How to get from Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne by bus?
From Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne by bus
Take one direct bus from Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne in Lyon: take the 84 bus from Les Baysses station to Neuville station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 15 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCuris-Au-Mont-D'Or
- 2Wait for bus84Neuville
- 3Ride to bus stationNeuville6 min
- 4Walk toNeuville-Sur-SaĆ“ne600 mĀ ā¢Ā 8 min
Public transit directions from Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne
Public transit stations close to Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or
Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or is located at Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or, Lyon and the nearest public transit station is Les Baysses.
Train stations close to Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or:
- Gare De Couzon-Au-Mont-D'Or
- Couzon-Au-Mont-D'Or-Arret-Tcl-Gare
- Gare De St-Germain-Au-Mont-D'Or
Bus stations close to Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or:
- Les Baysses
- La Blache
- La ForĆŖt
Public transit stations close to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne, Lyon
Neuville-Sur-SaƓne is located at Neuville-Sur-SaƓne, Lyon and the nearest public transit station is Le Billard.
Train stations close to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne:
- Gare De St-Germain-Au-Mont-D'Or
- Gare De Couzon-Au-Mont-D'Or
- Couzon-Au-Mont-D'Or-Arret-Tcl-Gare
Bus stations close to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne:
- Le Billard
- Rue Jacques
- Neuville
Related Routes
- Sain-Bel to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne
- Sourcieux-Les-Mines to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne
- Saint-Maurice-Sur-Dargoire to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne
- Albigny-Sur-SaƓne to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne
- Cailloux-Sur-Fontaines to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne
- Collonges-Au-Mont-D'Or to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne
- Marcilly-D'Azergues to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne
- Millery to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne
- Montanay to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne
- VƩnissieux to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne
- Parc TĆŖte D'Or Duquesne to Neuville-Sur-SaĆ“ne
- HƓpital Croix-Rousse to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne
- Gare De Villeurbanne to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne
- Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Reventin-Vaugris
- Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Saint-Cyr-Sur-Le-RhƓne
- Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Saint-Sorlin-De-Vienne
- Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Savas-MĆ©pin
- Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Sourcieux-Les-Mines
- Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Saint-Just-Chaleyssin
- Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Saint-Maurice-Sur-Dargoire
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne?
The fastest way takes 15 minutes, using Bus line 84.
Is there a direct bus between Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or and Neuville-Sur-SaƓne in Lyon?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne in Lyon in 15 min.
Which bus line goes from Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne in Lyon?
The 84 bus line goes from Neuville station near Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Neuville station near Neuville-Sur-SaƓne in Lyon.
How long does it take to travel from Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne in Lyon by bus?
The total travel time between Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or and Neuville-Sur-SaƓne in Lyon by bus is about 15 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to get to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne in Lyon?
Get on the 84 bus from the Neuville stop near Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or in Lyon.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or and Neuville-Sur-SaƓne in Lyon?
Get off the bus at the Neuville stop, which is closest to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne in Lyon.
When is the first bus from Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne in Lyon?
The first bus from Curis-Au-Mont-D'Or to Neuville-Sur-SaƓne in Lyon is Gare de Vaise - Neuville. It leaves the Les Baysses stop at 10:10 AM.