How to get from Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão) to Mostardas by bus?
From Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão) to Mostardas by bus
To get from Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão) to Mostardas in Mostardas, take the 306 bus from Avenida Cidreira, 1997 station to Rodoviária De Capivari Do Sul station. Next, take the 1081 bus from Rodoviária De Capivari Do Sul station to Rodoviária De Mostardas station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 49 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCosta Do Sol (Sentido Quintão)
- 2Wait for bus306Porto Alegre
- 3Ride to bus stationRodoviária De Capivari Do Sul54 min
- 4Wait for bus1081São José Do Norte
- 5Ride to bus stationRodoviária De Mostardas140 min
- 6Walk toMostardasRua Léo Luiz Velho760 m • 10 min
Public transit directions from Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão) to Mostardas
Public transit stations close to Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão)
Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão) is located at Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão), Mostardas and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Cidreira, 1997.
Bus stations close to Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão):
- Avenida Cidreira, 1997
- Avenida Cidreira, 2000-2076
- Costa Do Sol (Sentido Tramandaí)
Public transit stations close to Mostardas, Mostardas
Mostardas is located at Rua Léo Luiz Velho, Mostardas and the nearest public transit station is Rst-101.
Bus stations close to Mostardas:
- Rst-101
- Br-101 - Mostardas
- Rodoviária De Mostardas
Related Routes
- Rs-786 - Tramandaí Sul to Mostardas
- Avenida Mostardeiro, 474 to Mostardas
- Avenida Emancipação, 417-451 to Mostardas
- Rs-030 to Mostardas
- Br 101 to Mostardas
- Rs-407 to Mostardas
- Br-101 to Mostardas
- Inácio José Schaefer to Mostardas
- Br-101 - Aguapés to Mostardas
- Rodoviária De Balneário Pinhal to Mostardas
- Cidreira (Rotas) to Mostardas
- Deltasul Tramandaí to Mostardas
- Rs-786 to Mostardas
- Avenida Minas Gerais, 1060-1080 to Mostardas
- Nova Tramandaí (Sentido Bairro) to Mostardas
- Avenida Paraguassú, 483 to Mostardas
- Avenida Paraguassú, 2037 to Mostardas
- Prefeitura De Imbé (Sentido Tramandaí) to Mostardas
- Rua Salvador Pereira Guimarães, 1164 to Mostardas
- Terminal Turístico to Mostardas
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão) to Mostardas?
The fastest way takes 229 minutes, using Bus line 306, Bus line 1081.
Is there a direct bus between Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão) and Mostardas?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 3 hr 49 min.
Which bus line goes from Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão) to Mostardas?
The 306 bus line goes from Porto Alegre station near Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão) in Costa Do Sol to Rodoviária De Capivari Do Sul station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Rodoviária De Capivari Do Sul station near Mostardas in Mostardas.
How long does it take to travel from Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão) to Mostardas by bus?
The total travel time between Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão) in Costa Do Sol and Mostardas in Mostardas by bus is about 3 hr 49 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão) to get to Mostardas?
Get on the 306 bus from the Porto Alegre stop near Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão) in Costa Do Sol.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Costa Do Sol (Sentido Quintão) and Mostardas?
Get off the bus at the Rodoviária De Capivari Do Sul stop, which is closest to Mostardas in Mostardas.