How to get from Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli) to Monte Urano by bus and train?
From Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli) to Monte Urano by bus and train
To get from Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli) to Monte Urano in Monte Urano, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the VI1 bus from Sassoferrato (Capolinea) station to Fabriano (Stazione F.S.). station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the TRASFER bus from Macerata Stazione FS station to Monte Urano - Via Marchesi (Scuole) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 52 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationSassoferrato (Capolinea)ID 6107580 m • 8 min
- 2Wait for busVI1Fabriano (Stazione F.S.).
- 3Ride to bus stationFabriano (Stazione F.S.).ID 614530 min
- 4Walk to train stationFabriano10 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for trainRCivitanova M.
- 6Ride to train stationMacerata94 min
- 7Walk to bus stationMacerata Stazione FS10 m • 1 min
- 8Wait for busTRASFERSan Francesco
- 9Ride to bus stationMonte Urano - Via Marchesi (Scuole)79 min
- 10Walk toMonte UranoVia Incancellata120 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli) to Monte Urano
Public transit stations close to Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli)
Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli) is located at Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli), Monte Urano and the nearest public transit station is Sassoferrato (P.Zza C. Albornoz).
Bus stations close to Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli):
- Sassoferrato (P.Zza C. Albornoz)
- Sassoferrato (Via Cagli)
- Sassoferrato (Via La Pace)
Public transit stations close to Monte Urano, Monte Urano
Monte Urano is located at Via Incancellata, Monte Urano and the nearest public transit station is Via Incancellata Incr. Via Bologna.
Bus stations close to Monte Urano:
- Via Incancellata Incr. Via Bologna
- Via Genova - Rotonda
- Via Incancellata Tabaccheria
Related Routes
- Bivio Ospedale to Monte Urano
- San Severino - Stazione F.S. to Monte Urano
- Alighieri 1 - Farmacia to Monte Urano
- Alighieri 9 to Monte Urano
- Alighieri 7 to Monte Urano
- Pellico 8 to Monte Urano
- Capolinea Zona Industriale A to Monte Urano
- D'Annunzio 9 to Monte Urano
- Capolinea Via Roma to Monte Urano
- Stazione FS to Monte Urano
- Pantiere Di Castelbellino to Monte Urano
- Terminal Cristo Re to Monte Urano
- Corso Umberto I to Monte Urano
- Delle Vergini 1 - Piscina Comunale to Monte Urano
- XX Settembre to Monte Urano
- Colombo 7 to Monte Urano
- Sella - Cuore Adriatico to Monte Urano
- Iper - Cuore Adriatico to Monte Urano
- Maceratese 2 to Monte Urano
- Corridonia - Ex S.S. 485 B. Abb. San Cla to Monte Urano
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli) to Monte Urano?
The fastest way takes 232 minutes, using Bus line VI1, Bus line R, Bus line TRASFER.
Is there a direct bus between Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli) and Monte Urano?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 3 hr 52 min.
Which bus line goes from Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli) to Monte Urano?
The VI1 bus line goes from Sassoferrato (Capolinea) station near Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli) in Sassoferrato to Fabriano (Stazione F.S.). station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line till Fabriano (Stazione F.S.). station near Monte Urano in Monte Urano.
How long does it take to travel from Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli) to Monte Urano by bus and train?
The total travel time between Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli) in Sassoferrato and Monte Urano in Monte Urano by bus and train is about 3 hr 52 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli) to get to Monte Urano?
Get on the VI1 bus from the Sassoferrato (Capolinea) stop near Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli) in Sassoferrato.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Sassoferrato (Sc. Brillarelli) and Monte Urano?
Get off the bus at the Fabriano (Stazione F.S.). stop, which is closest to Monte Urano in Monte Urano.