How to get from N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano to Monzalbarba by bus?
From N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano to Monzalbarba by bus
To get from N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano to Monzalbarba in Zaragoza, take the 603 bus from N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano station to N-232 Pk 250,5 - Alcampo Utebo station. Next, take the 602 bus from Tenerife, 21 station to C/ Sagrada station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 23 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationN-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano
- 2Wait for bus603Casetas
- 3Ride to bus stationN-232 Pk 250,5 - Alcampo UteboID 0591 min
- 4Walk to bus stationTenerife, 21ID 932210 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus602Zaragoza - Utebo - Monzal - Zaragoza
- 6Ride to bus stationC/ SagradaID 97713 min
- 7Walk toMonzalbarbaCalle Sobradiel190 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano to Monzalbarba
Public transit stations close to N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano
N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano is located at N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano, Zaragoza and the nearest public transit station is N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano.
Train stations close to N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano:
- Utebo
Bus stations close to N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano:
- N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano
- N-232 Pk 248,8 - Venta Cano
- Salgar
Public transit stations close to Monzalbarba, Zaragoza
Monzalbarba is located at Calle Sobradiel, Zaragoza and the nearest public transit station is Pza. España.
Train stations close to Monzalbarba:
- Utebo
- Casetas
Bus stations close to Monzalbarba:
- Pza. España
- Santa Ana, 49 - Centro 3ª Edad
- Pº La Sagrada, 2
Related Routes
- Av. de Logroño, 7 to Monzalbarba
- Ambulatorio Parque Goya II to Monzalbarba
- Rotonda de Acceso - Ciudad Del Transporte to Monzalbarba
- C/ P-A Frente A Centro de Negocios to Monzalbarba
- Naves Panrico - Bimbo to Monzalbarba
- Frente A Instalaciones Militares to Monzalbarba
- Ctra. Acceso A El Zorongo Aspace to Monzalbarba
- Entre Calles Enero y Febrero to Monzalbarba
- Entre Calles Marzo y Abril to Monzalbarba
- Entre Calles Septiembre y Octubre to Monzalbarba
- C/ Septembre Con C/ Octubre to Monzalbarba
- C/ Julio Con C/ Agosto (Vuelta) to Monzalbarba
- C/ Diciembre (Vuelta) to Monzalbarba
- Ctra. Acceso A El Zorongo Frente A Aspace to Monzalbarba
- Instalaciones Militares to Monzalbarba
- C/ P-A Naves Alosa to Monzalbarba
- Rotonda Maz - Pasarela to Monzalbarba
- N-232 Pk 245,4 - PikolÃn to Monzalbarba
- N-232 Pk 247,5 - Valeo Térmico to Monzalbarba
- N-232 Pk 251,2 - Talleres Leciñena to Monzalbarba
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano to Monzalbarba?
The fastest way takes 23 minutes, using Bus line 603, Bus line 602.
Is there a direct bus between N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano and Monzalbarba in Zaragoza?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 23 min.
Which bus line goes from N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano to Monzalbarba in Zaragoza?
The 603 bus line goes from Casetas station near N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano to N-232 Pk 250,5 - Alcampo Utebo station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till N-232 Pk 250,5 - Alcampo Utebo station near Monzalbarba in Zaragoza
How long does it take to travel from N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano to Monzalbarba in Zaragoza by bus?
The total travel time between N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano and Monzalbarba in Zaragoza by bus is about 23 min.
Where do I get on the bus near N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano to get to Monzalbarba in Zaragoza?
Get on the 603 bus from the Casetas stop near N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano in Zaragoza.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano and Monzalbarba in Zaragoza?
Get off the bus at the N-232 Pk 250,5 - Alcampo Utebo stop, which is closest to Monzalbarba in Zaragoza.
When is the last bus from N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano to Monzalbarba in Zaragoza?
The last bus from N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano to Monzalbarba in Zaragoza is the Zaragoza - Utebo - Monzalbarba - Alfocea line. It leaves the Salgar stop at 8:38 AM.