How to get from Castellana Grotte to Palo Del Colle by bus and train?
From Castellana Grotte to Palo Del Colle by bus and train
To get from Castellana Grotte to Palo Del Colle in Bari, take the 707R.01 bus from Castellana Grotte - Via Della Resistenza 76 station to Acquaviva Delle Fonti - Viale Maria Serafina Saturno 21 (Monteschiavo) station. Next, take the R train from Acquaviva Delle Fonti station to Bitetto-Palo Del Colle station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 8 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCastellana Grotte
- 2Wait for bus707R.01Acquaviva Delle Fonti Ospedale Miulli - SP 127
- 3Ride to bus stationAcquaviva Delle Fonti - Viale Maria Serafina Saturno 21 (Monteschiavo)37 min
- 4Walk to train stationAcquaviva Delle Fonti30 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for trainRBari Centrale
- 6Ride to train stationBitetto-Palo Del Colle15 min
- 7Walk toPalo Del Colle3.56 km • 45 min
Public transit directions from Castellana Grotte to Palo Del Colle
Public transit stations close to Castellana Grotte
Castellana Grotte is located at Castellana Grotte, Bari and the nearest public transit station is Castellana Grotte - Via Pietro Nenni (Scuola Materna Arcobaleno).
Train stations close to Castellana Grotte:
- Putignano
Bus stations close to Castellana Grotte:
- Castellana Grotte - Via Pietro Nenni (Scuola Materna Arcobaleno)
- Castellana Grotte - Via Renato Dell'Andro (Zona 167 Piscina)
- Castellana Grotte - Via Della Resistenza (Ospedale)
Public transit stations close to Palo Del Colle, Bari
Palo Del Colle is located at Palo Del Colle, Bari and the nearest public transit station is Palo Del Colle - Via Aldo Moro 53 (Bar Pace).
Train stations close to Palo Del Colle:
- Bitetto-Palo Del Colle
- Binetto
- Grumo Appula
Bus stations close to Palo Del Colle:
- Palo Del Colle - Via Aldo Moro 53 (Bar Pace)
- Palo Del Colle - Corso Vittorio Emanuele 72a Pensilina And. 1f
- Palo Del Colle - Corso Vittorio Emanuele 89b Rit. 2f
Related Routes
- Terlizzi to Palo Del Colle
- Turi to Palo Del Colle
- Barletta to Palo Del Colle
- Vieste to Palo Del Colle
- Minervino Murge to Palo Del Colle
- Melfi to Palo Del Colle
- Corsano to Palo Del Colle
- Parabita to Palo Del Colle
- Aeroporto to Palo Del Colle
- De Blasio (Barimax) to Palo Del Colle
- Re David (Poliba) to Palo Del Colle
- B. Croce - Ciaia to Palo Del Colle
- Da Bari-Calefati to Palo Del Colle
- Bari Centrale (D) to Palo Del Colle
- Piccinni-Cavour to Palo Del Colle
- Castellana Grotte to Grumo Appula
- Castellana Grotte to Turi
- Castellana Grotte to Otranto
- Castellana Grotte to Palmariggi
- Castellana Grotte to Cellino San Marco
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Castellana Grotte to Palo Del Colle?
The fastest way takes 128 minutes, using Bus line 707R.01, Bus line R.
Is there a direct bus between Castellana Grotte and Palo Del Colle in Bari?
No, you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 8 min.
Which bus line goes from Castellana Grotte to Palo Del Colle in Bari?
The 707R.01 bus line goes from Acquaviva Delle Fonti Ospedale Miulli - SP 127 station near Castellana Grotte to Acquaviva Delle Fonti - Viale Maria Serafina Saturno 21 (Monteschiavo) station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Acquaviva Delle Fonti - Viale Maria Serafina Saturno 21 (Monteschiavo) station near Palo Del Colle in Bari
How long does it take to travel from Castellana Grotte to Palo Del Colle in Bari by bus and train?
The total travel time between Castellana Grotte and Palo Del Colle in Bari by bus and train is about 2 hr 8 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Castellana Grotte to get to Palo Del Colle in Bari?
Get on the 707R.01 bus from the Acquaviva Delle Fonti Ospedale Miulli - SP 127 stop near Castellana Grotte in Bari.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Castellana Grotte and Palo Del Colle in Bari?
Get off the bus at the Acquaviva Delle Fonti - Viale Maria Serafina Saturno 21 (Monteschiavo) station, which is closest to Palo Del Colle in Bari.