Escola to Mindelo
- Igreja São João Baptista to Mindelo
- Praça De Porto Novo to Mindelo
- Liceu De Porto Novo to Mindelo
- Porto Novo to Mindelo
- Mercado to Mindelo
- Estádio Arsenio Ramos to Mindelo
- Hospital to Mindelo
Alternative route from Fama to Mindelo by bus via C8
Take one direct bus from Fama to Mindelo in São Vicente: take the C8 bus from Parada De Ónibus station to Praça Dr. Regala station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 14 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationParada De Ónibus330 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for busC8Praça Dr. Regala - Campinho
- 3Ride to bus stationPraça Dr. Regala4 min
- 4Walk toMindelo400 m • 6 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Fama to Mindelo?
The fastest way takes 15 minutes, using Bus line C9.
What is the alternative route to get from Fama to Mindelo?
The alternative route takes 14 minutes, using Bus line C8.
Is there a direct bus between Fama and Mindelo in São Vicente?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Fama to Mindelo in São Vicente in 15 min.
Which bus line goes from Fama to Mindelo in São Vicente?
The C9 bus line goes from Praça Dr. Regala - Cemitério - Atrás Cemitério station near Fama to Praça Dr. Regala station near Mindelo in São Vicente.
How long does it take to travel from Fama to Mindelo in São Vicente by bus?
The total travel time between Fama and Mindelo in São Vicente by bus is about 15 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Fama to get to Mindelo in São Vicente?
Get on the C9 bus from the Praça Dr. Regala - Cemitério - Atrás Cemitério stop near Fama in São Vicente.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Fama and Mindelo in São Vicente?
Get off the bus at the Praça Dr. Regala stop, which is closest to Mindelo in São Vicente.
When is the first bus from Fama to Mindelo in São Vicente?
The first bus from Fama to Mindelo in São Vicente is Praça Dr. Regala - Cemitério - Atrás Cemitério. It leaves the Fama stop at 7:07 AM.