How to get from Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Misterbianco by bus?
From Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Misterbianco by bus
To get from Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Misterbianco in Messina, take the 744 bus from Dell'Ova Copernico station to Doria Fleming station. Next, take the 433 bus from Doria Vivaldi station to Catania Est station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 38 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationSant' Agata Li Battiati
- 2Wait for bus744Terminal Borsa
- 3Ride to bus stationDoria FlemingID 87118 min
- 4Walk to bus stationDoria VivaldiID 869410 m • 6 min
- 5Wait for bus433Galermo Ustica
- 6Ride to bus stationCatania EstID 5959 min
- 7Walk toMisterbianco220 m • 3 min
Alternative route from Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Misterbianco by bus via 744 and 442
To get from Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Misterbianco in Messina, take the 744 bus from Dell'Ova Copernico station to Doria Gioeni station. Next, take the 442 bus from Doria Gioeni station to Galermo Gualanti Est station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 2 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationSant' Agata Li Battiati
- 2Wait for bus744Terminal Borsa
- 3Ride to bus stationDoria GioeniID 71216 min
- 4Wait for bus442Meli
- 5Ride to bus stationGalermo Gualanti EstID 61217 min
- 6Walk toMisterbianco760 m • 10 min
Public transit directions from Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Misterbianco
Public transit stations close to Sant' Agata Li Battiati
Sant' Agata Li Battiati is located at Sant' Agata Li Battiati, Messina and the nearest public transit station is Dell'Ova Est (2).
Metro stations close to Sant' Agata Li Battiati:
- Borgo
- Giuffrida
Train stations close to Sant' Agata Li Battiati:
- Catania Ognina
- Catania Picanello
Bus stations close to Sant' Agata Li Battiati:
- Dell'Ova Est (2)
- Dell'Ova Nebrodi
- San Gregorio Nebrodi
Public transit stations close to Misterbianco, Messina
Misterbianco is located at Misterbianco, Messina and the nearest public transit station is Catania Kertèsz.
Metro stations close to Misterbianco:
- San Nullo
- Nesima
- Cibali
Bus stations close to Misterbianco:
- Catania Kertèsz
- Catania Est
- Catania Tindari
Related Routes
- Paterno to Misterbianco
- Aci Castello to Misterbianco
- Aci Catena to Misterbianco
- Tremestieri Etneo to Misterbianco
- Letojanni to Misterbianco
- Mascali to Misterbianco
- Roccalumera to Misterbianco
- Sant' Alessio Siculo to Misterbianco
- Messina to Misterbianco
- Belpasso to Misterbianco
- Camporotondo Etneo to Misterbianco
- Castelmola to Misterbianco
- Castiglione Di Sicilia to Misterbianco
- Giardini-Naxos to Misterbianco
- Giarre to Misterbianco
- Santa Teresa Di Riva to Misterbianco
- Nesima to Misterbianco
- Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Aci Catena
- Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Nizza Di Sicilia
- Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Piedimonte Etneo
Alternative route from Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Misterbianco by bus via 744 and 442
To get from Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Misterbianco in Messina, take the 744 bus from Dell'Ova Copernico station to Doria Gioeni station. Next, take the 442 bus from Doria Gioeni station to Galermo Gualanti Est station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 2 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationSant' Agata Li Battiati
- 2Wait for bus744Terminal Borsa
- 3Ride to bus stationDoria GioeniID 71216 min
- 4Wait for bus442Meli
- 5Ride to bus stationGalermo Gualanti EstID 61217 min
- 6Walk toMisterbianco760 m • 10 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Misterbianco?
The fastest way takes 38 minutes, using Bus line 744, Bus line 433.
What is the alternative route to get from Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Misterbianco?
The alternative route takes 62 minutes, using Bus line 744, Bus line 442.
Is there a direct bus between Sant' Agata Li Battiati and Misterbianco in Messina?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 38 min.
Which bus line goes from Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Misterbianco in Messina?
The 744 bus line goes from Terminal Borsa station near Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Doria Fleming station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Doria Fleming station near Misterbianco in Messina
How long does it take to travel from Sant' Agata Li Battiati to Misterbianco in Messina by bus?
The total travel time between Sant' Agata Li Battiati and Misterbianco in Messina by bus is about 38 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Sant' Agata Li Battiati to get to Misterbianco in Messina?
Get on the 744 bus from the Terminal Borsa stop near Sant' Agata Li Battiati in Messina.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Sant' Agata Li Battiati and Misterbianco in Messina?
Get off the bus at the Doria Fleming stop, which is closest to Misterbianco in Messina.