How to get from Roma Ostiense to Ospedale D'Atina by bus and train?
From Roma Ostiense to Ospedale D'Atina by bus and train
To get from Roma Ostiense to Ospedale D'Atina in Atina, you’ll need to take 2 train lines and one bus line: take the FL5 train from Roma Ostiense station to Roma Termini (Laziali) station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the COTRAL bus from Cassino | Viale Garigliano Via Volturno station to Atina | Via Gallinaro Via Ferriera station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 10 min. The ride fare is €11.60.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationRoma Ostiense
- 2Wait for trainFL5Roma Termini
- 3Ride to train stationRoma Termini (Laziali)16 min
- 4Walk to train stationRoma Termini20 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for trainRIsernia
- 6Ride to train stationCassinoID S0867186 min
- 7Walk to bus stationCassino | Viale Garigliano Via Volturno480 m • 7 min
- 8Wait for busCOTRALSora | Stazione FS
- 9Ride to bus stationAtina | Via Gallinaro Via Ferriera43 min
- 10Walk toOspedale D'AtinaVia Sode1000 m • 13 min
Public transit directions from Roma Ostiense to Ospedale D'Atina
Public transit stations close to Roma Ostiense
Roma Ostiense is located at Roma Ostiense, Atina and the nearest public transit station is Roma Ostiense FS.
Metro stations close to Roma Ostiense:
- Piramide
- Garbatella
Train stations close to Roma Ostiense:
- Porta San Paolo
Bus stations close to Roma Ostiense:
- Roma Ostiense FS
- Matteucci/Benzoni (Fs)
- Partigiani (Fs)
Public transit stations close to Ospedale D'Atina, Atina
Ospedale D'Atina is located at Via Sode, Atina and the nearest public transit station is Atina | Via Settignano Viale Cartiera.
Bus stations close to Ospedale D'Atina:
- Atina | Via Settignano Viale Cartiera
- Atina | Via Sode Via Pietraceto
- Atina | Via Gallinaro Via Ferriera
Related Routes
- Roma San Filippo Neri to Ospedale D'Atina
- Risorgimento to Ospedale D'Atina
- Sacco E Vanzetti/Niccolai to Ospedale D'Atina
- Fori Imperiali/Campidoglio to Ospedale D'Atina
- Roma Ostiense to Fondi
- Roma Ostiense to Fonte Nuova
- Roma Ostiense to Montefiascone
- Roma Ostiense to Allumiere
- Roma Ostiense to Monterosi
- Roma Ostiense to Monteleone Sabino
- Roma Ostiense to Cascia
- Roma Ostiense to Monterotondo
- Roma Ostiense to Montopoli Di Sabina
- Roma Ostiense to Anagni
- Roma Ostiense to Anguillara Sabazia
- Roma Ostiense to Genazzano
- Roma Ostiense to Genzano Di Roma
- Roma Ostiense to Morlupo
- Roma Ostiense to Castel Sant' Angelo
- Roma Ostiense to Greccio
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Roma Ostiense to Ospedale D'Atina?
The fastest way takes 250 minutes, using Bus line FL5, Bus line R, Bus line COTRAL.
Is there a direct train between Roma Ostiense and Ospedale D'Atina?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 4 hr 10 min.
Which train line goes from Roma Ostiense to Ospedale D'Atina?
The FL5 train line goes from Roma Termini station near Roma Ostiense in Roma to Roma Termini (Laziali) station. From there you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line till Roma Termini (Laziali) station near Ospedale D'Atina in Atina.
How long does it take to travel from Roma Ostiense to Ospedale D'Atina by train and bus?
The total travel time between Roma Ostiense in Roma and Ospedale D'Atina in Atina by train and bus is about 4 hr 10 min.
Where do I get on the train near Roma Ostiense to get to Ospedale D'Atina?
Get on the FL5 train from the Roma Termini station near Roma Ostiense in Roma.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Roma Ostiense and Ospedale D'Atina?
Get off the train at the Roma Termini (Laziali) stop, which is closest to Ospedale D'Atina in Atina.
How much is the total train and bus fare from Roma Ostiense to Ospedale D'Atina?
The ride from Roma Ostiense to Ospedale D'Atina costs €11.60.