How to get from Aia to Oñati by bus and train?
From Aia to Oñati by bus and train
To get from Aia to Oñati in Bilbao, you’ll need to take one train line and 2 bus lines: take the E1 train from Aia-Orio station to Ardantza-Eibar station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the DG05A bus and finally take the DG04 bus from Zalduspe (Debagoienako Ospitalea) (2879) station to Zubillaga station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 51 min. The ride fare is €6.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationAia
- 2Wait for trainE1Matiko-Bilbao
- 3Ride to train stationArdantza-Eibar58 min
- 4Walk to bus stationUnzaga120 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for busDG05AZalduspe Ospitalea
- 6Ride to bus stationZalduspe (Debagoienako Ospitalea) (2879)ID 2005500516 min
- 7Wait for busDG04Renfe Geltokia
- 8Ride to bus stationZubillaga10 min
Alternative route from Aia to Oñati by bus and train via E1, DG05D and DG04
To get from Aia to Oñati in Bilbao, you’ll need to take one train line and 2 bus lines: take the E1 train from Aia-Orio station to Ardantza-Eibar station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the DG05D bus and finally take the DG04 bus from Musakola (2875) station to Zubillaga station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 51 min. The ride fare is €6.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationAia
- 2Wait for trainE1Matiko-Bilbao
- 3Ride to train stationArdantza-Eibar58 min
- 4Walk to bus stationUnzaga120 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for busDG05DVi-Estacion De Autobuses
- 6Ride to bus stationMusakola (2872)ID 2005500319 min
- 7Walk to bus stationMusakola (2875)ID 2005500210 m • 1 min
- 8Wait for busDG04Renfe Geltokia
- 9Ride to bus stationZubillaga7 min
Public transit directions from Aia to Oñati
Public transit stations close to Aia
Aia is located at Aia, Bilbao and the nearest public transit station is Aia-Orio.
Train stations close to Aia:
- Aia-Orio
- San Pelaio
Bus stations close to Aia:
- Aia Orio Geltokia
- Orio-Aita Lertxundi, 25
- Orio-Aita Lertxundi, 28
Public transit stations close to Oñati, Bilbao
Oñati is located at Oñati, Bilbao and the nearest public transit station is Hormigones/Oxiñurdin.
Bus stations close to Oñati:
- Hormigones/Oxiñurdin
- Zubillaga
Related Routes
- Abadiño to Oñati
- Abanto Y Ciérvana-Abanto Zierbena to Oñati
- Ajangiz to Oñati
- Alonsotegi to Oñati
- Amorebieta-Etxano to Oñati
- Amoroto to Oñati
- Amurrio to Oñati
- Arakaldo to Oñati
- Aramaio to Oñati
- Arantzazu to Oñati
- Areatza to Oñati
- Aretxabaleta to Oñati
- Arrankudiaga to Oñati
- Arrasate to Oñati
- Arratzu to Oñati
- Arrieta to Oñati
- Arrigorriaga to Oñati
- Artea to Oñati
- Artzentales to Oñati
- Artziniega to Oñati
Alternative route from Aia to Oñati by bus and train via E1, DG05D and DG04
To get from Aia to Oñati in Bilbao, you’ll need to take one train line and 2 bus lines: take the E1 train from Aia-Orio station to Ardantza-Eibar station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the DG05D bus and finally take the DG04 bus from Musakola (2875) station to Zubillaga station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 51 min. The ride fare is €6.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationAia
- 2Wait for trainE1Matiko-Bilbao
- 3Ride to train stationArdantza-Eibar58 min
- 4Walk to bus stationUnzaga120 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for busDG05DVi-Estacion De Autobuses
- 6Ride to bus stationMusakola (2872)ID 2005500319 min
- 7Walk to bus stationMusakola (2875)ID 2005500210 m • 1 min
- 8Wait for busDG04Renfe Geltokia
- 9Ride to bus stationZubillaga7 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Aia to Oñati?
The fastest way takes 111 minutes, using Bus line E1, Bus line DG05A, Bus line DG04.
What is the alternative route to get from Aia to Oñati?
The alternative route takes 111 minutes, using Bus line E1, Bus line DG05D, Bus line DG04.
Is there a direct train between Aia and Oñati in Bilbao?
No, you’ll have to take one train line and 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 51 min.
Which train line goes from Aia to Oñati in Bilbao?
The E1 train line goes from Matiko-Bilbao station near Aia to Ardantza-Eibar station. From there you’ll have to take 2 bus lines till Ardantza-Eibar station near Oñati in Bilbao
How long does it take to travel from Aia to Oñati in Bilbao by train and bus?
The total travel time between Aia and Oñati in Bilbao by train and bus is about 1 hr 51 min.
Where do I get on the train near Aia to get to Oñati in Bilbao?
Get on the E1 train from the Matiko-Bilbao station near Aia in Bilbao.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Aia and Oñati in Bilbao?
Get off the train at the Ardantza-Eibar stop, which is closest to Oñati in Bilbao.
How much is the train fare from Aia to Oñati?
The ride from Aia to Oñati costs €6.00.