How to get from Llanera to Oseja De Sajambre by bus?
From Llanera to Oseja De Sajambre by bus
To get from Llanera to Oseja De Sajambre in Asturias, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the OVI bus from [Posada] Ayuntamiento Llanera [Cta 04141] station to [Oviedo/Uviéu] Estación Bus Oviedo - Pepe Cosmen [Cta 01549] station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the OVI bus and finally take the CAN bus from [Cangues D'Onís/Cangas De Onís] Estación Bus Cangas De Onís [Cta 07993] station to [Ribota De Sajambre] Cobarcil [Cta 05364] station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 7 hr 10 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus station[Posada] Ayuntamiento Llanera [Cta 04141]40 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for busOVIOviedo
- 3Ride to bus station[Oviedo/Uviéu] Estación Bus Oviedo - Pepe Cosmen [Cta 01549]33 min
- 4Wait for busOVICangas De Onís
- 5Ride to bus station[Cangues D'Onís/Cangas De Onís] Estación Bus Cangas De Onís [Cta 07993]100 min
- 6Wait for busCANPosada De Valdeón
- 7Ride to bus station[Ribota De Sajambre] Cobarcil [Cta 05364]50 min
Public transit directions from Llanera to Oseja De Sajambre
Public transit stations close to Llanera
Llanera is located at Llanera, Asturias and the nearest public transit station is [Posada] Ayuntamiento Llanera [Cta 04141].
Train stations close to Llanera:
- Lugo De Llanera Estación
- Lugo De Llanera
Bus stations close to Llanera:
- [Posada] Ayuntamiento Llanera [Cta 04141]
- [Posada] Carretera San Cucao [Cta 06078]
- [Posada] Carretera San Cucao [Cta 06077]
Public transit stations close to Oseja De Sajambre, Asturias
Oseja De Sajambre is located at Oseja De Sajambre, Asturias and the nearest public transit station is [Ribota De Sajambre] Ribota [Cta 05366].
Bus stations close to Oseja De Sajambre:
- [Ribota De Sajambre] Ribota [Cta 05366]
- [Ribota De Sajambre] Ribota [Cta 05367]
- [Ribota De Sajambre] Cobarcil [Cta 05364]
Related Routes
- [Gijón/Xixón] Estación Alsa [Cta 00784] to Oseja De Sajambre
- Llanera to Boal
- Llanera to Cangas Del Narcea
- Llanera to Caravia
- Llanera to Grado
- Llanera to Noreña
- Llanera to Posada De Valdeón
- Llanera to Santa Eulalia De Oscos
- Llanera to Siero
- Llanera to Villaviciosa
- Llanes to Gozón
- Llanes to Langreo
- Llanes to Mieres
- Llanes to Posada De Valdeón
- Llanes to Ribadeo
- Llanes to Ribadesella
- Llanes to Poncebos
- Mieres to Avilés
- Mieres to Las Regueras
- Mieres to Posada De Valdeón
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Llanera to Oseja De Sajambre?
The fastest way takes 430 minutes, using Bus line OVI, Bus line OVI, Bus line CAN.
Is there a direct bus between Llanera and Oseja De Sajambre in Asturias?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 7 hr 10 min.
Which bus line goes from Llanera to Oseja De Sajambre in Asturias?
The OVI bus line goes from [Posada] Ayuntamiento Llanera [Cta 04141] station near Llanera to Oviedo station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Oviedo station near Oseja De Sajambre in Asturias
How long does it take to travel from Llanera to Oseja De Sajambre in Asturias by bus?
The total travel time between Llanera and Oseja De Sajambre in Asturias by bus is about 7 hr 10 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Llanera to get to Oseja De Sajambre in Asturias?
Get on the OVI bus from the [Posada] Ayuntamiento Llanera [Cta 04141] stop near Llanera in Asturias.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Llanera and Oseja De Sajambre in Asturias?
Get off the bus at the Oviedo stop, which is closest to Oseja De Sajambre in Asturias.