How to get from Bleggio Superiore to Nomi by bus?
From Bleggio Superiore to Nomi by bus
To get from Bleggio Superiore to Nomi in Trento, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the B210 bus from Bivedo station to Ponte Arche Autostazione station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the B201 bus and finally take the B301 bus from Trento. Autostazione station to Calliano. Grafiche Manfrini station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 6 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationBleggio Superiore
- 2Wait for busB210Ponte Arche Autostazione
- 3Ride to bus stationPonte Arche AutostazioneID 218029 min
- 4Wait for busB201Trento. Autostazione
- 5Ride to bus stationTrento. AutostazioneID 000143 min
- 6Wait for busB301Rovereto. Via Manzoni
- 7Ride to bus stationCalliano. Grafiche ManfriniID 3040MA35 min
Public transit directions from Bleggio Superiore to Nomi
Public transit stations close to Bleggio Superiore
Bleggio Superiore is located at Bleggio Superiore, Trento and the nearest public transit station is Larido.
Bus stations close to Bleggio Superiore:
- Larido
- Marazzone
- Cavaione
Public transit stations close to Nomi, Trento
Nomi is located at Nomi, Trento and the nearest public transit station is Calliano. Bivio Folgaria.
Bus stations close to Nomi:
- Calliano. Bivio Folgaria
- Calliano
- Calliano Ss.12
Related Routes
- Dro to Nomi
- Mori to Nomi
- Pomarolo to Nomi
- Ronzo-Chienis to Nomi
- Vezzano to Nomi
- Bleggio Superiore to Cunevo
- Bleggio Superiore to Mori
- Bleggio Superiore to Panchià
- Bleggio Superiore to Pinzolo
- Bleggio Superiore to San Lorenzo In Banale
- Bleggio Superiore to Spiazzo
- Bleggio Superiore to Tiarno Di Sotto
- Bleggio Superiore to Varena
- Bocenago to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino
- Bocenago to Fiera Di Primiero
- Bocenago to Molina Di Ledro
- Bocenago to Ponte Di Legno
- Bocenago to Sovramonte
- Bolbeno to Canale D' Agordo
- Bolbeno to Falcade
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Bleggio Superiore to Nomi?
The fastest way takes 126 minutes, using Bus line B210, Bus line B201, Bus line B301.
Is there a direct bus between Bleggio Superiore and Nomi in Trento?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 6 min.
Which bus line goes from Bleggio Superiore to Nomi in Trento?
The B210 bus line goes from Ponte Arche Autostazione station near Bleggio Superiore to Ponte Arche Autostazione station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Ponte Arche Autostazione station near Nomi in Trento
How long does it take to travel from Bleggio Superiore to Nomi in Trento by bus?
The total travel time between Bleggio Superiore and Nomi in Trento by bus is about 2 hr 6 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Bleggio Superiore to get to Nomi in Trento?
Get on the B210 bus from the Ponte Arche Autostazione stop near Bleggio Superiore in Trento.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Bleggio Superiore and Nomi in Trento?
Get off the bus at the Ponte Arche Autostazione stop, which is closest to Nomi in Trento.