How to get from Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 to Oberá by bus?
From Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 to Oberá by bus
Take one direct bus from Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 to Oberá in Oberá: take the 5C bus from Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 station to San Martín, 928 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAvenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193
- 2Wait for bus5CVilla Mousquere - B° Norte
- 3Ride to bus stationSan Martín, 9282 min
- 4Walk toOberá50 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 to Oberá
Public transit stations close to Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193
Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 is located at Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193, Oberá and the nearest public transit station is Gobernador Barreyro, 1238.
Bus stations close to Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193:
- Gobernador Barreyro, 1238
- San Martín, 928
- Avenida Sarmiento, 1320
Public transit stations close to Oberá, Oberá
Oberá is located at Oberá, Oberá and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193.
Bus stations close to Oberá:
- Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193
- Tarjeta Naranja
- San Martín, 1002
Related Routes
- Isla Coronación, 50 to Oberá
- Av. Italia Y Av. Libertad to Oberá
- T. De Ómnibus to Oberá
- San Roque, 110 to Oberá
- Avenida Beltrame, 1334 to Oberá
- Avenida Beltrame 1054-1100 to Oberá
- Avenida Libertad, 702-738 to Oberá
- Avenida Libertad, 531 to Oberá
- Avenida Sarmiento, 1199 to Oberá
- Avenida Sarmiento, 1320 to Oberá
- Av. Sarmiento Y 25 De Mayo to Oberá
- Av. Pincén (Hospital) to Oberá
- Avenida Libertad, 823 to Oberá
- Avenida Beltrame, 1460 to Oberá
- Rn 14 Y Av. Perón to Oberá
- Rn 14 Y Arroyo Fortaleza to Oberá
- Rn 14 Y Roque González to Oberá
- Ruta Nacional 14 to Oberá
- Rn 14 Y Salto Chávez to Oberá
- Rn 14 Y Código 406 to Oberá
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 to Oberá?
The fastest way takes 4 minutes, using Bus line 5C.
Is there a direct bus between Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 and Oberá in Oberá?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 to Oberá in Oberá in 4 min.
Which bus line goes from Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 to Oberá in Oberá?
The 5C bus line goes from Villa Mousquere - B° Norte station near Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 to San Martín, 928 station near Oberá in Oberá.
How long does it take to travel from Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 to Oberá in Oberá by bus?
The total travel time between Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 and Oberá in Oberá by bus is about 4 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 to get to Oberá in Oberá?
Get on the 5C bus from the Villa Mousquere - B° Norte stop near Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 in Oberá.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 and Oberá in Oberá?
Get off the bus at the San Martín, 928 stop, which is closest to Oberá in Oberá.
When is the first bus from Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 to Oberá in Oberá?
The first bus from Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 to Oberá in Oberá is B° Norte - Villa Mousquere. It leaves the Avenida Sarmiento, 1101-1193 stop at 5:08 AM.