How to get from Pujo to Mirepeix by bus and train?
From Pujo to Mirepeix by bus and train
To get from Pujo to Mirepeix in Béarn & Bigorre, take the 961 bus from Pujo - Mairie station to Tarbes - Gare Sncf (Dir. Maubourguet/Mont De Marsan) station. Next, take the K5 train from Tarbes station to Coarraze - Nay station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 58 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationPujo
- 2Wait for bus961Tarbes
- 3Ride to bus stationTarbes - Gare Sncf (Dir. Maubourguet/Mont De Marsan)26 min
- 4Walk to train stationTarbes140 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for trainK5872733
- 6Ride to train stationCoarraze - Nay32 min
- 7Walk toMirepeix1.74 km • 23 min
Public transit directions from Pujo to Mirepeix
Public transit stations close to Pujo
Pujo is located at Pujo, Béarn & Bigorre and the nearest public transit station is Pujo - Mairie.
Bus stations close to Pujo:
- Pujo - Mairie
Public transit stations close to Mirepeix, Béarn & Bigorre
Mirepeix is located at Mirepeix, Béarn & Bigorre and the nearest public transit station is Mirepeix - Cami Bieilh.
Train stations close to Mirepeix:
- Coarraze - Nay
Bus stations close to Mirepeix:
- Mirepeix - Cami Bieilh
- Mirepeix - Mairie
- Mirepeix - Lot. Les Hauts Du Gave
Related Routes
- Mauvezin to Mirepeix
- Montgaillard to Mirepeix
- Nouilhan to Mirepeix
- Ordizan to Mirepeix
- Orincles to Mirepeix
- Ozon to Mirepeix
- Peyrouse to Mirepeix
- Pierrefitte-Nestalas to Mirepeix
- Poueyferré to Mirepeix
- Pouzac to Mirepeix
- Saint-Lary-Soulan to Mirepeix
- Saint-Pé-De-Bigorre to Mirepeix
- Saint-Savin to Mirepeix
- Saligos to Mirepeix
- Adast to Mirepeix
- Adé to Mirepeix
- Agos-Vidalos to Mirepeix
- Ancizan to Mirepeix
- Andrest to Mirepeix
- Aragnouet to Mirepeix
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Pujo to Mirepeix?
The fastest way takes 118 minutes, using Bus line 961, Bus line K5.
Is there a direct bus between Pujo and Mirepeix in Béarn & Bigorre?
No, you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 58 min.
Which bus line goes from Pujo to Mirepeix in Béarn & Bigorre?
The 961 bus line goes from Tarbes station near Pujo to Tarbes - Gare Sncf (Dir. Maubourguet/Mont De Marsan) station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Tarbes - Gare Sncf (Dir. Maubourguet/Mont De Marsan) station near Mirepeix in Béarn & Bigorre
How long does it take to travel from Pujo to Mirepeix in Béarn & Bigorre by bus and train?
The total travel time between Pujo and Mirepeix in Béarn & Bigorre by bus and train is about 1 hr 58 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Pujo to get to Mirepeix in Béarn & Bigorre?
Get on the 961 bus from the Tarbes stop near Pujo in Béarn & Bigorre.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Pujo and Mirepeix in Béarn & Bigorre?
Get off the bus at the Tarbes - Gare Sncf (Dir. Maubourguet/Mont De Marsan) station, which is closest to Mirepeix in Béarn & Bigorre.