How to get from Ronchi Valsugana to Novaledo by bus?
From Ronchi Valsugana to Novaledo by bus
To get from Ronchi Valsugana to Novaledo in Trento, take the B407 bus from Torcegno station to Borgo Valsugana-C.Intermodale station. Next, take the B401 bus from Borgo Valsugana-C.Intermodale station to Novaledo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 2 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationTorcegnoID 44641.49 km • 19 min
- 2Wait for busB407Borgo Valsugana-C.Intermodale
- 3Ride to bus stationBorgo Valsugana-C.IntermodaleID 440020 min
- 4Wait for busB401Trento. Autostazione
- 5Ride to bus stationNovaledoID 436012 min
Public transit directions from Ronchi Valsugana to Novaledo
Public transit stations close to Ronchi Valsugana
Ronchi Valsugana is located at Ronchi Valsugana, Trento and the nearest public transit station is Ronchi Valsugana.
Bus stations close to Ronchi Valsugana:
- Ronchi Valsugana
- Torcegno. Maso Mocchi
- Ronchi-Loc. Marchi
Public transit stations close to Novaledo, Trento
Novaledo is located at Novaledo, Trento and the nearest public transit station is Novaledo.
Bus stations close to Novaledo:
- Novaledo
- Novaledo-Via Roati
- Campiello Di Levico
Related Routes
- Merano to Novaledo
- Borgo Valsugana to Novaledo
- Calceranica Al Lago to Novaledo
- Caldonazzo to Novaledo
- Civezzano to Novaledo
- Fornace to Novaledo
- Vattaro to Novaledo
- Piazza Dante Stazione FS to Novaledo
- Ronchi Valsugana to Borgo Valsugana
- Ronchi Valsugana to Campitello Di Fassa
- Ronchi Valsugana to Castello Tesino
- Ronchi Valsugana to Nogaredo
- Ronchi Valsugana to Pomarolo
- Ronchi Valsugana to San Michele All' Adige
- Ronchi Valsugana to Stenico
- Roncone to Giustino
- Roncone to Montagna
- Roncone to Montagne
- Roncone to Pellizzano
- Ronzo-Chienis to Calliano
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Ronchi Valsugana to Novaledo?
The fastest way takes 62 minutes, using Bus line B407, Bus line B401.
Is there a direct bus between Ronchi Valsugana and Novaledo in Trento?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 2 min.
Which bus line goes from Ronchi Valsugana to Novaledo in Trento?
The B407 bus line goes from Torcegno station near Ronchi Valsugana to Borgo Valsugana-C.Intermodale station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Borgo Valsugana-C.Intermodale station near Novaledo in Trento
How long does it take to travel from Ronchi Valsugana to Novaledo in Trento by bus?
The total travel time between Ronchi Valsugana and Novaledo in Trento by bus is about 1 hr 2 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Ronchi Valsugana to get to Novaledo in Trento?
Get on the B407 bus from the Torcegno stop near Ronchi Valsugana in Trento.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Ronchi Valsugana and Novaledo in Trento?
Get off the bus at the Borgo Valsugana-C.Intermodale stop, which is closest to Novaledo in Trento.