How to get from Corredoura to Olival by bus?
From Corredoura to Olival by bus
Take one direct bus from Corredoura to Olival in Sandim, Olival, Lever e Crestuma: take the 9026 bus from Corredoura station to Capela de Seixo Alvo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 18 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCorredoura
- 2Wait for bus9026Crestuma (Igreja) (via Fioso)
- 3Ride to bus stationCapela de Seixo AlvoID vng:160110 min
- 4Walk toOlivalVariante a Estrada Nacional 222550 m • 7 min
Alternative route from Corredoura to Olival by bus via 9028
Take one direct bus from Corredoura to Olival in Sandim, Olival, Lever e Crestuma: take the 9028 bus from Corredoura station to Urbanização Seixo Alvo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 20 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCorredoura
- 2Wait for bus9028Lever (Portelinha) (via Variante)
- 3Ride to bus stationUrbanização Seixo AlvoID vng:42410 min
- 4Walk toOlivalVariante a Estrada Nacional 222690 m • 9 min
Public transit directions from Corredoura to Olival
Public transit stations close to Corredoura
Corredoura is located at Corredoura, Sandim, Olival, Lever e Crestuma and the nearest public transit station is Corredoura.
Metro stations close to Corredoura:
- Hospital Santos Silva
- Vila d'Este
Bus stations close to Corredoura:
- Corredoura
- Rua do Castelo
- Santa Isabel
Public transit stations close to Olival, Sandim, Olival, Lever e Crestuma
Olival is located at Variante a Estrada Nacional 222, Sandim, Olival, Lever e Crestuma and the nearest public transit station is Fonte da Bica.
Bus stations close to Olival:
- Fonte da Bica
- Largo do Seixo Alvo
- Capela de Seixo Alvo
Related Routes
- Matosinhos (Praia) to Olival
- Formiga | Santa Rita to Olival
- 4 Caminhos to Olival
- Duarte Pacheco to Olival
- Padre Américo to Olival
- Palmilheira to Olival
- Heróis Angola to Olival
- R. da Lomba to Olival
- C. Saúde Sra. da Hora to Olival
- Ponte do Carro to Olival
- Casa da Música (Metro) to Olival
- R. 31 de Janeiro to Olival
- Matosinhos (Mercado - Metro) to Olival
- El Corte Inglés to Olival
- Moreira da Maia to Olival
- Guimarães (Terminal) to Olival
- Estrada Nova I to Olival
- Polo Universitário to Olival
- Santo Tirso (Fábrica do Arco) to Olival
- D. João II to Olival
Alternative route from Corredoura to Olival by bus via 9028
Take one direct bus from Corredoura to Olival in Sandim, Olival, Lever e Crestuma: take the 9028 bus from Corredoura station to Urbanização Seixo Alvo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 20 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCorredoura
- 2Wait for bus9028Lever (Portelinha) (via Variante)
- 3Ride to bus stationUrbanização Seixo AlvoID vng:42410 min
- 4Walk toOlivalVariante a Estrada Nacional 222690 m • 9 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Corredoura to Olival?
The fastest way takes 18 minutes, using Bus line 9026.
What is the alternative route to get from Corredoura to Olival?
The alternative route takes 20 minutes, using Bus line 9028.
Is there a direct bus between Corredoura and Olival?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Corredoura in Pedroso e Seixezelo to Olival in Sandim, Olival, Lever e Crestuma in 18 min.
Which bus line goes from Corredoura to Olival?
The 9026 bus line goes from Crestuma (Igreja) (via Fioso) station near Corredoura in Pedroso e Seixezelo to Capela de Seixo Alvo station near Olival in Sandim, Olival, Lever e Crestuma.
How long does it take to travel from Corredoura to Olival by bus?
The total travel time between Corredoura in Pedroso e Seixezelo and Olival in Sandim, Olival, Lever e Crestuma by bus is about 18 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Corredoura to get to Olival?
Get on the 9026 bus from the Crestuma (Igreja) (via Fioso) stop near Corredoura in Pedroso e Seixezelo.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Corredoura and Olival?
Get off the bus at the Capela de Seixo Alvo stop, which is closest to Olival in Sandim, Olival, Lever e Crestuma.
When is the first bus from Corredoura to Olival?
The first bus from Corredoura in Pedroso e Seixezelo to Olival in Sandim, Olival, Lever e Crestuma is Canedo/Lomba (Igreja) - D. João II (Metro) (via Crestuma). It leaves the Castelo stop at 1:08 AM.