How to get from Φιξ to Panteion University by subway?
From Φιξ to Panteion University by subway
To get from Φιξ to Panteion University in Καλλιθέας, you’ll need to take one subway line: take the 21 from Φιξ - Fix station to Αφετηρια 21 (Νικαια) - Nikaia station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the Μ3 subway and finally take the 10 from Ιλισια - Ilisia station to Παντειος - Panteios station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 56 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from stationΦιξ
- 2Wait for21Νικαια - Π. Ραλλη - Ομονοια / Nikaia - P. Ralli - Omonoia
- 3Ride toΑφετηρια 21 (Νικαια) - Nikaia12 min
- 4Walk to subway stationΝίκαια - Nikaia30 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for subwayΜ3Δημοτικο Θεατρο - Δουκ. Πλακεντιας / Dhmotiko Theatro - Douk. Plakentias
- 6Ride to subway stationΜέγαρο Μουσικής - Megaro Moussikis19 min
- 7Walk toΙλισια - Ilisia100 m • 2 min
- 8Wait for10Χαλανδρι - Τζιτζιφιες / Chalandri - Tzitzifies
- 9Ride toΠαντειος - Panteios14 min
- 10Walk toPanteion UniversityAlexandrou Pantou 12, Kallithea 176 71, Greece160 m • 2 min
From Φιξ to Panteion University by
To get from Φιξ to Panteion University in Καλλιθέας, take the 21 from Καν - Καν / Kan-Kan station to Ομονοια-Σωκρατους / Omonoia-Sokratous station. Next, take the 1 from Ομονοια-Σωκρατους / Omonoia-Sokratous station to Παιδικη Χαρα - Paidiki Xara station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 47 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk toΚαν - Καν / Kan-Kan460 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for21Νικαια - Π. Ραλλη - Ομονοια / Nikaia - P. Ralli - Omonoia
- 3Ride toΟμονοια-Σωκρατους / Omonoia-Sokratous15 min
- 4Wait for1Πλ. Αττικης - Καλλιθεα - Μοσχατο / Plateia Attikis - Kallithea - Moschato
- 5Ride toΠαιδικη Χαρα - Paidiki Xara11 min
- 6Walk toPanteion UniversityAlexandrou Pantou 12, Kallithea 176 71, Greece620 m • 8 min
Public transit directions from Φιξ to Panteion University
Public transit stations close to Panteion University, Καλλιθέας
Panteion University is located at Alexandrou Pantou 12, Kallithea 176 71, Greece, Καλλιθέας and the nearest public transit station is Παιδικη Χαρα - Paidiki Xara.
Bus stations close to Panteion University:
- Πάντειος / Pantios
- Γέφυρα / Gefyra
Related Routes
- Συνταγμα to Panteion University
- Τερμα 817,863,865,876 (Μανδρα) to Panteion University
- Στ. Μετρο Κατεχακη - St. Metro Katexakh to Panteion University
- Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου to Panteion University
- Αφετηρια 818,819 (Περαμα) to Panteion University
- Μετρο Ανθουπολη - Metro Anthoypoli to Panteion University
- Αγ. Παρασκευης to Panteion University
- Υπουργειο Παιδειας to Panteion University
- Αγ. Νικολαος to Panteion University
- Κτιριο Τοπογραφων to Panteion University
- Κτιρ. Πολιτικων Μηχανικων to Panteion University
- Πυλη Κοκκινοπουλου to Panteion University
- 8η Ανθουσας to Panteion University
- Λεωφόρος Πόρτο Ράφτη to Panteion University
- Σκάλα Ωρωπού / Skala Oropou to Panteion University
- Άγιος Στέφανος / Agios Stefanos to Panteion University
- Σούνιο / Sounio - Terminal Bus Stop to Panteion University
- Δημαρχείο Βούλας / Voula City Hall to Panteion University
- Πλατεία Κλαυθμώνος / Klafthmonos Square to Panteion University
- Λίμνη Βουλιαγμένης / Vouliagmeni Lake to Panteion University
From Φιξ to Panteion University by
To get from Φιξ to Panteion University in Καλλιθέας, take the 21 from Καν - Καν / Kan-Kan station to Ομονοια-Σωκρατους / Omonoia-Sokratous station. Next, take the 1 from Ομονοια-Σωκρατους / Omonoia-Sokratous station to Παιδικη Χαρα - Paidiki Xara station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 47 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk toΚαν - Καν / Kan-Kan460 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for21Νικαια - Π. Ραλλη - Ομονοια / Nikaia - P. Ralli - Omonoia
- 3Ride toΟμονοια-Σωκρατους / Omonoia-Sokratous15 min
- 4Wait for1Πλ. Αττικης - Καλλιθεα - Μοσχατο / Plateia Attikis - Kallithea - Moschato
- 5Ride toΠαιδικη Χαρα - Paidiki Xara11 min
- 6Walk toPanteion UniversityAlexandrou Pantou 12, Kallithea 176 71, Greece620 m • 8 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Φιξ to Panteion University?
The fastest way takes 56 minutes, using Bus line 21, Bus line Μ3, Bus line 10.
What is the alternative route to get from Φιξ to Panteion University?
The alternative route takes 47 minutes, using Bus line 21, Bus line 1.
Is there a direct between Φιξ and Panteion University?
No, you’ll have to take one subway line in total. The total travelling time is 56 min.
Which line goes from Φιξ to Panteion University?
The line goes from Νικαια - Π. Ραλλη - Ομονοια / Nikaia - P. Ralli - Omonoia station near Φιξ in Athens to Αφετηρια 21 (Νικαια) - Nikaia station. From there you’ll have to take one subway line till Αφετηρια 21 (Νικαια) - Nikaia station near Panteion University in Καλλιθέας.
How long does it take to travel from Φιξ to Panteion University by subway?
The total travel time between Φιξ in Athens and Panteion University in Καλλιθέας by subway is about 56 min.
Where do I get on the near Φιξ to get to Panteion University?
Where do I get off the when travelling between Φιξ and Panteion University?
Get off the at the Αφετηρια 21 (Νικαια) - Nikaia stop, which is closest to Panteion University in Καλλιθέας.