How to get from Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione to Montefiascone by bus, light rail and train?
From Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione to Montefiascone by bus, light rail and train
To get from Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione to Montefiascone in Rome and Lazio, you’ll need to take one light rail line, one train line and one bus line: take the 8 light rail from Trastevere/Min. P. Istruzione station to Trastevere station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the FL3 train and finally take the COTRAL bus from Viterbo | Porta Fiorentina FS station to Montefiascone | Via Cassia Via Stazione station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 52 min. The ride fare is €7.90.
Step by Step
- 1Start from light rail stationTrastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione
- 2Wait for light rail8Casaletto
- 3Ride to light rail TrastevereID 8065310 min
- 4Walk to train stationRoma Trastevere180 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for trainFL3Viterbo Porta Fiorentina
- 6Ride to train stationViterbo Porta Fiorentina111 min
- 7Walk to bus stationViterbo | Porta Fiorentina FSID f671170 m • 3 min
- 8Wait for busCOTRALMontefiascone | Via Salotti Via Moro
- 9Ride to bus stationMontefiascone | Via Cassia Via Stazione18 min
- 10Walk toMontefiascone480 m • 7 min
From Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione to Montefiascone by bus and train
To get from Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione to Montefiascone in Rome and Lazio, take the FL3 train from Quattro Venti station to Viterbo Porta Fiorentina station. Next, take the COTRAL bus from Viterbo | Porta Fiorentina FS station to Montefiascone | Via Cassia Via Stazione station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 48 min. The ride fare is €6.40.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationQuattro Venti1.47 km • 19 min
- 2Wait for trainFL3Viterbo Porta Fiorentina
- 3Ride to train stationViterbo Porta Fiorentina108 min
- 4Walk to bus stationViterbo | Porta Fiorentina FSID f671170 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for busCOTRALMontefiascone | Via Salotti Via Moro
- 6Ride to bus stationMontefiascone | Via Cassia Via Stazione18 min
- 7Walk toMontefiascone480 m • 7 min
Public transit directions from Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione to Montefiascone
Public transit stations close to Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione
Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione is located at Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione, Rome and Lazio and the nearest public transit station is Trastevere/Min. P. Istruzione.
Bus stations close to Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione:
- Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione
- Induno
- Bernardino Da Feltre
Public transit stations close to Montefiascone, Rome and Lazio
Montefiascone is located at Montefiascone, Rome and Lazio and the nearest public transit station is Montefiascone FS.
Train stations close to Montefiascone:
- Montefiascone
Bus stations close to Montefiascone:
- Montefiascone FS
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From Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione to Montefiascone by bus and train
To get from Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione to Montefiascone in Rome and Lazio, take the FL3 train from Quattro Venti station to Viterbo Porta Fiorentina station. Next, take the COTRAL bus from Viterbo | Porta Fiorentina FS station to Montefiascone | Via Cassia Via Stazione station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 48 min. The ride fare is €6.40.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationQuattro Venti1.47 km • 19 min
- 2Wait for trainFL3Viterbo Porta Fiorentina
- 3Ride to train stationViterbo Porta Fiorentina108 min
- 4Walk to bus stationViterbo | Porta Fiorentina FSID f671170 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for busCOTRALMontefiascone | Via Salotti Via Moro
- 6Ride to bus stationMontefiascone | Via Cassia Via Stazione18 min
- 7Walk toMontefiascone480 m • 7 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione to Montefiascone?
The fastest way takes 172 minutes, using Bus line 8, Bus line FL3, Bus line COTRAL.
What is the alternative route to get from Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione to Montefiascone?
The alternative route takes 168 minutes, using Bus line FL3, Bus line COTRAL.
Is there a direct light rail between Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione and Montefiascone?
No, you’ll have to take one light rail line, one train line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 52 min.
Which light rail line goes from Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione to Montefiascone?
The 8 light rail line goes from Casaletto station near Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione in Roma to Trastevere station. From there you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line till Trastevere station near Montefiascone in Rome and Lazio.
How long does it take to travel from Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione to Montefiascone by light rail, train and bus?
The total travel time between Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione in Roma and Montefiascone in Rome and Lazio by light rail, train and bus is about 2 hr 52 min.
Where do I get on the light rail near Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione to get to Montefiascone?
Get on the 8 light rail from the Casaletto station near Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione in Roma.
Where do I get off the light rail when travelling between Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione and Montefiascone?
Get off the light rail at the Trastevere stop, which is closest to Montefiascone in Rome and Lazio.
How much is the total light rail, train and bus fare from Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione to Montefiascone?
The ride from Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione to Montefiascone costs €7.90.